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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

No Cross Realm LFG tool please!


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You, even in this post as many others, have never once offered up any evidence for a LFG Tool other than , well, forgive me, laziness, of a one button instant gratification and possibly a chance to be one of those very people we shun.


People have brought up plenty of valid reasons, you just choose to ignore then while rambling on about Marxism and saying that anyone who disagrees with you is doing so out of "laziness" and "instant gratification". Yes, I admit it. I'd like to be able to do quests or something while simultaneously queuing for a flashpoint (functionality that already exists in game for Warzones). I don't want to spend two hours in Fleet saying "LF2M Athiss" over and over. If that fits your view of "lazy" then so be it. You're welcome to spam the Fleet chat channel for a couple hours while reveling in your moral superiority.

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X-server lfg please!


There's a few steps to go through first before we resort to that...


Like having an LFG tool that matches in the first place. I'm willing to bet that's all the further TOR needs to go with an LFG tool. Low pop server? Merge it. No cross-server needed.

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There's a few steps to go through first before we resort to that...


Like having an LFG tool that matches in the first place. I'm willing to bet that's all the further TOR needs to go with an LFG tool. Low pop server? Merge it. No cross-server needed.


I'd be fine with this....a tool that matches people just from the same server. WoW's tool does that to some degree: it tries to put together a group from the same realm provided there are enough people in the right roles.

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bring on the lfg tool. 100% for it. i'd like to actually do some heroics/flashpoints.


the same argument over and over about how it will destroy the community is ridiculous, as if there was even a community to destroy.


final fantasy 11 had the best community of any mmo, this game has nothing compared to that.. without a lfg tool or with it.


This ^^


Why not add it. The various servers are just generic places where BW herds it's players. There is no community so no need to worry about it.

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I keep pointing this out...no game in history has launched with an LFG tool for PvE.

Upcoming new MMOs will not have it either...ie GW2, etc.


One is coming to SWTOR, but I don't think it's fair to hold them on a higher pedestal than you would every other game ever launched.


dc universe did ;P

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It's coming in 1.3.


They haven't given any word of what will or will not be in 1.3. They've said stuff like "it won't be in 1.2" which people have automatically concluded means "will be in 1.3".


But while making it easier to find groups on your realm is great, the real issue they need to solve is server population. That affects more than just queuing for flashpoints, and addressing that issue would make it so that there's less of a demand for a cross-server LFG tool.

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This really is a non issue. Create a tool that allows you to select queue for same server players only.


Problem fixed, you get your community and people (from the most valid arguments) have some accountability for their actions. People who check this option might have a slightly longer wait time, but hey - its their choice.


Myself on the other hand, had very little issues with the WoW LFG and later LFR - it was a VERY small percentage of runs that i encountered someone looking to grief. Most people shared a comon goal and wanted to get the content done in a quick and painless manner.


Guess what, i even made some same server friends through this method!


At the end of the day, my time is important. I do not want to wait for an hour as a DPS class to find a run on my of my alts - spamming a chat channel is just silly. As a paying consumer i was instant gratification (or atleast line up in a queue for it).


A tool for x server LFG will bring life back to the game for me, it will allow me to play some alts (which even the legacy system does not really entice me to do) without worrying about finding a group when im DPS specd (ive had my fill of tanking TY).


Its a s simple question of - "Do we want to retain customers?"


And guess what, if things like this do not get implemented - im not sure how much more of my time will be spent playing the game.


There is no animosity in my post, im simply stating how i feel about the matter. We all have our opinion, but i have a hunch that being a very casual centric game a lot of players feel the same. Do the right thing BW - make this thing cross server or you will potentially be sorry ....

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There's a few steps to go through first before we resort to that...


Like having an LFG tool that matches in the first place. I'm willing to bet that's all the further TOR needs to go with an LFG tool. Low pop server? Merge it. No cross-server needed.


Or if they add a cross server LFG tool then server merges would not be needed. :cool:

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This really is a non issue. Create a tool that allows you to select queue for same server players only.


Problem fixed, you get your community and people (from the most valid arguments) have some accountability for their actions. People who check this option might have a slightly longer wait time, but hey - its their choice.


Myself on the other hand, had very little issues with the WoW LFG and later LFR - it was a VERY small percentage of runs that i encountered someone looking to grief. Most people shared a comon goal and wanted to get the content done in a quick and painless manner.


Guess what, i even made some same server friends through this method!


At the end of the day, my time is important. I do not want to wait for an hour as a DPS class to find a run on my of my alts - spamming a chat channel is just silly. As a paying consumer i was instant gratification (or atleast line up in a queue for it).


A tool for x server LFG will bring life back to the game for me, it will allow me to play some alts (which even the legacy system does not really entice me to do) without worrying about finding a group when im DPS specd (ive had my fill of tanking TY).


Its a s simple question of - "Do we want to retain customers?"


And guess what, if things like this do not get implemented - im not sure how much more of my time will be spent playing the game.


There is no animosity in my post, im simply stating how i feel about the matter. We all have our opinion, but i have a hunch that being a very casual centric game a lot of players feel the same. Do the right thing BW - make this thing cross server or you will potentially be sorry ....


Good post. Some seem to forget the majority of the paying player base are people with jobs...have families and other RL issues which need to be taken care of. We are not stuck in a basement with a ton of time on our hands. For those who wish to be hardcore, there should be hardmode content to keep them happy. But for those of us who have other important things to do besides spending hours on end playing a computer game, we need tools to allow us to experence end game content as much as anyone. We are afterall, paying the same sub price. :cool:

Edited by Valkirus
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They certainly are not infallable, but they certainly are a smart team too. You cannot argue with success. Have they made mistakes? Of course. But the LFD tool is not one of them. Have they had to refine it and continue to do so? Yep. :cool:


Yes you can argue with success. You can argue whether or not something was successful because or despite of a particular action taken. I think LFD fundamentally changed the mmorp genre into something I don't like as much as I used to. I think alot of people agree with me on that.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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Yes you can argue with success. You can argue whether or not something was successful because or despite of a particular action taken.


