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410K Dmg 121K Heal Sentinel PvP Vid


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This is another vid from last nights PvPing. As mentioned in the description of the vid, there are like 3 spots where video goes blank for 1-2 seconds, don't know what happened during the editing and rendering to cause this but I decided it wasn't severe enough to go through the whole process again. Hope you guys enjoy.



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Hi, its me again.


Your combat flow is much improved, it is easier to watch you play now.


You are still clicking for your guarded by the force though, and you are not using valorous call at all.


It is simply crucial to hotkey your guarded by the force, you do not have time to go and click it when you are low on hp in a fight.


Valorous call is useful for chaining two back to back zen or transcendence, very important for burst or huttball carrying. Your damage could have been much higher considering that you were getting guarded and healed for much of the game.

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Hi, its me again.


Your combat flow is much improved, it is easier to watch you play now.


You are still clicking for your guarded by the force though, and you are not using valorous call at all.


It is simply crucial to hotkey your guarded by the force, you do not have time to go and click it when you are low on hp in a fight.


Valorous call is useful for chaining two back to back zen or transcendence, very important for burst or huttball carrying. Your damage could have been much higher considering that you were getting guarded and healed for much of the game.


Well, thanks for the suggestions but I think you are being a little over critical. It's easy to sit and watch someone play and say he is screwing up, but you know when you are playing sometimes it is easy to not be "perfect". I just recently bound Guarded by the Force and I have a Razer Nostromo that I am still getting used to so sometimes I miss the shift key on it. I'm also sorry my dmg was not high enough for you, I think I'll get by.

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Well, thanks for the suggestions but I think you are being a little over critical. It's easy to sit and watch someone play and say he is screwing up, but you know when you are playing sometimes it is easy to not be "perfect". I just recently bound Guarded by the Force and I have a Razer Nostromo that I am still getting used to so sometimes I miss the shift key on it. I'm also sorry my dmg was not high enough for you, I think I'll get by.




He gave you fantastic advice. You should just listen to it instead of being defensive.

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You are about to be seriously flamed by the elite guys. Some poor guy posted a 500K plus screenshot and received all sorts of insulting replies. Those numbers are less than average for a lot of sents, particularly receiving a lot of heals.


If you DO have to post it at least listen to the very reasonable and polite constructive criticism without getting defensive. What else did you hope for?

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This is another vid from last nights PvPing. As mentioned in the description of the vid, there are like 3 spots where video goes blank for 1-2 seconds, don't know what happened during the editing and rendering to cause this but I decided it wasn't severe enough to go through the whole process again. Hope you guys enjoy.




If that was Alderan, that would have been indeed a good vid... But than I saw it was Voidstar >.> If you want a medal...


You are now rated to rank 8467 out of 10000 Sentinels that have posted on this forums.

For you awesome godlike damage done on Voidstar.

Gratz have a candy.

Edited by OldxLady
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He gave you fantastic advice. You should just listen to it instead of being defensive.


yea he was giving you very friendly, constructive advice, all of which i agree with 100%. the things that he mentioned are not characteristics of "perfect" play - far from it. they are standard practices that every sentinel should try to follow.

Edited by Morniel
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If that was Alderan, that would have been indeed a good vid... But than I saw it was Voidstar >.> If you want a medal...


You are now rated to rank 8467 out of 10000 Sentinels that have posted on this forums.

For you awesome godlike damage done on Voidstar.

Gratz have a candy.


I still don't care about my numbers, I was just posting some videos for people to watch. I already know my numbers weren't the same as other Sentinels, but I also didn't sit and beat on people with pocket healers over and over. My video shows me constantly going for the healers if I saw them.


For all the others posting about me getting defensive, there were a couple things lxyao said that were not necessary if he was giving me friendly advice. You don't tell someone "its much easier to watch you play" and that I "should have done more damage being guarded and healed the wholetime". Those two statements were not needed. I am not an elitist and I don't claim to be. I posted some videos, which I am new at doing, to share with the community.

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wish i knew what you where doing different to me..


I can see u actually have a healer that heals you so that helps, otherwise you seem to be no different yet i get slaughtered.


whats your gear/build/rotation?


