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Please split WZ between 1 to 30 and 31 to 49


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I support this. The majority of players are bad already, I don't need level 10s in my games dragging down the team. At least if a lvl 40 is bad, the fact that he has most of his talent points make up for his crappy skill.


But it doesnt. If the 40 is bad and the lowbie is good, I would rather have the lowvbie. If your level 40 is slobbering dps-tunnel-vision goon - the type that nukes the guy being healed and does not know what cc is, then those lowbies might actually do the correct thing and are quite capable of doing that what the 40 isnt.


At least thats the case in my experience. I have seen some **** awful 49 players who think they are amazing just because they are level 49.


They step in the level 50 warzones and run straight back to the boards and complain because they realise they arent that good at all.

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On my countless alts, I've never had any problem when im level 11-19.


but of course, the losers will just cry about anything.



"please give warzones to every level, a lvl 19 cant possibly beat a level 20, huhu.,"

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I disagree with the OP. I brought my alt up through the levels doing a lot of PvP and while I was in my teens and 20s, I regularly beat other players in their 30s and 40s. Your stats are normalized, there is no expertise and you get all the best class abilities in the teens and early 20s. The only thing you don't have yet is the upper tier skill points, which don't make a large difference anyways. There's no reason to split off teens and 20s because it would make queue times so long that they would probably never get a warzone pop.


Your wrong, there is.


But saying that I felt it is such a tiny amount (about 1 or 2 % buff) that I just replace the mods with better normal ones which took away the expertise I had.

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Splitting WZ's from 10 - 30 and then 31 - 49 isn't all that bad of an idea, although I wouldn't recommend that change happening until after BW has released the cross server PvP queues. I believe the buff works fairly well to give lowbies a fighting chance, but the fact that you don't have your upper tier skills, spells / attacks, etc. will always put you at that disadvantage. A level 10 isn't going to have all of his/her stuns, knock backs, silences, and survivability skills a level 40+ is going to have and it will never be true in an MMO (which would completely defeat the purpose of leveling for new skills). So bringing the bracket down to 3 separate groups (including the 50s bracket of course :p) would level out the lower level players feeling overwhelmed by those 40's that do have all of their "PvP" skills at their disposal.
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I'd be content with 10-19 and 20-49.


Most <20's are fairly bad, they weigh down a team and usually more than 2-3 on a team means you'll lose, unless both sides have as many. That's not to say that anyone <20 is terrible, I've seen a few useful ones (And no, getting top damage/kill is not always useful and especially so if you all you did was stay at the sides in Huttball killing people) who contribute meaningfully to a match but they're so few and far between it is not enough to justify having so many other lower levels queuing for "free exp" to get from 10-14 so they don't have to run slower while leveling in DK or Corusc.


The reasons why most people below 20 are terrible are:


Lack of CD's

Lack of an Interrupt(18)

Lack of Bonus stats(Little power, rarely any surge/alacrity, occasional crit)

Lack of vital abilities(SF/HS for Sco/Ops, Different Heals on Healers and so on)


Usually at 20 you get a class/spec defining ability, or you start getting key talents that help give a spec what it needs to be useful.

Edited by ilovethepink
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Bolster has nothing to do with it, if you look at stats on a lvl 10 as opposed to a lvl 49, the difference in stats are minimal, the biggest difference is what skills you have access to at lvl 10 as opposed to lvl 49. I think this is why people feel 10-49 is unfair, in reality a lvl 49 does have a huge advantage over a level 10 just with skill points and actual abilities at their disposal. Edited by Khalda
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I recently started with an alt operative healer. A couple of times, I was told to leave the battle before the battle had started because I was to low level. My alt is lvl20 and I basically have 1 healing ability and 0 defence abilities. So right now I am not doing so great.
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I'm a level 22 marauder who started doing 1-49 at level 10.


Do your best, cry less (not specifically pointed at anyone in particular). KNOW that when you own a nub that's 25 levels over you in talents and skilled, that you did somethign relevant.


I struggle in Huttball for reasons the last poster mentioned, but I MORE then hold my own in Alderaan and Voidstar.