Lol! *shakes his head. Well the only cases I can think of to support your argument would be things which are immoral or illegal. But that is not what has happended has it? :cool:

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Yes you can argue with success. You can argue whether or not something was successful because or despite of a particular action taken. I think LFD fundamentally changed the mmorp genre into something I don't like as much as I used to. I think alot of people agree with me on that.


You speak for yourself and those who agree with you. Which is ok by the way. You donot have to use it and I know some guilds on my server who still do thier own thing and do all guild runs. The fact remains, it is a popular tool and a ton of WoW players now use it and the success of it is without any questions been good enough for Blizz to expand on it's use in the next epac for WoW. :cool:

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I see you refuse to acknowledge the earlier proof I had, but you may have been to afraid.


Here's a news flash for you. WoW's LFG is so FAIL that they are totally revamping it to try to fix their blunder. Perhaps you want SWTOR to copy this FAIL System so you can , have your way with the flaws.


Your "people want it" is no better than "cows want to fly", no proof or any true empirical data to back up either.Sorry, doesn't cut it with me, after the rude treatment you all have given I can only assume you Need it to abuse it.


Totally revamping it? You are wrong. What they are doing is changing how the roll system works, which by the way is somewhat like how it works in TOR's Operations. That is, the player does not choose greed or need, but the computer decides what you win and you get the reward automatically. They needed to change the roll system. I think it is a good change. But the LFR tool is actaully being expanded to include all 3 new raids in MOP.

Edited by Valkirus
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Not needed.....with cross server LFG. :)


As long as it also comes with cross-server GTN, cross-server RNG, cross-server chatting, cross-server loot tables, cross-server lockouts, cross-server itemization, and cross-server consequences, then a cross-server LFG will make sense.


Otherwise, it doesn't make sense.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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There are some great posts on how the LFD tool could help and how they could take the model designed by other games and then make it better. Unfortunately you gotta get through a whole lot of crying and ranting from people who got upset over in another game...


Do you mean first hand experience by the other people of a FAIL System that the other game is TOTALLY REVAMPING in hopes to fix the Problems with the current system. Or do you really like the way it works? Abuse it?


You make so more sense with just I Want than they do, numbers.

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As long as it also comes with cross-server GTN, cross-server RNG, cross-server chatting, cross-server loot tables, cross-server lockouts, and cross-server consequences, then a cross-server LFG will make sense.


Otherwise, it doesn't make sense.


So you are saying WoW's does not make sense? Why would you need a cross server GTN? you can chat with the other players while in a cross server LFG run by the way. Consequences?..you have the ignore feature to use. Get your run in..have fun and make friends with whom you like. What is the issue?

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You speak for yourself and those who agree with you. Which is ok by the way. You donot have to use it and I know some guilds on my server who still do thier own thing and do all guild runs. The fact remains, it is a popular tool and a ton of WoW players now use it and the success of it is without any questions been good enough for Blizz to expand on it's use in the next epac for WoW. :cool:


I don't have to speak for others. The evidence I.E. people begging to not have LFD in every mmo forum speaks for itself. Green Day is popular but I don't have to conceed it as "the right way to sound" for every rock/punk punkrock band in the future. Rest assured theres a market in rock/punk punkrock to be had for people who don't want it all to sound like Green Day.


You say that a ton of people are enjoying LFD in WOW. I'll say that a ton of people have bailed on WoW since its strayed as far as it has from the game it used to be, at ton. WoW has retained sub numbers, not subs. There are very few people that I know personally who started playing WoW at release or early vanilla that still play today. Most will say the same thing that its a commercial piece of garbage compared to what it was when it came out. WoW used to be a Fugazi of video games, today its a Green Day instead.

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Do you mean first hand experience by the other people of a FAIL System that the other game is TOTALLY REVAMPING in hopes to fix the Problems with the current system. Or do you really like the way it works? Abuse it?


You make so more sense with just I Want than they do, numbers.


Why do you keep using the term "totally revamping" ? ..when all they are revamping is the roll and loot system to make it less drama centered. The basic foundation of how the system works as a cross server raid run is unchanged.

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So you are saying WoW's does not make sense? Why would you need a cross server GTN? you can chat with the other players while in a cross server LFG run by the way. Consequences?..you have the ignore feature to use. Get your run in..have fun and make friends with whom you like. What is the issue?


Yes, and WoW is such a STELLAR example of a good community....


Aside from that, it's an understood issue by developers, Blizzard included, that it screws too much with loot tables and economy.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Yes, and WoW is such a STELLAR example of a good community....
It's on par or better than the ones I've seen in tor...


it's a hell of a lot better than some of the ones I ran into in RIFT.

Edited by ferroz
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So is it better for me to spent 2 - 4 h sitting on the imperial fleet and pressing ctrl+ v which copy LFG. That's so boring!!!! I don't mind rude ppl as long as I can play the game instead just Sittin around and beein bored besides this won't affect u ,u got gr8 guild just do fp with them no one forcing u to usile this tool. i dont understand it why ppl are so against it u don't like it dont use it no one forcin u but for majority ppl it will allow them to actually enjoy the game instead just lookin at a screen where nothin happening!!!!


There is a LFG Tool, did you know that? Granted people have gotten too lazy with that other one push button game, and don't use the tools they were given at release.


Prove to me FACT that You are the Majority, can't.

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