Hey man, my gear is primarily Champion at this point as I took a long break from PvP to do raiding with my guild. I am using 2 Rakata lightsabers and Rakata gloves. My build is 31/7/3 and as for rotation, it is more of a priority sequence that I try to stick with. I will usually try to leap and hit cauterize depending on the persons health. If they are pretty much dead, I won't use cauterize. I also try to hit overload saber anytime it is up if possible. Other than that, it is mostly building focus and dumping on people with Merciless, Zealous, and Strike if focus is low.

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Couple of things I noticed:


- You walked backwards way too much. I'm not going to tell you to unbind your move backwards key, but strafing or running forward is better 99% of the time.


- You regularly built up a lot of focus and didn't use it. Why?

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you've made a lot of improvements man. I'm by no means some elite Sentinel, but I for the most part have a lot of respect by the players on my server, probably known as a good sentinel... maybe because I like to play objectives and actually am not a troll nor someone calling others bad or emoting and try to be friendly.


My only critique is you aren't prioritizing healers as well as you could, and I see several instances of you on healers not interupting their heals with force kick... also you're using Force Charge at close range a lot when they aren't trying to kite you, you might like to save that 12s cooldown a bit more... nit picking (i myself am guilty of using that too much, i like the way it looks lol)


one last little shot of advice which could be a UI thing with the voidstar map covering up some of your right bar, but where are your relics?

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Well, thanks for the suggestions but I think you are being a little over critical. It's easy to sit and watch someone play and say he is screwing up, but you know when you are playing sometimes it is easy to not be "perfect". I just recently bound Guarded by the Force and I have a Razer Nostromo that I am still getting used to so sometimes I miss the shift key on it. I'm also sorry my dmg was not high enough for you, I think I'll get by.


Defensive much? Considering you don't bind valorous call and/or use it I thought he was being fairly nice to you.

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You are about to be seriously flamed by the elite guys. Some poor guy posted a 500K plus screenshot and received all sorts of insulting replies. Those numbers are less than average for a lot of sents, particularly receiving a lot of heals.


If you DO have to post it at least listen to the very reasonable and polite constructive criticism without getting defensive. What else did you hope for?


Damage is an arbitrary number. It's usually the result of a lot of healing and lack of DPS on both sides for which the Sentinel is making up for. I actually find that on servers with better PVPers the kills tend to be up, along with the KBs, but the damage lower. This is because people are actually dying and healers are being controlled.


If someone is keeping you healed, and you are running around beating on targets that are receiving healing constantly either due to a potent multi healer situation and your team lacks the ability to control them, or there are just too many, it doesn't really mean anything other than you have a decent DPS rotation, but your team as a whole was ineffective at actually killing.


Damage numbers are pointless when they are countered or beaten by healing numbers.


There were times in that VS where when strafing Sorcs green casting crossed your field of vision, and you didn't switch targets. You should almost always drop target to take out a healer unless your current target has very very little HP. You can't count on them to not pop some defensive CD and then receive a massive heal. (Don't feel bad your entire team ignored a healer green casting right next to all of you. However, you are a Sentinel. Killing/distracting is a primary objective, and you should take that role.)


Reasons like this is why damage numbers don't mean much. You get more damage from DPSing a target being healed than you do if you interrupt/kill healer and then kill another target.

Edited by Derian
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Reasons like this is why damage numbers don't mean much. You get more damage from DPSing a target being healed than you do if you interrupt/kill healer and then kill another target.


Gotta agree with Synion here. In games where I kill him over and over and over and over again, my damage numbers are down. But when I tunnel vision focus him while he's getting heals, my damage numbers are inflated. :p

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Gotta agree with Synion here. In games where I kill him over and over and over and over again, my damage numbers are down. But when I tunnel vision focus him while he's getting heals, my damage numbers are inflated. :p


Jokes on you, nobody likes me and I never get heals. :D

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You walk backwards, you mouse click, you need to use crippling throw and pacify more.....


that was the first 5 minutes then I got bored and stopped the video 400K is no great feet when your being guarded and have a pocket healer...


Also if your brave enough to post a video of yourself then be man enough to take the critiques that come with it all in all your an average sentinel.... Maybe you should hold off on the movies until you learn to mouse turn and stop the mouse clicking.

