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patch 1.2 release date?


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does anyone have any links to anything giving the day that this patch will be released? I need to know if i should re-up my sub or not.. because frankly im thinking of unsubbing if this doesnt fix a **** ton of stuff including the FPS problems.


I know wow usually has close to a 2 week lead on the PTR before they release a patch, but this has been on the PTServers here for over 3 weeks... so.. was just curious



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I guess I am lucky. I crashed a total of three times since I started play pre release and every patch helped tho nothing helped like another gig of ram.


Sorry you have so many issues. I simply don't.


I'm in the same situation, however those who do crash will tell you that you're in the minority and that most people have such problems.

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i had many of the same issues a while back and could not for the life of me figure out what was my problem until recently when i bought 2 new sticks of 4 gig ram to replace the old to which apparently had problems in the first place. all my problems simply floated away at that point.


it sounds like a lot of issues do relate to ram in some manner (at least mine did). I recommend running "WindowsMemoryDiagnostic" to double check the memory and see if everything is kosher.


anyway looking foward to the patch. Want to see lots of things to do at endgame when i get there eventually ;)

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I'm in the same situation, however those who do crash will tell you that you're in the minority and that most people have such problems.


I do not think that is true. I am sure it happens to some people and I agree it needs to be fixed asap, no question about it... but as far as I can see most people do *not* have such problems.

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I've been playing this game pretty heavily since near release. I think in all that time I've had.... 1? disconnect that wasn't definately on my end? I think a lot of you have crappy connects and blame BW instead of checking your gear.


As for you all complaining about loading problems. Get a comp that can handle the dang game. I'm running a Q6700 (6 y/o) with 4 gigs of DDR2. The only new component being a 560ti. I can play the game fully maxed at 1080, no stuttering, smooth play, fast loading(under 5 seconds almost always). The fact you can run this game on a 6 year old processor fully maxed is amazing. And yet you all complain that the graphics are too much. This isn't WOW. This game actually looks good. If you cant deal with that fact or upgrade your comp, go play something else. Cause I like my characters to not look like something made in the 90's.

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As for you all complaining about loading problems. Get a comp that can handle the dang game.



I assume you aren't including those with loading issues as a result of the "No Downtime" maintenance saga, That still remains on-going, In that statement!?!


Up until this maintenace, I have had only one issue with the game, But that was an in-game issue, Specifically to do with a bugged quest.


As for Patch 1.2...


After today/tonight's maintenance, I would STRONGLY advise that patch 1.2 be delayed indefinately, Until such a time as the powers that be, Can even perform regular maintenance, Without servers going off the deep end, Ala the Oceanic servers saga (For reference, Read any post containing 'Dalborra' or 'load screen' in the title!)

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I agree that is a computer issue ("old computers").

I had some crash since i started playing swtor, on my 3 years old laptop. But now, 30 days playing with my new computer (desktop), i didn't had any crash or disconect since that.

If you are having trouble with swtor, buy a new comp or go play something else.


(i can't wait to see the new 1.2 graphics upgrade)..

Edited by Fenriris
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I'm sorry but saying this is only peoples old computers is plain bs.

I don't personally have any game breaking problems but this game DOES NOT run as well as it should, period.

So please stop all the damned "OMG upgrade your PC!" arrogance because it is just boring.

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I've been playing this game pretty heavily since near release. I think in all that time I've had.... 1? disconnect that wasn't definately on my end? I think a lot of you have crappy connects and blame BW instead of checking your gear.


As for you all complaining about loading problems. Get a comp that can handle the dang game. I'm running a Q6700 (6 y/o) with 4 gigs of DDR2. The only new component being a 560ti. I can play the game fully maxed at 1080, no stuttering, smooth play, fast loading(under 5 seconds almost always). The fact you can run this game on a 6 year old processor fully maxed is amazing. And yet you all complain that the graphics are too much. This isn't WOW. This game actually looks good. If you cant deal with that fact or upgrade your comp, go play something else. Cause I like my characters to not look like something made in the 90's.


Yes in the open world. Have you gone into a WZ and turned on your FPS monitor in game?


I bet not. Because you don't even list your fps. Your one of those "30 FPS is great" heroes. So before you boast about your garbage machine, keep in mind the scenarios people are getting low fps with this engine.


I am really getting annoyed at these my PC running this broken engine miraculously great because of my super awesome 3 generations behind equipment (except video card).

Edited by Crossbwnz
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I have no idea if this will work, but for the people with the FPS problems, I fixed mine by re-installing the game. I was using the client from the pre-loaded game before release. I installed using the disc I got with my game. When I loaded the game, all my textures looked 10 times better( I could finally see the veins in the peoples face on the dark side) and my fps went from 20 to a steady 60. Like I said it may or not work, just thought I'd share what fixed a lot of problems for me. I also agree with other people a lot needs to be fixed in the game if I'm going to be keeping my subscription.
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/agree on the unsubbing thing.


I really hope they fix a crap-ton of stuff for patch 1.2


At least enough so for me to go back to the daily grind if I can have some fun abilities to grind with(legacy powers).