Going forward in 1.2, Voidstar becomes Empire/Empire as well. Also, Novare Coast is also Empire/Empire. I personally will enjoy less huttball as a lowbie melee. I mean, I like huttball, it just doesn't like me that much :eek:


So, get better, not bitter. That's my mantra. Yeah I get creamed a lot in Huttball, but you do get better at it. Stop complaining, and get back in there and kill someone :D

Edited by islander
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yes please split them


the 45 mins queue time for Republic on my server is not nearly long enough. And this was at 7:30pm PDT on a Sunday. Then the game ended with not enough people.


Then i jump on my Imp Powertech...get a huttball in 2 minutes. Yea splitting them is a great idea, just like removing cross factions in huttball. Must be nice for imps to level and get their comms/valor so quickly. (before 1.2 anyways)

Edited by Luciferhawke
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Few things:


10-19 players actually have better stats and gear than most level 40 players unless they are geared in epics for their level. SWTOR system does this on purpose. The major reason they lose has nothing to do with gear or stats, its the lack of skills and talents that makes them lose. I have all but like 4 of my castable skills bound at 50 and use them all at least once a WZ. A 10-19 has less than half of those and no talents. So yes I agree with you there is a difference but its not where you say it is. The gear stats difference was already fixed by bioware, but why didn't they do anything about skills and talents.

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Lets face it. Any player attempting PvP from 10 to 19 is not going to have any fun. Why? because you are going against players that already have a huge gear difference. Before anyone even brings up the "buff". It is a complete non factor. The expertise you get from gear at 40 breaks the buff in every way.


You need only look at the numbers at the end of a match. Level 40 plus will have up to 10 times the healing, damage of lower level players. No i am not exaggerating.


If you are unwilling to put in different brackets than at least give the 10 to 19 levels an extra buff so we can survive more than 2 shots.


When did they put Expertise on lvl 40 pvp gear?


I just hit 50 maybe a month ago and before that all the PvP lvl 40 gear had no Expertise on it.... and as a lvl 14-20 I had no issues PvP'ing in warzones... I thought it was the most balanced PvP i've ever played in any MMO... I didn't mention 10-13 levels because ya your gimped without run speed..


Also even if what you say is true, you can usually level to 20+ in a matter of a couple days easily...


Oh BTW, if you hate leveling 10-19 in pvp, you probably should quit now, because when you hit 50 in just normal gear, all the pvp'ers in Champion and Battle master gear are going to destroy you badly as you slowly gear up...

Edited by Monoth
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When did they put Expertise on lvl 40 pvp gear?



the pvp weapons have expertise as low as 36 i think (somewhere around there) Though it's a really small amount. Like 4, which is nothing.


At 40 it's something 17. People would then buy the weapon, take out the enhancement with the exp, then put that in their armor

Edited by Luciferhawke
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When did they put Expertise on lvl 40 pvp gear?


I just hit 50 maybe a month ago and before that all the PvP lvl 40 gear had no Expertise on it.... and as a lvl 14-20 I had no issues PvP'ing in warzones... I thought it was the most balanced PvP i've ever played in any MMO... I didn't mention 10-13 levels because ya your gimped without run speed..


Also even if what you say is true, you can usually level to 20+ in a matter of a couple days easily...


Oh BTW, if you hate leveling 10-19 in pvp, you probably should quit now, because when you hit 50 in just normal gear, all the pvp'ers in Champion and Battle master gear are going to destroy you badly as you slowly gear up...


if people save commendations there is a little bit of expertise on the 40+ weapons (which can be put into the gear, gets you very little expertise tho. like 6-10 per wearable gear)


but i have to say. when i have alts between 14-20 i can easily take down 40+ especially if they dont know their class.

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the pvp weapons have expertise as low as 36 i think (somewhere around there) Though it's a really small amount. Like 4, which is nothing.


At 40 it's something 17. People would then buy the weapon, take out the enhancement with the exp, then put that in their armor


In that case they should just remove expertise from the weapons, problem solved.... or if they want to keep it make pvp weapons not have mod slots so they can't remove it and put it in their armor...

Edited by Monoth
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