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Is dmg by it self so important?


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I suppose youre advocating the opposite? Doing the opposite of damage, which is nothing at all? Okey Dokey :rolleyes:


Take the others argument to an illogical extreme. Standard troll tactic :p In the context of the OP my original comemnts stand just fine.

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Take the others argument to an illogical extreme. Standard troll tactic :p In the context of the OP my original comemnts stand just fine.


haha now adays every new 12 year old to the internet looks for something to call trolling. This was in fact not trolling, but a legitimate claim. You knocked damage dealers for some reason that i can't even contemplate. Im pretty sure youre the only troll here.

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Mate, it all depends on where that damage is spent.


Example: Two marauders on the team in a hard-fought WZ


Mara 1: Fights on objectives (at turrets, on ball-carrier, healers, etc) and does 120k damage


Mara 2: Fights off objectives (skirmished mid-field, off ball-carrier, charges anything and anyone who tries to pick a fight or not) and does 220k damage.


Personally, I'd take Mara 1 any day over Mara 2. Mara 1 will post lower overal numbers (in a PUG) because he's unlikely to get heals and will get focused down but fast because he's threat and so will spend more time on the speeder/in the dead box than Mara 2. Mara 2 has more up time on enemies because the ruck ignores him - he's no threat - so he has less time on the speeder.


He may have higher damage, but obviously, Mara 2 sucks - he sucks because he's not helping his team.

Edited by VainEldritch
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I look at a persons objective score combined with damage. If damage is high but objective is very low I know they just spammed aoe or completely ignored the objective most of the game. Super high damage AND objective score , well thats a MVP right there.


Low damage and low objective.... no excuse!


high damage + high objectives doesnt always work out however. When I play huttball I actively remove pass targets that are far ahead of the carrier. I get no objective points for that, but I prevent the carrier from passing to the catwalks while he's in the pit for example, or I kill the sorcerer before the carrier gets in range of his pull. If you do this, you're not gonna get objective points.

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high damage + high objectives doesnt always work out however. When I play huttball I actively remove pass targets that are far ahead of the carrier. I get no objective points for that, but I prevent the carrier from passing to the catwalks while he's in the pit for example, or I kill the sorcerer before the carrier gets in range of his pull. If you do this, you're not gonna get objective points.


I do this too. If the opposition are past the half way point I scope for pass targets ahead of the carrier and engage them.


You're right, you don't gain points for it but it can be a game-changing tactic and it WILL reduce your uptime on player groups (no multi-target Uber-Smashes to rack up the damage) and thereby your damage.

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Mate, it all depends on where that damage is spent.


Example: Two marauders on the team in a hard-fought WZ


Mara 1: Fights on objectives (at turrets, on ball-carrier, healers, etc) and does 120k damage


Mara 2: Fights off objectives (skirmished mid-field, off ball-carrier, charges anything and anyone who tries to pick a fight or not) and does 220k damage.


Personally, I'd take Mara 1 any day over Mara 2. Mara 1 will post lower overal numbers (in a PUG) because he's unlikely to get heals and will get focused down but fast because he's threat and so will spend more time on the speeder/in the dead box than Mara 2. Mara 2 has more up time on enemies because the ruck ignores him - he's no threat - so he has less time on the speeder.


He may have higher damage, but obviously, Mara 2 sucks - he sucks because he's not helping his team.


Let's take 2 players:


1) Player A = mainly focussing on objective

2) Player B = Mainly focussing on Killing


Player A is needed if you want to win (obviously).

Player B also is needed OR it can make that WZ going an hella lot smoother IF he is the kind of guy totally ripping the enemy team.



Im gonna use this one as an example for what I think


In this huttball I did not much focus on the scoring part (scored one point and defended sometimes, but thats it.) BUT I was totally cutting trough the enemy team so that my team could have an easier life scoring.


So basically I think that both figures are as important.


In the end Im gonna welcome in my TEAM any player who focus on killing BUT that does it like it needs to be done. Not just herpderping around not focussing on the objective AND ALSO sucking at the killing part.

Edited by atreyuz
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Let's take 2 players:


1) Player A = mainly focussing on objective

2) Player B = Mainly focussing on Killing


Player A is needed if you want to win (obviously).

Player B also is needed OR it can make that WZ going an hella lot smoother IF he is the kind of guy totally ripping the enemy team.



Im gonna use this one as an example for what I think


In this huttball I did not much focus on the scoring part (scored one point and defended sometimes, but thats it.) BUT I was totally cutting trough the enemy team so that my team could have an easier life scoring.


So basically I think that both figures are as important.


In the end Im gonna welcome in my TEAM any player who focus on killing BUT that does it like it needs to be done. Not just herpderping around not focussing on the objective AND ALSO sucking at the killing part.


Engaging an opponent is only useful if it benefts your team. Just saying you are killing an opponent simply because you saw him doesnt make it positvely effect the WZ. Lets say(in Huttball)your team has the ball and is on there way to score. You have just respawned and see an enemy in your goal line. They dont have a chance of scoring anytime soon, so do you kill him or not? The answer is usually no. If your team has the ball and may score, you should secure the middle and get ready for another ball run, trying to kill that guy only hurts you. If you kill him, they now have one more person who can defend the goal line, its even worse if that guy has a knockback.


If your team has the ball, but you are no where near it, but in the middle, I would engage ppl, but ill make sure not to kill them, because again, it will only benefit the other team. I cant tell you how many times i was about to score, but there team was mostly dead, so right before i score i get swarmed by like 4-5 ppl.



Doing damage in Huttball is only useful if its too the right targets, the ones doing alot of damage, and experience pvpers will already know the good ones on there server by name.

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