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Forced to use Quinn


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I'm curious if any other mara's feel forced to use Quinn as a companion? I'm a level 48 carnage Mara and I'm finding I need to use Quinn's healing or I die. With him I can kill Elite mobs 1 at a time with my medium cool downs. All the other companions don't seem to help at all. I have Vette geared in my hand my downs and vanilla Quinn. Sad thing is, he's my least favorite!


Any advice (please state spec)?

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I only use Quinn when absolutely forced* quite honestly. I use Vette most of the time otherwise.


I hope when you say you have Vette in your hand me downs you dont mean literally. She needs to be in Cunning gear not Strength, otherwise its not surprising she does bad. Put her in your old orange items and put in at least blue cunning mods/armoring her level. Then give her a pair of orange guns also properly upgraded. She'll be able to pull her weight then. (Sorry if I'm stating the obvious, was hard to tell based on your post)


While I can't afford to upgrade every companion as well as myself, I at least try to do so on my main companion.



*Forced by my wife usually, who's a Quinn fan. :p

Edited by CutlassJack
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I am serious.


Thanks for the help, I have her in mostly green 'Vette only' gear but I have put some items of strength gear on her, I see my mistake. If you say she is viable will try and gear her up a bit because I want to use her mostly when I get to end game.


Need to learn all the stats and stuff, not really a power player but I've got this far and only recently started to struggle with her (late 40s). Thought the forums would be a good place for advice. Appreciate the help : )

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I am serious.


Thanks for the help, I have her in mostly green 'Vette only' gear but I have put some items of strength gear on her, I see my mistake. If you say she is viable will try and gear her up a bit because I want to use her mostly when I get to end game.


Need to learn all the stats and stuff, not really a power player but I've got this far and only recently started to struggle with her (late 40s). Thought the forums would be a good place for advice. Appreciate the help : )


Happy to help!


Each companion you get should get an entry in your codex that tells you what their important stat is you should boost. Its really helpful to figuring these things out.


For Vette and Quinn, cunning is their main stat. Boosting that improves their damage, critical hit chance, healing, etc. So you want to get it as high as you can. After that, endurance isnt bad to get them more survivability.


The green Vette-only gear is usually pretty poor for the level. If you cant afford to get her orange gear modded out, then look for some blue agent gear on the broker her level. That almost always has the right stats for her or Quinn.

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Each companion you get should get an entry in your codex that tells you what their important stat is you should boost. Its really helpful to figuring these things out.


Actually, I have never even looked at any of these codex entries on any companion of any class. What their primary stat is and what type of gear they use should become obvious just by looking at what gear they are wearing, since they are not exactly naked when you first get them.

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I have her in mostly green 'Vette only' gear


While this is certainly viable for some companions, it is not ideal if you have 2 companions that use same type of gear, in this case Vette and Quinn, giving them gear that is not restricted to one companion only, will allow them to share, since they are both Cunning users. Just strip one naked and put his gear onto the other when switching companions. This requires non-restricted gear.



but I have put some items of strength gear on her, I see my mistake.

As implied by your first post, which is why I said, not sure if serious.

Strength will give no benefit at all to these types of companions.

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Actually, I have never even looked at any of these codex entries on any companion of any class. What their primary stat is and what type of gear they use should become obvious just by looking at what gear they are wearing, since they are not exactly naked when you first get them.


In most cases, but not all. Elara Dorne, for example comes with Cunning statted guns even though Aim is her primary stat. But it usually points you in the right direction on most companions.


But the codex entries are worth checking over. Will make figuring out their likes and dislikes much much easier and often gives useful background info.

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I find myself just training through everything i fight and when i got to tatooine is when i had to use quin for effective chain pulling to keep my steady and fast questing pace because having to Channel Hatred after every mob pull is just to slow for me. Plus with proper cc, spreading your bleeds with a combo of berserk, your cloak of pain, and saber ward you can take so many packs at once without dieing with him.
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Simple guide to primary stats


For a character whose primary stat is Strength:

Strength will increase bonus damage and crit for both melee and force abilities

Willpower will increase bonus damage and crit for force abilities only

Cunning will do absolutely nothing

Aim will do absolutely nothing


For a character whose primary stat is Willpower:

Willpower will increase bonus damage and crit (and healing) for both melee and force abilities

Strength will increase bonus damage and crit for melee abilities only

Cunning will do absolutely nothing

Aim will do absolutely nothing


For a character whose primary stat is Cunning:

Cunning will increase bonus damage and crit (and healing) for both ranged and tech abilities

Aim will increase bonus damage and crit for ranged abilities only

Strength will do absolutely nothing

Willpower will do absolutely nothing


For a character whose primary stat is Aim:

Aim will increase bonus damage and crit (and healing) for both ranged and tech abilities

Cunning will increase bonus damage and crit for tech abilities only

Strength will do absolutely nothing

Willpower will do absolutely nothing


Now the exception is Aim using melee companions who get also melee damage from Aim.

Edited by Eternalnight
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