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leveling rotation for Merc Bounty Hunter?


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I'm new to the game and really have no clue what skills/abilities I should prioritize using while killing mobs while leveling. I'm a Merc. BH, I'm planning on specing Body Guard Hybrid while leveling so I can heal but still do decent DPS. I'd like to know which abilities I should be using to kill with. Currently I just kind of go through all of my abilities and I know this probably isn't the best way to go, but I don't know what I should be using.
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I trie the healing tree for leveling as well as hybriding it. It can be done but it's not effective.


For leveling, Go full arsenal.


Eventually your rotation will be:



Tracer missile

Tracer missile

Tracer missile



---if you go 31 points arsenal, you get the final missile ability. You can throw that in as well because tracer missile buffs this damage quite a lot.


You can usually kill silver mobs with that one rotation and maybe 1 - 2 more tracer missiles depending on crits. It kills really fast.


At lower levels, heat will be a big problem so you need to throw in your regular attack every 1-2 abilities used. There's no real need for a rotation at the lower levels and Tracer missile is low enough in the tree that you can just spam that and unload.


It's not a particularly engaging playstyle but the damage output is quite remarkable.


Death from Above to open fights vs multiple normal/weak mobs.

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Honestly you could probably heal ok for heroics and flashpoints up to 30ish unspecced. If your sure you want to go hybrid though it will be a bit slower leveling experience but powers OT will be your main attack. If you don't mind the splash damage ( no cc targets) then explosive dart is nice DPS for the heat cost. Unload and rail shot when available and use missile blast to set up rails OT on a standard or for an on the move ability the cost though is a bit high to weave it into a rotation.


My typical fight against a strong looks like this: open with explosive dart, powershot , unload , rapid fire to cut heat, powershot and rapid fire until unload is off cooldown or railshot procs. Replace powershot with tracer missiles if you go arsenal plus that will proc railshot.



Sorry for the poor grammar,typos. I'm on an iPhone

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mako healed me just fine while i was on my way to a 31 point arsenal spec. are you not planning on using her?


I haven't really given it a lot of thought, although I was planning on switching to a tank companion when I got one and once I got Blizz I was planning to use him no matter what he is because he looks awesome. I want the ability to heal FP's while I'm leveling while at the same time still being able to do enough DPS to level quickly. I was hoping the hybrid build would allow me to do this.

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I haven't really given it a lot of thought, although I was planning on switching to a tank companion when I got one and once I got Blizz I was planning to use him no matter what he is because he looks awesome. I want the ability to heal FP's while I'm leveling while at the same time still being able to do enough DPS to level quickly. I was hoping the hybrid build would allow me to do this.


I'm level 31 at the moment and have been climbing the Pyrotech tree so I can PvP with what will be my final spec. Mako heals me just fine.


However, at 40 when I get Blizz I'm going to switch to a heal spec, as Blizz is a ranged tank, and give something back to all the pugs. From my limited experience in FPs I've found there isn't a huge amount of healing that needs to be done. As long as everyone throws the occasional heal on the tank it seems to go fine. Maybe the higher level ones are harder.

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I haven't really given it a lot of thought, although I was planning on switching to a tank companion when I got one and once I got Blizz I was planning to use him no matter what he is because he looks awesome. I want the ability to heal FP's while I'm leveling while at the same time still being able to do enough DPS to level quickly. I was hoping the hybrid build would allow me to do this.


if youre not a full heal spec then youre going to have problems if you arent running with a good tank. ive had pugs that drained my entire force bar on my full spec corruption healer and the only reason we didnt wipe was because i was a full spec. as a hybrid youll be better off as an off healer but youre also gonna be an off dps which isnt highly viable

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if youre not a full heal spec then youre going to have problems if you arent running with a good tank. ive had pugs that drained my entire force bar on my full spec corruption healer and the only reason we didnt wipe was because i was a full spec. as a hybrid youll be better off as an off healer but youre also gonna be an off dps which isnt highly viable


Well this would just be for leveling, at level 50 I'll spec full heal or full dps. Are you saying that I won't be able to heal FP's while leveling as a hybrid? Or are you talking about max level?

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Well this would just be for leveling, at level 50 I'll spec full heal or full dps. Are you saying that I won't be able to heal FP's while leveling as a hybrid? Or are you talking about max level?


so far i havent done much with my sorc so while lvling. from personal experience lvling a healer and a dps its easier to dps and let your autobot heal than to have to manage aggro with your bot + having to heal as well, ashara and khem were a pain in the *** and caused me many deaths because they targeted the wrong thing

Edited by Cegenaus
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