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Time to rethink the Jedi Sentinel and PVE Servers


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This is my opinion based on over 2 months and 10-12 hours a day play time to finally reach level 50 with a Jedi Sentinel. :eek:

The Sentinel class is a piece of junk, at lvl 50 I cannot even finish Corellia and become so frustrated when trying to beat Elites, Champions or mobs, I have been tempted to find a cheat engine. The problem is clear, medium armor, and nothing available to help unless you spend half your life away on PvP warzones and the like to obtain better. Sorry but I came to the game to enjoy the story and missions, and now I can't enjoy either. Bioware needs to fix this class and give them some way of either buffing their armor up, giving them heavy armor like the guardian, or ranged attacks. They also need to make better equipement availble by other than PvP means. And for Gods sake shut up that character in the beginning of the game on Tython that says "I think you should be a Jedi Sentinel", I wish I could go back and kick his butt now. :mad:

Next big problem is the Open Worlds PvP. We need an option that just turns that off. I play on a PVE server so I would not have to deal with some little kid with a Sith character thinking it's cute to come hunt me down and kill me, there by ruining hours of work on a particualr mission, it simply should not be allowed on a PVE world. period. :mad:

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1. Try the enter key and not having a wall of text


2. Many, many people have completed the Sentinal with no real problems, try looking in the Jedi forums for hints/tricks and google is your friend


3. Sentinals are not tanks so they have no need of heavy armor. Have you been using the healing companion? If not you might want to try using it.


4. Unless you somehow flagged yourself for PvP then an Empire player can not just come up to you and attack you on a PvE server. Any chance you buffed or rezd someone who was flagged for PvP? If so then you would be flagged. Also any chance that the Sith you describe happened to stand close to you to get hit by your (or your companions) AOE abilities? If so then yes you will be flagged.

Edited by CeruleanNite
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3. Sentinals are not tanks so they have no need of heavy armor. Have you been using the healing companion? If not you might want to try using it.


Really, dont need hvy armour? Tell that to champions in lotro...lol. Not that I agree with the OP, as I have a 50 sent, but any melee can use hvy armour.

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Uhm, Sentinel is one of the strongest solo-PvE Class, at least as Watchman :X Maybe the class gets topped by heal commandos though. You are very tanky, have good self heal and tons of damage.


Try this rotation: Force Leap, overload sabers, Zealous Strike, cauterize, merciless slash.

Always keep "overloard sabers" on cooldown and use "zen" every time you have 30 centering. Use "Juyo Form". Use strike between those abilities if you don't have enough focus. Also dispatch as soon as enemies are under 20% :)


EDIT: Sentinel is also one of the stronger PvP-classes and by far better then a guardian. You did choose well to pick a sentinel, just learn the class :)

Edited by Teabaker
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2 months at 10-12 hours a day? Sheeeeesh!


In the last two months playing 4-6 hours a day I leveled a Commando to 50/61 400 cyber, scav, UT. Btw, also doing PVP and Ilum/Belsavis dailies on my 50 Sorc and the Commando + PVP and FP dailies on the Sentinel.


Currently my Sentinel is lvl 26/26 in Combat spec.


Honestly, if you keep your gear up to par (head, chest and leg items are all modable atm, filled with purples of appropriate lvl) you can pretty much faceroll anyone in PVP, particularly healers which I actively search for.


Time management, keep your gear up to par and learn the many tricks to the Sentinel class. Lots of skills to manage but oh so rewarding :D

Edited by Stadulator
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heh. I think this is a case of the grass always being greener. I've got a DPS Juggernaut as well as a DPS Guardian (different servers), and I've got to tell you, the heavy armor doesn't really make a tremendous amount of difference. You're still heavily favoring Strength and Power over Endurance and Defense (or at least, I am). So mobs can still chew you up pretty easily if you're not playing smartly.
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1. Try the enter key and not having a wall of text

A: I will try not to have a "wall of text" next time.


2. Many, many people have completed the Sentinal with no real problems, try looking in the Jedi forums for hints/tricks and google is your friend

A: I have "Googled" until there are no more sites left, no information gives me any better strategies or builds than I am currently using.


3. Sentinals are not tanks so they have no need of heavy armor. Have you been using the healing companion? If not you might want to try using it.

A: I have been using Doc since I got him, but as soon as he is under attack,, he is useless and healing is gone.


4. Unless you somehow flagged yourself for PvP then an Empire player can not just come up to you and attack you on a PvE server. Any chance you buffed or rezd someone who was flagged for PvP? If so then you would be flagged. Also any chance that the Sith you describe happened to stand close to you to get hit by your (or your companions) AOE abilities? If so then yes you will be flagged.