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Well, I have received a lot of critiques from this and I do appreciate it. Some came constructive and I am working to improve upon those techniques. I will be honest, I started playing MMOs in 2001 and up until about 6 months ago, I was a "clicker" and "keyboard turner". In doing so for so long it's a habbit I actually grew pretty proficient at and never had as much of a backlash in my performance. I decided it was time to change all that and try to improve myself even more and really focus on being a better player in a PvP spectrum.


My "defensive" comments came because at first I wasn't really posting to try and make people think I was some elite Sentinel. I know what the numbers other Sentinels are posting out there and that is great. This was more to start posting some videos because I like to use them as well for a tool to see what I am doing and I figured I would share as well. There are numerous times I watch my own videos and say "why didn't I do this, or I should have hit Pacify there". I will continue to critique my play and try to implement other critiques from those with good information.


As for Soybombz, I could really care less if you got bored. You want to call me an average Sentinel? Post a video of your gameplay showing me you are the authority on Sentinels and maybe I will acknowledge your claim. I am man enough to accept critiques from people who do it in a constructive manner. When I get insulted, I will say something back. Until you prove you are anything as a player rather than a person just out to try to insult me, I put your comments on disregard. I've also looked you up, you aren't much of anything rather than a troll. Do you insult people based on your shortcomings as a Sentinel? You talk a lot of game and harshly criticize people with no back up. You should look to keep your thoughts to yourself because to me bud, you carry no weight and your comments are more like a fart in the wind.

Edited by Scythus
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you've made a lot of improvements man. I'm by no means some elite Sentinel, but I for the most part have a lot of respect by the players on my server, probably known as a good sentinel... maybe because I like to play objectives and actually am not a troll nor someone calling others bad or emoting and try to be friendly.


My only critique is you aren't prioritizing healers as well as you could, and I see several instances of you on healers not interupting their heals with force kick... also you're using Force Charge at close range a lot when they aren't trying to kite you, you might like to save that 12s cooldown a bit more... nit picking (i myself am guilty of using that too much, i like the way it looks lol)


one last little shot of advice which could be a UI thing with the voidstar map covering up some of your right bar, but where are your relics?



Yeah, I'm trying to work on perfecting that. Those 2 videos have been a work in progress as I had just changed my talents a bit and moved some abilities around on my hotbar. I'm testing different things out and seeing how they work given certain situations.


My relics were at the top of the right side hidden under the map. I use them, I just need to move them to be more visable so I can see when the CD is up.


I'm trying to focus on the bigger parts of my play and hone those in, and then work my way down to the smaller tweaks as I go. My talent tree and priority lists have changed about 3 times in the past week. These videos are just a reflection of that.

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Defensive much? Considering you don't bind valorous call and/or use it I thought he was being fairly nice to you.


Valorous Call is bound, I had moved it from one slot to another and the keybind changed. That is one thing I had never really thought to do was double that up after dumping my 30 stacks. I'm actually pretty upset that I never thought about it during PvP. It's something I do during raiding but not something I carried over. I always saw abilities like that as a potential waste if I hit it and then get focused down right after using it. So like an idiot, I never implemented it into my priority techniques. I will be working on this in the coming weeks.

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Valorous Call is bound, I had moved it from one slot to another and the keybind changed. That is one thing I had never really thought to do was double that up after dumping my 30 stacks. I'm actually pretty upset that I never thought about it during PvP. It's something I do during raiding but not something I carried over. I always saw abilities like that as a potential waste if I hit it and then get focused down right after using it. So like an idiot, I never implemented it into my priority techniques. I will be working on this in the coming weeks.


None of us are perfect. You did fine in that Video, and you had a high number of kills you just missed some healers here and there. You got the gist of the class down, however you can really take it up a notch by doing the small things.


The fun thing about Sentinel is you can always get better.

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None of us are perfect. You did fine in that Video, and you had a high number of kills you just missed some healers here and there. You got the gist of the class down, however you can really take it up a notch by doing the small things.


The fun thing about Sentinel is you can always get better.



Yeah, I've been experimenting and toying with different skills and set ups more than perfect lately. I was only doing raids for the previous 2 months, after doing PvP exclusively beforehand. So I'm trying to get back into that mindset.

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