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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

No Cross Realm LFG tool please!


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Unlike you who just tout out words like "debated over and over again" and "you people don't understand the issues, we do", I'm gonna give you REAL FACTS that people don't want cross server group finder. They do want group finder, but single server only.


Watch this from the 12:05 mark.


When he mentioned that it would be single-server only, people started cheering when they didn't have to. This is PROOF that a lot of people want single-server dungeon finder.



They are also guilded-so what do they care if pugs suffer? They don't like pugs and don't group with them-why should they when they have their own little bubble world?


Besides-how is that a lot of people compared to the 1.7 million that are subscribed?

Were they somehow chosen by the players to represent them and I missed the in-game voting ballot? I thought Bioware chose who was invited to attend. Even it they were chosen, they had to have the time and money to go to Texas. That implies a level of commitment beyond what most players likely have.

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Really? Which ship is Battle of Ilum and False Emporer on then??


So sorry-so because only most of the flashpoints are accessed from the fleet we should all ride a shuttle and deal with multiple loading screens out of some sad desire for immersion? Tell me, what do players gain from running to the flashpoint entrance?

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OK so they're stories. Many stories. Not just my personal experience (read previous posts in thread - I played wow long before LFG let alone cross-server) and those of people I know, but also official numbers support it. Those people who feel all entitled? They were there before LFG came out (remember the whining about people not geared enough for an attempt in COS for the drake? Classic example. People getting kicked from the group and whinging in trade and ensuing *****torms?. Ninjas? Before LFG came out. Meeting people on your server? Didn't stop with LFG, and if anything the biggest barrier is that people play with guildies and friends instead of meeting new people. LFG didn't change that. I'm sorry if you're one of those people who once people had the choice of doing things with you or strangers chose to go with strangers, but that isn't everyone's experience.


Yes, those people from your own personal experience, supported by official numbers that you just cannot seem to link here. Though, why do you need official numbers to support that you know some people?


What does self-entitlement have to do with cross-server dungeon finder? Are you trying to play the martyr now with the "minority card" (btw you cannot be both a minority and a majority which you stated below), calling us evil anti-cross-server-LFG elitists? Again, with the name-calling and ad hominem attacks, which contributes nothing to the discussion. So we should have cross-server dungeon finder, because people who argue against it are elitists. Wow, makes sense.


The only self-entitled people here are the ones who want everything instant.


I'm sorry, but you're not in the majority.


I am actually. Please watch this video before commenting on this further.


From 12:05 mark.


And go back and read posts about population of wow servers and SWTOR servers. With a server cap of 1200 as well as promoting rolling alts instead of end-game and being marketed to casual players, does that sound like this game can even be comparable to wow?


How do you know server cap is 1200?

Promoting rolling alts? That's all that some people do in WoW. What's the difference?

Or did you completely miss the dailies on Belsavis and Ilum, hardmode flashpoints, and the 2 operations? Sounds like there is end-game, or maybe the dailies I have been doing to gear up are just figments of my imagination.


So do tell. If I'm saying you can be ported from Fleet to all the Flashpoints, what is lost by the convenience? Once again the only people BW/EA listen to are people who are anti everything that they don't want and who don't even try to see why people want it. Who don't even have a deep interest in the matter. 4 threads on this issue, many asking for it and none of those people or their experiences matter to you. Unbelievable.


You need to fly to the planet's base to get ported. There is a reason why the game doesn't just port you to the mission objective directly. Or port you direct to whereever you want to go. Not even WoW does that. Do you want a quest-finder that ports you to directly to the part where you have to kill those 10 boars?


As for the 4 threads, it's just the same people debating the same things, it doesn't mean MANY people want cross-server LFD. Those same people are already from a very small amount of gamers (2%) who make up the forums.


I get it. You don't want to play with people who aren't on your server. I would like to be able to do the content I would like to choose. For a game that is so casual and a population so sparse the term MMO doesn't really apply how is cross-server a bad thing? Why do you believe that those people opposed to the tool porting you to the dungeon is wrong? Why do you feel waiting for someone who was out in the world doing things to start a dungeon is such an integral part of the game it's wrong to have it just for the sake of convenience and that it's lazy?


