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how many lvl 50s and other alt chars do you have before you reroll ?


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i think server transfers/merges only available after may.

Since end of April, are the transfers to the asia servers.


They should rename the asia servers to australia servers.

I'm from asia, experience min 400 latency in that server.

Other neighbouring country friends also experience the same thing.



anyway pls do server merges etc, if server transfers for characters, are all going to transfer to harbinger, fatman and swiftsure?

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any negative posts about swtor get removed. The moderation here is disgusting.



I left because I got bored when I had a lvl 50 and a bunch of level 20's to 40's.


I came back, got a new toon to 50 but it was slow and painful due to lack of population.

I went from level 30 to 50 unable to get grps for heroics.


And again...level 50 and nothing to do.

I hope 1.2 breaths some life into this game but I think it is too little too late.

I will try and get another toon to 50 but the grind is totally boring now.

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1. started on a 5 hour queue server and re-rolled from a 23 lvl commando

2. leveled the new to0n (vanguard) to 47 and realized that the server was dead and there was no way yo do PvP/flashpoints: re-rolled

3. started on a high population RP-PvP server but i got constant server timeouts and huge latency spikes and deleted my 30 vanguard on the spot.

4. leveled my final toon to 50 (vanguard ... what can I say, I love the class) on the 1st server, which is dying by the way. I will not re-roll another time, I'd rather leave the game if BW does not consolidate servers in 1.3 or before more servers die.

Edited by UncleJimbo
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1. started on a 5 hour queue server and re-rolled from a 23 lvl commando

2. leveled the new to0n (vanguard) to 47 and realized that the server was dead and there was no way yo do PvP/flashpoints: re-rolled

3. started on a high population RP-PvP server but i got constant server timeouts and huge latency spikes and deleted my 30 vanguard on the spot.

4. leveled my final toon to 50 (vanguard ... what can I say, I love the class) on the 1st server, which is dying by the way. I will not re-roll another time, I'd rather leave the game if BW does not consolidate servers in 1.3 or before more servers die.


Uncle jumbo have so much patience to wait til 1.3?

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So many alts, in a new mmo.....odd.


Well not so much, especially if you like story which in many ways is what this game is about. There is 8 unique stories so I can sometimes see many different people playing different characters to see what they are like.

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Well not so much, especially if you like story which in many ways is what this game is about. There is 8 unique stories so I can sometimes see many different people playing different characters to see what they are like.


So its an rpg. Leave out the mmo and lets call it a day :D

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So its an rpg. Leave out the mmo and lets call it a day :D


Well WOW is an MMORPG, so is RIFT and D&DO and many others. They use RPG in the name as well as MMO, MMO just means massive multiplayer online game. Bioware just didn't want to be traditional to the MMORPG formula.


Not to say it was the best idea, but it's an idea and they decided to try it, for good or bad it is what it is.

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Well WOW is an MMORPG, so is RIFT and D&DO and many others. They use RPG in the name as well as MMO, MMO just means massive multiplayer online game. Bioware just didn't want to be traditional to the MMORPG formula.


Not to say it was the best idea, but it's an idea and they decided to try it, for good or bad it is what it is.


Im aware of all your info previous to your post. Ty.

My point stil remains.

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I never agreed with calling this an mmo since all the lvl 1-49 content is made for 1-4 players. That's not exactly a massive multiplayer game. That's just a multiplayer game. And lvl 50 is only 4-16 players in size, mostly 4. Really you only need 32 players on a server for all content. 16 pubs and 16 impact.


Too your question I have 2 50' s and a 46 on main server. A 40 on a reroll to a server that died down before I got 50 and now a 12 on Fatman. I still focus on my 50's because my friends are there and they just got to 50 so we are finally seeing endgame flash points and don't want to level again so soon.


They need to take a third of the severe and offer free transfer to any server minus the heavy servers. They also can allow legacy transfer if the destination server has no legacy.

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Left behind a SI sorcerer lvl 50, Merc lvl50 and a gunslinger lvl 33. I had legacy lvl 30.


But damn i am glad that i re-rolled to another server i have a 50 gunslinger and a 22 sentinal and legacy is lvl 10 atm.


The people that are complaining that this isn't a MMO, look closely because all the features of a MMO are ingame. Maybe try re rolling to a popular server and damn the planets are crowded and groups are easily formed then.

Edited by mebeli
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I have 4 level 50's, 2 toons in their 40's plus a handful in the mid levels on my original server and only rerolled to another with a friend in the past week. We stuck it out hoping that the population imbalance would even out over time for a few months but it never and population is getting lower and lower on each side every day, it was one of the reasons we started making alts in the first place.


At this point new players roll on servers that have heavy load and ignore those that are empty so there didn't seem much point in staying where we were, with open world PvP being dead there is no rivalry reasons that would usually make us stay on one server in other games.

Edited by Kabaal
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