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Quick question about Ops loot distribution

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My guild has recently starting doing Ops runs. (by recently I mean last night was our first night)


I have a question though about loot distribution, and I thought I would ask this on behalf of my raid leaders who are busy with rl stuff (work..etc) so please don't gripe and flame at me about not knowing this crap..I'm just the healer :p


How do you set it up so that people get to roll on items and where items are NOT assigned to ppl? Last night we had it on master looter, and it assigned it to ppl who already had the item or people who just couldn't use it. How do you get it to NOT assign the items and how does one distribute the drops? Again, don't flame me for not knowing this stuff.. I just heal ppl, I don't lead the raids. heh

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In normal mode operations, there is currently no way of assigning loot. Once you go hard and nightmare mode, you get the same system that works in flashpoints, where everyone can roll for every item - or it can be assigned by a master looter.


Come 1.2 they will change it, so that normal mode (or story mode as they are being named) operations use the same system as hard/nightmare and flashpoints. My source for this information is here, so a vague disclaimer in case the information is incorrect.

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This broke the game for my guild...


80% of my guild is not playing until 1.2 because of this...no one wants to do HM FPs all night to gear up and do one HM FP just for 3 Columi Commendations and a weekly of only 10...We have one guy that has 4 Columi Boots when 2-3 others need them...its stupid and put in there to slow people down...


It's unfathomable...My guild is 80% dead because of this and being on a Light server there is no pub groups, its very sad...



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Sheesh... I didn't know that.


I know this game is awesome , the bestest game ever, you should NEVER criticize Swtor....blah blah blah, but you THINK a game that was in development for 5+ years would have addressed the simple concept of raid loot before hand. :S

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Sheesh... I didn't know that.


I know this game is awesome , the bestest game ever, you should NEVER criticize Swtor....blah blah blah, but you THINK a game that was in development for 5+ years would have addressed the simple concept of raid loot before hand. :S


The concept is actually well thought out, and implemented rather well for pug raids. The only drawback is that there is no way to turn it off for guilds like yourself.

Edited by gramz
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