We want to save the community. Already, I know a certain smuggler from my server who is pretty good.

Once I hit level 50, there have been people inquiring whether I am still tanking or not. I feel flattered I am on their friends list. I too have a list of healers.


I start to see the same people doing missions. There is a running joke that I have with another jedi because everytime I chat on general, he's there. We then start accusing each other of stalking.


And in the end of it all, how do you know a SINGLE server group finder won't solve the problem? Stop using fancy maths like how many people there are on the republic fleet. At the very least, wait till 1.3 and check it out before claiming it won't work. Take baby steps.

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The "community" will not die if they implement a cross server LFG tool. It's a simple fact.


You'll still be able to choose anyone you want to do a flashpoint, but it will also give the rest of us a chance to see the high level content. Which as it is right now, we can't see any of it because we have to spend two hours on the fleet trying to get a group going.

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Once again guys, let me remind you they are adding a LFG tool
yep, it's sad that my sub will run out long before lfg will be released and i really wish them never abadon that "single_server_only" same for pvp

for simple purpose: other developers can see and learn from BW

and never ever repeat same mistake

When he mentioned that it would be single-server only, people started cheering when they didn't have to. This is PROOF that a lot of people want single-server dungeon finder.
enjoy the game but do not forget - never use cross_server model, even for pvp, mkay?

2 days left


How do you know server cap is 1200?
btw what is "heavy server" how many players?


The Fatman (heavy right now) 259 lvl 50? (imperial side)

sorcerer - 66

mercenary - 44

operative - 28

juggernaut - 27

marauder - 27

powertech - 26

assassin - 25

sniper - 16


feel free to add example of any server any time

Edited by navarh
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Once I hit level 50, there have been people inquiring whether I am still tanking or not. I feel flattered I am on their friends list. I too have a list of healers.


yeah, community saving. Well I play a healer and there aren't many tanks on my server that are interested in PVE. Tanks are rarities. Waiting hours because the tanks on your friends lists and the people in your group's friends lists might not be an issue for you but that doesn't mean it isn't the reality for other people, only to find flashpoints can't be completed because of the time spent putting the group together.


You're not talking about community. You're talking about everyone bending over backwards to make tanks popular and on every-one's friends list because they're tanks or healers. That's not true friendship. Yes, at times dps's are the rarity but not to the same extent. Sorry, but think about that statement - you hit 50 and have people whispering you to ask if you're still tanking. Why could that be? I wonder. Would you still be so popular if you weren't a tank? Would you still be running chains of flashpoints and ops? You said it yourself. You have lists of healers. I'm a healer and a player. Dps's aren't my minions. And my responsibility to other people should only exceed my enjoyment by so much. It's not community building you're interested in protecting - it's your own "popularity".


Call me elitists because I want the tool? Elitists who use it view it as "slumming it out of necessity for that particular point in time".


And how do I know? Frustration as well as an interest in this game has lead me to do a lot of research, and I discovered other people in their frustration had actually gathered the information and it was to be found. Seek and you shall find.

Edited by Darnu
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we seriously need a cross server LFG tool, my server use to be fine with this and now its a ghost town, i've spent almost 90% of my time solo'ing everything because it takes a half hour to an hour to even get a one or two people to group with you, I haven't been able to get a flashpoint group together in decent time since doing Black Talon. I'm sure everyone has some bull horror story about LFG from different servers but those very same people are also on your server and you will eventually group with them, you cant avoid bad players period, so why make those who wish to do flashpoints continue to suffer? I can tell you now as i'm currently level 30, once I hit 50, and I still cant find groups? i'll likely have to drop my subscription as much as it pains me too because I really like this game, but they need to do these things.
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I'm sure everyone has some bull horror story about LFG from different servers but those very same people are also on your server and you will eventually group with them, you cant avoid bad players period


To be honest in world of warcraft the system that made you group with players from your own server first before looking to other servers makes me want to scream at times. Yes, it's nice to meet them (my server is very kid-heavy), it's not a nasty server in the main and they are nice people and generally fun to be with. But really, it gets to the point at times when you kind of get like "oh no.". And you know you're in for a massive repair bill and that the run will be long. Fun? Absolutely they still can be. If it's like that all the time? Nope. There are reasons why the random tool opened up the content to the masses when it wasn't before. People weren't getting hand-picked.


