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Not nerfing Shadows with 1.2 is a huge mistake.


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I hope they never buff deception, because then I won't have to put up with whiny bads crying about how its so unfair that they lost.


Seriously, I would rather play an underpowered spec than have to forumwarrior on idiots 24/7.


Deception is a great tree. Really. It does great damage. People just play them like rogues or actually go into full fights and try to actually combat people focusing on them and they die.


After 4 and a half years of playing a Witch Hunter, I make a damned fine Deception-spec Assassin. If they know you're there, don't be there.

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Deception is a great tree. Really. It does great damage. People just play them like rogues or actually go into full fights and try to actually combat people focusing on them and they die.


After 4 and a half years of playing a Witch Hunter, I make a damned fine Deception-spec Assassin. If they know you're there, don't be there.


Deception is a fun spec but darkness offers too much utility with decent dmg for assassin to actually spec something else. Plus good luck getting invited to RWZs group, they better off bringing hybrid ops/scoundrel that will bring the same dmg but also aoe mezz and offheals.

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Deception is a fun spec but darkness offers too much utility with decent dmg for assassin to actually spec something else. Plus good luck getting invited to RWZs group, they better off bringing hybrid ops/scoundrel that will bring the same dmg but also aoe mezz and offheals.


Deception does well - better than many give it credit for. And Deception Assassin can bring quite a bit to the table that ops/scound hybrid doesn't: 6s cooldown, 12s duration 50% slow (underrated and one of the most annoying things in the game); the lowest resolve-filling 4s duration mez (low slash) - which can be used every cooldown on an enemy (sorry, healers) without ever resolve-capping them (assuming it's the only ability that affects resolve which is being used) - this is one of the best CC tactics in the game (4s duration makes it difficult for players to opt to use their stun-break, since they could just find themselves sapped or whirlwinded if they do); they bring great (and consistant) burst AND sustained DPS (sorry to any deception assassin that is crying about resource management, but you're doing something wrong - I don't even have the +10 max force talent); and the majority of its damage is internal/elemental or heavily penetrates armor.


That said, I DO agree that they put most of the "goodies" for assassins/shadows in the tank trees and I also feel that they went about nerfing the tanks in the wrong way (yes, their survivability was incredibly high, but in pvp, much of that comes from the fact that their DPS is SIGNIFICANTLY higher than that of other tanks). It's their offensive aspect (and maybe some utility) that needed a nerf, not their armor value (yes, self-healing was a bit high, so that nerf was actually warranted).

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Deception is a fun spec but darkness offers too much utility with decent dmg for assassin to actually spec something else. Plus good luck getting invited to RWZs group, they better off bringing hybrid ops/scoundrel that will bring the same dmg but also aoe mezz and offheals.


I have a guild to rely on for groups. I don't need to panhandle.

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