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Leveling through PvP


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Is it advisable to grind warzones to 50 to be an effective pvper? If I wanted to do nothing but flashpoints and missions from 1-50 would I find throwing my hat into the pvp ring at 50 completely unenjoyable. How important is it to have a pvp spec while grinding warzones?
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Not whit the new system that will come in 1.2 .


Basically after you hit 50 you'll be able to buy a full PvP set for credits.


That set will not make you imba but it's a good start. However don't expect wins and stuff from your first weeks in PvP. You'll have no PvP experience, your opponents might have some PvP experience .

Edited by ntyzor
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Im leveling a char through pvp now, it is tough and difficult.. not enough xp, not enough credits. if it was my first character that was not possible.


it is let's say good if you already have 2 or more characters, so you dont want to repeat same quests, as it becomes really damn boring.


i just do daily warzone, daily space quests.. its slow ;X but more interesting than grinding same quests 4th time lol.


i don't know how it changes in 1.2 though. credits from warzones till level 50 are already blah. considering you have to buy basically your own equipment from 25 to 38~ lvl, if you do class quests you also have to buy equipment for your companion, and galaxy trade market prices are sometimes ridiculous. and lots of stuff is not to be found..

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