People who before the LFG tool only ran with select pre-made groups saw playing with random people very differently to people who were willing to play with almost anyone and getting to know a lot of people on their server. Playing with people "below" their standards was new to them. But... many were pleasantly surprised.

Edited by Darnu
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The WoW LFG tool was great.


The LFR tool was even better!


These kind of conveniences are obviously looked upon favourably, going by WoW' popularity and ease of access its amazing to think the game didn’t ship with some type of LFG tool.


I’m yet to see any evidence in this ongoing thread that justifies the negative feedback some purists are spouting. As a working adult with children, I like to login, queue for a group that I know will eventually pop and play the game with people that are wanting to achieve the same goal. Time is money, and if my time is wasted looking for a group of people – I will go elsewhere.


The lack of grouping functionality is more and more evident as the server population drops.

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Why not have a LFG tool that perhaps prioritizes people from your own server, but goes cross-realm if no one from your own is available. I tend to play later at night, and there are usually a whole 10-12 people online and the stars have to alight just right to be able to find the right composition of people who want to run a FP.
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Yes, those people from your own personal experience, supported by official numbers that you just cannot seem to link here..


Actually we've already linked official numbers showing that the server populations began to grow at the same time as the LFD tool being implimented and continued to grow for a full year afterwards. So in no way did the LFD tool 'kill the game' or force people to quit, as you keep saying.


Also, pot kettle black? Considering all your camp can do is cry about personal experiences and refuse to provide any official numbers etc. Oh except one video in which a group of Guilds chosen by Bioware themselves cheer for a single-server LFD.


Honestly I feel really bad that at some point a stranger on the internet was mean to you, said a rude word or needed on that loot you couldn't live without...but you gotta get over it, it's only a video game. Grow up and let others enjoy the game.

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Actually we've already linked official numbers showing that the server populations began to grow at the same time as the LFD tool being implimented and continued to grow for a full year afterwards. So in no way did the LFD tool 'kill the game' or force people to quit, as you keep saying.


Please link them here. And there are many outside factors that could account for the increase of server populations in WoW, not necessarily the brilliance of cross-server LFD.


Also, pot kettle black? Considering all your camp can do is cry about personal experiences and refuse to provide any official numbers etc. Oh except one video in which a group of Guilds chosen by Bioware themselves cheer for a single-server LFD.


That is more proof than you can ever bring up. Those same guilds "chosen by Bioware" also cheer for no damage meters being in-game. That seems to be something for casual people like you. Are you gonna change your tune now?


Honestly I feel really bad that at some point a stranger on the internet was mean to you, said a rude word or needed on that loot you couldn't live without...but you gotta get over it, it's only a video game. Grow up and let others enjoy the game.


Don't feel bad for me. I'm doing just fine without cross-server LFD, just did my first hardmode with 3 members from a hardcore raiding guild. I'm certainly not the one complaining loudly over the absence of a feature from another MMO. Your reverse rhetoric is amusing, but it adds absolutely nothing to the discussion.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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If people honestly believe that the LFD tool destroyed the community on their server, or their Guild, then clearly their Guild/Community were in a poor shape to begin with!


My server never changed after the LFD came in. People still pugged in Trade Chat looking for groups to do 5-mans. Successfully too! Know why? Because they liked the choice of being able to group up with people from their own server if they wanted.


What effect did it have on my Guild? Nothing negative that's for sure. Why? Because we still preferred to group up with our Guildies, but it meant that if we were short a tank we could easily get one from the LFD tool or pug it.


It also meant that if I logged on at a time when most of my guild were off, I could still run a 5-man easily.


And if I only had a couple of hours to spare I could quickly get into a group for a 5-man rather than asking around for ages.


