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When Are Hard Modes going to be fixed?

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Tried to do Directive 7, but couldn't because the 2nd boss would spit out clones every 10 seconds..... So went to do False Emperor but got stuck with that to because the 2nd boss on that one would bug out, every time we would click on the gun to shoot the ship the ship would not back up and would just continue to nuke everyone.


The other day did Hard Mode Essles and the last boss would hit you with lightening even if you got out of the purple circle.....


It's like every time you go into a hard mode flash point you have a 50/50 chance of it being bugged... Is this a new mechanic RNG Hard mode?!?!


You can't have a MMO where you just leave GAME BREAKING bugs in the game for months on end. If your current programmers can't fix it then FIRE THEM and hired competent ones...


This is pathetic...

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Directive Seven was fixed a while ago, but then they broke it again. The first time I completed it, we wiped a few times due to the game spawning copies of the Trooper in our group. As long as it didn't start spawning Troopers (player number 2 in our case) we were fine. Towards the end of the fight, Troopers did start appearing, so we announced a burn phase boss only and barely got him down. It is proper rng as to whether this would happen or not, and having high dps will make the fight disproportionately easier to do.


On the spaceship/turrets thing... are you sure you're doing it right? I've never had a problem there except a l2p issue on the first visit (going in blind without watching tutorials).


Finally, you need to move quicker to get out of the lightning on Esseles. It is perfectly possible to do. If you do get hit by it, you ought to pop your medkit or hit a Force Armour bubble if you have one (to give the healer a little time to top you off). Also, if you have access to healing abilities, and more than one person has some health missing (other than the tank), give the healer a hand. What is a ***** on that fight is getting double hit by his sabre throw. Very little will save you other than a large health pool and/or a tough bubble.

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