1.2 will be to little to late and people, myself included, that might have stayed and not unsubed giving this game a second chance. Well to late. CS personnel and Developers a like should have been really Hyping this patch big time. Even go as far as adding media to launcher. In actually they probably wouldn't have lost nearly as many subs if they push ma3 into 3rd quarter and released 1.2 after 30days. instead of leaving swtor feeling like a beta for 3 going on 4 months. :(

Edited by Promethium_x
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1.2 will be to little to late and people, myself included, that might have stayed and not unsubed giving this game a second chance. Well to late. CS personnel and Developers a like should have been really Hyping this patch big time. Even go as far as adding media to launcher. In actually they probably wouldn't have lost nearly as many subs if they push ma3 into 3rd quarter and released 1.2 after 30days. instead of leaving swtor feeling like a beta for 3 going on 4 months. :(


For someone flashing their canceled sub to all of us active SWTOR you sure are active on the message boards.

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I've been playing this game pretty heavily since near release. I think in all that time I've had.... 1? disconnect that wasn't definately on my end? I think a lot of you have crappy connects and blame BW instead of checking your gear.


As for you all complaining about loading problems. Get a comp that can handle the dang game. I'm running a Q6700 (6 y/o) with 4 gigs of DDR2. The only new component being a 560ti. I can play the game fully maxed at 1080, no stuttering, smooth play, fast loading(under 5 seconds almost always). The fact you can run this game on a 6 year old processor fully maxed is amazing.


Sorry for the intervention, but the loading times caught my eye. Under 5 seconds? In an old computer? You must be playing warzone after warzone and perhaps a flashpoint from time to time. Those are the fast loading ones, yes. CPU wise, games mostly use a single core. They are not multi threaded, so basically there's very little benefit from a modern processor in the gaming world.


My system is an i7 970 @ 3.2GHz with 24Gigs of DDR3, 2x580 GTX and the game runs from a secondary SSD (my system works only with Solid State Drives). The OS is pretty light on its installed software and I still get 10-15sec load in all worlds. Ship, warzones, fleet are the exceptions. Even flashpoints take longer than 5sec. Keep in mind that I have hyperthreading off (it makes a big difference).


Therefore my conclusion is that there has to be a coding issue. I have Rift for example that loads an entire world in under 1sec, plus 1 more for data transfer to the GFX card and that's it.


I believe the game's 32bit architecture may be hitting bottlenecks with 64bit systems. At times I've encountered memory leaks (exceeding the 2048MB barrier) and the FPS drop down to 20-30... from 110!

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Even go as far as adding media to launcher. In actually they probably wouldn't have lost nearly as many subs if they push ma3 into 3rd quarter and released 1.2 after 30days. instead of leaving swtor feeling like a beta for 3 going on 4 months. :(


I have a couple of dozen multi-bug reports on my mail, which is sad. It appears that the game was rushed for the Christmas market and problems got "patched" up and burried. If one has an eye for detail, they can easily be spotted. It's a shame really as there are many basic features that are not there. I have 4 lvl50 characters (plus two more @ 32 & 37 that I don't have the courage to cap) and at the moment I am simply looking at the screen and chatting with my guildies (because many people have left and we have hard time getting groups etc) and/or helping them out.


This game needed 6 more months of intensive beta testing. The basic database has still namespace issues, which shows that things were released before they were supposed to.

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i find it amusing to read all the posts about this ant right and that needs to be done. I been playing since day one. no crash no real problems that wreck the game for me. this is a game people. yes i can see the problems just as well as the rest of you but how many of you are programers. I FOR ONE AM NOT. its easy for us to say hey i want and you must. guess what they read what we write here and try to fix what they can


did they release to soon? maybe. why? maybe because the same people that are quiting now screamed at them give us the dam game already. what did they do? oh thats right they did give us the dame game. now its there falt it is glitched?


i have fun on the game. sure i run into gliches but i can play threw them.


you say your fps fell. my question is this. did it realy stop your game or did it stay on track and did you play threw. if you want perfect then make your own.


i wonder at times how the people at BW dont look at the posts and say (I quit let these winney brats fix it themselves) I know i would



anyway sorry for the rant but to all you people that are fleeing the game and crying. goodbye. my toon will fight on



dragon out

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I remember when WoW was in beta, that I played for the entirety of. I remember the bugs weren't fixed by the time the release came out... not for about five months anyway (and some of the original bugs were still there even then).


For BioWare, MMO's are new. They may have dabbled in the idea a few times, but the programming requirements are entirely different for something like this. I expect nothing less than a few bugs for the first half year regardless of "standards set by other MMO's".


Am I annoyed there was no Guild Bank on release? No dual-speccing? An ineffective LFG system? Some horrendous bugs with quests and graphic glitches? Yeah, a little. But I forgive them for it because its a new kind of project for them, and they are learning.


I'm sure when 1.2 comes out, a few of those bugs will be fixed, compatability will be up, some lag/disconnect issues will be solved (yes, I get some now and again, and my PC isn't even 2 years old yet. I blame BT some days, and I know it isn't them or my PC on others).


As long as they release new content every three or four months, fix more bugs than they make each time, and show the public that BioWare can handle a large project like this, then it will be all good.


If you don't want to show patience, then I am sure you can go to WoW and their upcoming panda-expansion. Let us know how that goes.

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