If a player was every rude to me or acted immature or selfish...I got over it. Cause it's a computer game.


It does destroy the community to have a cross server LFG tool because people from other servers have no fear of retaltion for being stupid. For example. When Rift implented the Xserer LFG tool. I can not remember how many times a player would win a "drop" then drop the group.


Keeping it in server forces a played to maintain their reputation on that server.

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From 12:05 mark.


Listening to anything that people, who go to those conventions say, is the worst thing any developer can do. They are not just outliers, they are full on freaks. Every developer should know to listen and do the complete opposite.


P.S.Everyone cheered at Cataclysm changes during Blizzcon 2010. Look what that lead to.

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Please link them here. And there are many outside factors that could account for the increase of server populations in WoW, not necessarily the brilliance of cross-server LFD.




That is more proof than you can ever bring up. Those same guilds "chosen by Bioware" also cheer for no damage meters being in-game. That seems to be something for casual people like you. Are you gonna change your tune now?




Don't feel bad for me. I'm doing just fine without cross-server LFD, just did my first hardmode with 3 members from a hardcore raiding guild. I'm certainly not the one complaining loudly over the absence of a feature from another MMO. Your reverse rhetoric is amusing, but it adds absolutely nothing to the discussion.


Google it yourself, I've already linked them earlier in this thread. You can argue that there may have been other factors for the growth of the playerbase but you simply can't say that the LFD caused WoW numbers to drop, as a few people have tried to say, when there is hard evidence that the player numbers grew from that point on to a year later.


You're in a guild who does HM's...so why would you care about a cross server LFD? You have your community within your guild, you do Flashpoints with them...you're not going to use the LFD yet you are complaining we shouldn't have it? You are exactly the type of person who should not have their opinion counted on the matter. I don't PVP so I'm not showing any opinion on changes to that side of things.


And so what if they share my view that damage meters are more of an annoyance than a help, does that mean I'm suddenly going to think they're right about everything? No.

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It does destroy the community to have a cross server LFG tool because people from other servers have no fear of retaltion for being stupid. For example. When Rift implented the Xserer LFG tool. I can not remember how many times a player would win a "drop" then drop the group.


Keeping it in server forces a played to maintain their reputation on that server.


I can't remember last time a player 'stole' a piece of loot I needed. We have different experiences.

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I'm looking for this "community" that would supposedly be killed by cross server LFD. As it is, on the rare occasion that I'm able to find a group, no one says a word and just runs through everything as quickly as possible. I take that back, there is talking, but only if it is to complain about someone not doing something in the quickest way possible, either lagging behind or accidentally pulling a group of mobs that the party was trying to skip. There have been a couple groups that forced me to join their voice chat unless I wanted to spend another hour looking for a group. All of the talking on there, though, was usually about how awesome they were and the huge leet dps numbers that they were seeing on their ops this week.


We wouldn't want to lose any of this magic by implementing a cross-server LFG! We need this special community feeling and the hour+ time spent spamming general chat trying to get a group.

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Actually we've already linked official numbers showing that the server populations began to grow at the same time as the LFD tool being implimented and continued to grow for a full year afterwards. So in no way did the LFD tool 'kill the game' or force people to quit, as you keep saying.



You honestly feel, new players, Who probably dont even know the classes joined the game due to the LFG system? So, blizz doing a massive market spam of the free trial had nothing do with this? Basically an unknown feature to none players pulled in none wow players. Not the advertising campaign or the free trial. It was all down to the x-sertver LFG tool.




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You honestly feel, new players, Who probably dont even know the classes joined the game due to the LFG system? So, blizz doing a massive market spam of the free trial had nothing do with this? Basically an unknown feature to none players pulled in none wow players. Not the advertising campaign or the free trial. It was all down to the x-sertver LFG tool.





You make a habit of misquoting and reading only what you want to read huh?


You can argue that there may have been other factors for the growth of the playerbase but you simply can't say that the LFD caused WoW numbers to drop, as a few people have tried to say, when there is hard evidence that the player numbers grew from that point on to a year later.
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