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Rage Tree, Mara vs Jugg.


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Your main stat is Strength, it increases everything. Willpower is for Sorcerer's.


As for secondary stats. I would say, in theory, it would be

Surge > Power > Crit


For the simple reason that smash gets 100% crit chance after Obliterate and Force Charge, Vicious Strike gets +15% crit chance from talents and Smash damage can be increased by the Shockwave Talent (Force Crush and Force Choke ticks), by 25% per tick, stacks 4 times. Thats 100% more damage on smash.


Along with other Force crit damage and Armor pen talents, coupled with Quick Recovery in the Annihilation tree can cause serious damage via Smash.


Course, it only gets that way at about 26 - 28 depending on when you get Quick Recovery, though I'd recommend your first two points going there, its really amazing for earlier levels.

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Your main stat is Strength, it increases everything. Willpower is for Sorcerer's.


As for secondary stats. I would say, in theory, it would be

Surge > Accuracy > Crit


Would have to say accuracy, over 100 it helps alot more.

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Your main stat is Strength, it increases everything. Willpower is for Sorcerer's.


As for secondary stats. I would say, in theory, it would be

Surge > Power > Crit


For the simple reason that smash gets 100% crit chance after Obliterate and Force Charge, Vicious Strike gets +15% crit chance from talents and Smash damage can be increased by the Shockwave Talent (Force Crush and Force Choke ticks), by 25% per tick, stacks 4 times. Thats 100% more damage on smash.


Along with other Force crit damage and Armor pen talents, coupled with Quick Recovery in the Annihilation tree can cause serious damage via Smash.


Course, it only gets that way at about 26 - 28 depending on when you get Quick Recovery, though I'd recommend your first two points going there, its really amazing for earlier levels.



power > crit > surge.


power boosts the damage of everything period. crit well you know what that does > surge is like power but for just crit.

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Well, I actually have the same question. Looking at it from both Mara and Jugg point of views it seems that Rage is about the same. Both off trees have the 3s cooldown reduction, but it seems to me that Jugg may have an advantage with the 30% increase in damage. Wouldn't that just make the crits even more insane?


Mind you, this is coming from the perspective of a BH... who like to look at talents a lot. And possibly wants a warrior.:)

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I have a 50 Rage Jug and 50 Rage Mara. Jug wins, hands down. 30% on smashes beats the hell out of what puny pitiful damage increase you get from the offhand on a Mara; your offhand is really nothing more than a glorified stat stick. Moreover, the combination of Force Push/Force Charge (followed by beefed-up Smash) that you lack on Mara is really felt in solo PvE and, to a lesser extent, in PvP.


Having said that, I still enjoy Rage for Mara much better than Anni. It's the pacing, mostly (Anni is way too slow-going, for my taste). Hell, I leveled my Mara as Rage from 10 on (the last go round of it - it's my second Mara, rerolled a male toon) and didn't even bother bringing out a companion except for some of the harder class quests/elites all the way through end of Tattoine.


As for gear, you want Str/Power, Accuracy, Crit, Surge (in that order) for both Rage Jug and Mara.

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Yes, Rage seems to be better fitted to juggernauts currently, it also synergizes better with their pvp set, which is 10% more damage after a charge which will boost your smash even more, and you can also charge more often because of force push.
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