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Ranked Warzones (An Idea for disconnects)


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Since ranked warzones are usually going to be played with a group you queue with, or hopefully, just a group that is more serious about winning, can't there be a system implemented where people are not replaced after disconnecting/leaving? If someone disconnects, and logs back in, it should forward them straight back into the ranked wz. Yes, there will be times where the person will not come back, but it will be a lot less common than disconnects.


League of Legends has this type of system, and it works great.


(This thread does not pertain to non-ranked warzones)

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I find it unlikely that they'd put someone into a undermanned ranked warzone, when typically a man down in a competitive match, even if it's only 60s, can change the momentum of the match and an evenly matched team won't be able to counter such an advantage given to the other team. It'd just be pointless to have it where you can get thrown into a match and either take a ratings hit from quitting or take a ratings hit for a loss that you weren't even really involved in.
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I find it unlikely that they'd put someone into a undermanned ranked warzone, when typically a man down in a competitive match, even if it's only 60s, can change the momentum of the match and an evenly matched team won't be able to counter such an advantage given to the other team. It'd just be pointless to have it where you can get thrown into a match and either take a ratings hit from quitting or take a ratings hit for a loss that you weren't even really involved in.


thats actually pretty logical and never thought about it from that perspective. this is how our current system works. so it'll be interesting to see what bioware's stance is on the issue when it's released

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