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Sith who managed to NOT let the dark side control/twist them so...


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I think a Sith who got close to it in the game was Darth Silthar.


He seemed very reasonable, very friendly and very moderate. He says he wants to find power, but in his heart he seems to be more like an explorer who is excited about alien artifacts.


One of his men also says:



"If Silthar used Force lighning against the Sandpeople, he must have been in a very desperate situation."



I have heard that Vowrawn is a very moderate, reasonable Sith too.

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I think all Darksiders ended up eventually going slightly nuts. They are all about wanting more and more power, as they get more powerful they become afraid that someone little upstart will take their power away.


Meh. Even if most Sith are corrupted or 'twisted' by the dark side, I still find that preferable to the light side making most Jedi emotionless, whiny, semi celibate, goody two shoes hypocrites.


The Sith Code is freedom to me, period.

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The Sith do not envelop the entirety of Dark Side force users in history, not by a long shot.


Not ALL dark siders obviously no (see Dark Jedi etc.) but clearly the most, by far, period. It looked like you were trying to suggest they were more light sided or something, lol.

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Oh, btw Kreia was most definitely evil. She wanted to DESTROY THE FORCE! Hellllooooo!!!!


Consider the motivations though. She believed that the force was a cruel and unjust deity of sorts. Kreia was insane, but in that insanity she believed what she was doing was for the good of all. She appears to be selfish in her quest for this, but she is not being selfish, she simply is willing to do whatever it takes to free the galaxy of the grip the force has on it.


What it really comes down to is an argument over whether ethics, morality, and virtues are absolute or relative. If you believe they are relative, then she is not necessarily dark side. If you believe they are absolute, then she is dark side.


However, considering most people are going to take a stand that the existence of dark side and light side implies absolutes, I wonder how they will determine whether murder is dark side or light side, considering the BH story line has an option in which murder is actually a light side action.

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Meh. Even if most Sith are corrupted or 'twisted' by the dark side, I still find that preferable to the light side making most Jedi emotionless, whiny, semi celibate, goody two shoes hypocrites.


The Sith Code is freedom to me, period.


I always took Obi-Wan Kenobi as the model Jedi. Was he an emotionless, whiny, goody two shoes hypocrite?

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Consider the motivations though. She believed that the force was a cruel and unjust deity of sorts. Kreia was insane, but in that insanity she believed what she was doing was for the good of all. She appears to be selfish in her quest for this, but she is not being selfish, she simply is willing to do whatever it takes to free the galaxy of the grip the force has on it.


The motivations is what makes her corrupted by the dark side. Like Anakin, the actual "good" intention she superficially had was overshadowed by her obsession. Through out KotOR II, it is pretty clear that destroying the Force to prove she was right and spite the Council greatly overshadowed actually destroying the Force to make the world a better place.


Assuming her theory was correct, I would have agreed with her idea to destroy the Force since it would be such a malignant, harming force for the sentient races of the galaxy. However, I would not support her because its clear she cares more about proving she is right then actually doing the right thing.

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Yes. That would be a bad thing.


The Force holds the galaxy together. No Force means no life. No life for anyone. You kill the Force and everything dies as the galaxy unravels. This is a very bad thing.


Yeah yuzhang vong tends to disagree with that theory. That is why EU is full of bull.

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Yeah yuzhang vong tends to disagree with that theory. That is why EU is full of bull.




The 'Vong were cut off from the Force, they still existed in the Force. Anakin Solo, for example, could feel them in the Force. They were basically being masked by Zonema Sekot. They absolutely don't disagree with that theory.


You don't need to feel the Force for the Force to flow through you. No Force, no life.

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The 'Vong were cut off from the Force, they still existed in the Force. Anakin Solo, for example, could feel them in the Force. They were basically being masked by Zonema Sekot. They absolutely don't disagree with that theory.


You don't need to feel the Force for the Force to flow through you. No Force, no life.


In fact, if I may here, the only race that Force users can't detect is the Noghri.

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The 'Vong were cut off from the Force, they still existed in the Force. Anakin Solo, for example, could feel them in the Force. They were basically being masked by Zonema Sekot. They absolutely don't disagree with that theory.


You don't need to feel the Force for the Force to flow through you. No Force, no life.


Yet they did come from another galaxy where the force doesnt exist. at least that was my impression... so they werent created in the force. Meaning force doesnt equal life. Only in SW galaxy. Doesnt mean once in SW galaxy force users couldnt detect them in SW galaxy. although i recall that force users were unable to feel them trough the force, and only some force powers had some effect on them.


I might be wrong here but i got that impression. It was long time ago.


EDIT: hum wookie disagrees with you and explains everything and i was wrong they were force sensitives in early days. so yeah they were created in the force, but lived outside the force as the jedi knew it.

In anycase EU is full of Bull.

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Yet they did come from another galaxy where the force doesnt exist. at least that was my impression... so they werent created in the force. Meaning force doesnt equal life. Only in SW galaxy. Doesnt mean once in SW galaxy force users couldnt detect them in SW galaxy. although i recall that force users were unable to feel them trough the force, and only some force powers had some effect on them.


I might be wrong here but i got that impression. It was long time ago.


EDIT: hum wookie disagrees with you and explains everything



Wookieepedia is, as is often the case, incorrect. We know that Zonema Sekot cut them off from the Force, the books were very clear about that.

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Erm, yes they can.


Leia sensed them plenty of times, so did Luke.


You mean the yslamiri?


Yes! Dangit, I knew it was one of the two. The Noghri are just difficult to detect. They are seen more as an absence of Force, though. At least that was the impression I got while reading the Heir trilogy.

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Wookieepedia is, as is often the case, incorrect. We know that Zonema Sekot cut them off from the Force, the books were very clear about that.


So was wookie. they talk about vongsense. So wookie isnt incorrect i was. But i like it to point out they didnt felt them trough the force in fact anakin solo needed to cut his connection with the force temporarly in order to use vongsense. Not only taht but the user ha dto be in contact with vong biotech before hand if im not mistaken.

So in the way yeah The vong didnt exist in the force as other beings did.

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I always took Obi-Wan Kenobi as the model Jedi. Was he an emotionless, whiny, goody two shoes hypocrite?


I take the Jedi Order Code & the edicts/actions of its higher ranking & supposedly wiser councils as more of a model. Flawed, oppressive, hypocritical indeed. For there is NEVER, EVER peace. There's always a conflict somewhere, inside one's self at the very least, on some level.


They try to ban the emotions that make us human & most enjoyable to be so. They claim they're celibate, yet we've all noticed the hypocrisy there. They claim not to be soldiers but "peacekeepers", yet have gladly sanctioned war before. Claim not to want power, yet Jedi have ran the Republic before. I can go on.


Windu is easily the coolest, most ****** Jedi ever, & he clearly had some dark in him, most obviously in his saber style. It's how he was able to match or almost match Sidious in my opinion.

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