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If Mercenary and Commando are supposed to be mirror classes, how come there's quite a noticeable difference between their gear?

Like I get that mercs use 2 weapons and commando's use 1 bigger weapon and a cheap knockoff generator, but why does that justify for example a difference of 610 health?

Also wouldn't it be fairer to have mods in generators/allow them to have augments (I haven't come across generators with augments yet, so if they do have them disregard this)


Basically my question is: if they are mirrors, why is the gear they use so different? It's a bit odd since they do use the same skills.


Bounty Hunter Rakata Eliminator totals:

4735 armor

536-994 energy damage

1224 tech power

982 aim (1234 aim total from 9x28 aim augments)

1042 endurance

121 critical rating

153 surge rating

243 power

204 accuracy


Commando - Rakata Eliminator Totals

4735 armor

321-597 energy damage

1224 tech power

965 aim (1189 aim total from 8x28 aim augments)

981 endurance

121 critical rating

255 surge rating

270 power

102 accuracy


^1.2 stats

Edited by Hugey
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OP, you sure about that?














Totals before/after:



When I sent in a ticket asking what's up with that I got the response that it's intended and meant to benefit the player base as a whole. Not sure if that's a canned response or their actual stance on it though.

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It's no news that dual wielders get more stats, but don't forget the drawbacks. Their offhand has a 30% miss chance and a 70% damage penalty. While in turn the assault cannon have a higher damage range than pistols.


We have pretty few weapon damage attacks though, so I am curious on the mechanics of railshot. It is a weapon damage attack, but it only hits once and its not fired from the pistol. Does it count the offhand damage or is Commando High Impact Bolt superior ?


Here's a thread about slingers complaining about the exact opposite thing though.


The grass is always greener on the other side.

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I assume that, like commando's, they mainly use tech damage too

But yeah, that's most likely why there's a difference in aim/power/surge. The main question is why is there a (pretty big) difference in Endurance? I mean we have the same survivability skills as mercs and we get the same survivability nerfs as mercs....yet we don't have the same survivability stats.


I can't check the high impact bolt difference as I don't have both chars at lvl 50 with equal gear, but it deals weapon damage

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Holy crap... No wonder theres not much QQ on Mercenary Forums... they secretly have way better stats than us republic commandos...


Man Bioware is bias, pro-Imperial, pro-Lightsabers, pro-dps.

Edited by ImariKurumi
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Don't Bounty Hunters also get something like the equivalent of 1.8 more ammo than us? It took them this long to fix Mortar Volley, why do they overlook huge gear differences now?
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Don't Bounty Hunters also get something like the equivalent of 1.8 more ammo than us? It took them this long to fix Mortar Volley, why do they overlook huge gear differences now?

they get .5 more ammo than us and a larger gap before they regen less per sec, but there's a few other things that tip against them, like some skills costing 25 instead of 24 (not sure if that makes up the difference though)

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Commandos get bigger hits over Mercenaries...

stop qqing....


I have a BM mercenary and my friend is a BM Commando...

he gets 5k hits almost every game, where i get a 5k hit occasionallly on a consular once in a while.... yea we have modifiable offhand, but it doesnt make a notable difference... id trade it in for consistent 5k hits...

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