A: No I was not in any zone that would flag me as PVP, no I was not in a battle that caused me to be flagged PVP. The Sith "toggled" the PvP after targeting me, then attacked. that is how it currently works, try it for yourself.

The zone I came out of on Voss was the Healing Temple, I was standing at the Medical Droid, does that sound like and environment that would cuase this to happen? No.

Thanks for your reply and advice, but in this case, it does not apply. My character is Watchman class and I have the best mods and armor I am able to obtain. :p

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The Sith "toggled" the PvP after targeting me, then attacked.


Another player can not toggle you for PvP, unless you do something. He can tag a NPC or something and that might be able to flag you. But unless you are flagged, he can not simply attack you.


It used to be that a AoE could toggle you if someone was standing in the AoE effect. But that was fixed a few patches back so that doesn't happen any longer.

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A: No I was not in any zone that would flag me as PVP, no I was not in a battle that caused me to be flagged PVP. The Sith "toggled" the PvP after targeting me, then attacked. that is how it currently works, try it for yourself.

The zone I came out of on Voss was the Healing Temple, I was standing at the Medical Droid, does that sound like and environment that would cuase this to happen? No.

Thanks for your reply and advice, but in this case, it does not apply. My character is Watchman class and I have the best mods and armor I am able to obtain. :p


Sorry as Vernon said and I have said. They can not just toggle you. Somehow you where already toggeled or they where toggeled and you somehow had one of your attacks at them.

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The zone I came out of on Voss was the Healing Temple, I was standing at the Medical Droid, does that sound like and environment that would cuase this to happen? No.


Actually yes. I have waltzed up to Imperial medical droids accidentally with my commando on several occasions intending to repair or sell gray items. They do not provide sanctuary.

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A: No I was not in any zone that would flag me as PVP, no I was not in a battle that caused me to be flagged PVP. The Sith "toggled" the PvP after targeting me, then attacked. that is how it currently works, try it for yourself.

The zone I came out of on Voss was the Healing Temple, I was standing at the Medical Droid, does that sound like and environment that would cuase this to happen? No.

Thanks for your reply and advice, but in this case, it does not apply. My character is Watchman class and I have the best mods and armor I am able to obtain. :p


It simply DOES NOT work that way.

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Uhm, Sentinel is one of the strongest solo-PvE Class, at least as Watchman :X Maybe the class gets topped by heal commandos though. You are very tanky, have good self heal and tons of damage.


Try this rotation: Force Leap, overload sabers, Zealous Strike, cauterize, merciless slash.

Always keep "overloard sabers" on cooldown and use "zen" every time you have 30 centering. Use "Juyo Form". Use strike between those abilities if you don't have enough focus. Also dispatch as soon as enemies are under 20% :)


EDIT: Sentinel is also one of the stronger PvP-classes and by far better then a guardian. You did choose well to pick a sentinel, just learn the class :)


Thanks for the advice, some of it was helpful , the particular rotaion you mentioned with some gear upgrades seems to have improved the chracter well enough to at least progress some. Apparently PvP gear seems to make a huge difference as well, so I am doing some of that, not my favorite, but you do what you have to to move forward. I saw some enhancements and changes to him after playing on the 1.2 PTS test server, there are good changes coming with that patch.

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IF you use your defensive cooldowns properly and have your healing companion out, solo questing is easy. I have never had any problems in PvE, in fact Sentinel is the most comfortable PvP character I have. You can be the most annoying class in PvP if you are lucky hehehe.


No need for so much rage OP :D

Edited by Zortezurtek
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Just finished my own watchman sentinel. Duoed all 4-man heroics with my DPS-specced sage friend and healer companions. The only bosses I had trouble with was the tyrant on Belsavis and the 4-man in the nightmare lands on Voss.


Sentinel is a cooldown-dependent class. If you don't remember to use rebuke when going up against silver mobs, you will get beat down to a sliver of health. If you don't supplement rebuke with saber ward and pacify on gold mobs, you will get your backside handed to you. Before you use a medpack, pop guarded by the force for 5 seconds invulnerability. Heroic moment doesn't just provide a minute of healing but also resets the cooldown on saber ward.


So let's review.



Leap -> overload saber -> zealous strike -> cauterize -> merciless slash -> slash, zen when you have 30 centering, repeat



Rebuke -> Saber Ward -> Rebuke -> Pacify -> Guarded by the Force -> medpack -> Rebuke




As for random imps flagging you... don't use AoE skills (force sweep, cyclone slash) around them, as you enter PvP mode if it hits them. This will get fixed in 1.2 but until then you just have to be aware of the little republic flag on your character portrait.

Edited by Miaxi
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