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Extra character slots and how to implement them.


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Wasnt Blizzard planning (or have they done it already?) to just let you roll as many toons as you want, anywhere? So long at you stay within the account limit ... /shrug


I thin that would be cool. Really, its just space anyway. Id be happy with a higher cap (dont even think about MT'ing it! :mad:) of around 12-15.


I usually like to keep my different factions in different servers but since you insist on just mixing it all up then well ... id like to just keep them all consolidated then.

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I very much hope that Bioware gives us the ability to purchase more slots.


As a realist, I don't expect the extra slots to come for free, so whilst it'd be nicer to not have to pay anything for 16 slots (or more), I'd be willing to accept this method as it would enable me to keep growing my legacy on the The Progenitor server rather than having to start a new legacy on another server.


I very much hope that this isn't one of those things that keeps just getting pushed down the list of things to do, as this is quite important to a number of people. It's highly surprising that an online shop to buy such things wasn't available from launch, all considered.

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I very much hope that Bioware gives us the ability to purchase more slots.


As a realist, I don't expect the extra slots to come for free, so whilst it'd be nicer to not have to pay anything for 16 slots (or more), I'd be willing to accept this method as it would enable me to keep growing my legacy on the The Progenitor server rather than having to start a new legacy on another server.


I very much hope that this isn't one of those things that keeps just getting pushed down the list of things to do, as this is quite important to a number of people. It's highly surprising that an online shop to buy such things wasn't available from launch, all considered.


Again, it just seems greedy for them to make us pay extra for somthing that me need. Some people alredy have 8 characters made and the way the legacy system is set up it forces you to play at least 4 toons on each faction to get all 8 of the abilities. If they want to make us play like that it would be suspicious to make us pay like they had it planed that way from the begining.

Edited by plAtomsk
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I very much hope that Bioware gives us the ability to purchase more slots.


As a realist, I don't expect the extra slots to come for free, so whilst it'd be nicer to not have to pay anything for 16 slots (or more), I'd be willing to accept this method as it would enable me to keep growing my legacy on the The Progenitor server rather than having to start a new legacy on another server.


I very much hope that this isn't one of those things that keeps just getting pushed down the list of things to do, as this is quite important to a number of people. It's highly surprising that an online shop to buy such things wasn't available from launch, all considered.


I could not agree with you more. I check every day to see if they give us any more info on these slots their 100% committed too.

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Again, it just seems greedy for them to make us pay extra for somthing that me need. Some people alredy have 8 characters made and the way the legacy system is set up it forces you to play at least 4 toons on each faction to get all 8 of the abilities. If they want to make us play like that it would be suspicious to make us pay like they had it planed that way from the begining.


Honestly, there isn't a NEED for more character slots on one server. There are hundreds of slots available to use. This is a WANT. It's also fairly common to attach a real world one-time fee to extra costume slots. It's not greedy, is simply another source of income to maintain the servers, and add more content.


It's also usually a bad idea to attach rewards like this to reaching the level cap. Not all players will reach 50 in a month. Some will take 6 months, some will take years. On the flip side, it could easily take less than 10 minutes to fill all 8 character slots. Many players prefer switching from alt to alt, as opposed to playing one character straight through to the end.


Making extra character slots part of the legacy system looks like a good idea to me, although the option to purchase them should also be available, for a reasonable price ($5-10)

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this way ppl would not overflow the servers.

other ways would be a) pay real money on time fee b) legacy level c) what u said^^ maybe not one slot for every 50 but when u get 8 50s u get one more etc.


Great idea

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I don't see how the Legacy system can possibly succeed with an 8 toon per server limit. Just to get to the Legacy levels you need, you must roll multiple characters. Unless more slots are made available per server, players will be forced to decide which of their well developed characters they will delete in order to roll a legacy race.


An alternative work around this would be to make legacy benefits account wide, rather than server-wide. That way, players could simply roll toons made available by legacy levels or credits, on any server, regardless of where the initial Legacy was established. That wouldn't work for players who like having the flexibility of establishing more than one Legacy, of course.


As it is, legacy rewards are skimpy, overpriced and imho require too many legacy levels and or cost. (For instance, I for one, won't bother with the Quick Travel "perks" of up to OOOH 3 whole minutes off QT! And all in exchange for getting to level 15 legacy AND paying 300k credits! Can you believe! What do you get for that? a oooh! 27 minute QT instead of a 30 minute QT. LOL. Really? Now this MIGHT be a good deal if say, each level of QT shaved 5 minutes off, so ultimately you cut it in half. But 3 minutes? haha Be serious.) Add to that an 8 character per server limitation and it is actually impossible to enjoy the full benefits of your legacy, even if you manage ultimately to meet all the requirements.


Anyway, I like the basic idea of the legacy system, but as it is, the rewards are either not worthwhile (in terms of what is required to get them) and/or earning the ability to roll any race/class is pointless if you don't have room on the server to enjoy them.

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A game like this that is largely based on different stories, your choices and classes definitely needs more than 8 character slots per server. Eight slots is enough to only run each class story once. I basically NEED more character slots since mine have been filled since like 2 weeks in. I still don't have single lvl 50 but I would already like to make characters of different AC, sex, ls/ds, etc. I'm not in the least bit interested having my characters spread over multiple servers as that would cut them of from stuff like twinking them with my other characters and legacy stuff.
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