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People really need to learn some looting ettiquette.


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We've all had horror stories, but I want to share this one.


I was on my Imp sniper looking for a group to run Black Talon. A level 14 Merc decided to do the run with me.


Things went mostly well (Aside from me telling him twice that I will not be skipping the mission voice over, I hadn't heard it before, thank you very much, before having to just ignore his repeated demands)


And then, the sniper rifle dropped.


Merc rolls need on it, fortunately my need roll outrolled him.


I didn't even bother telling him off, we were near the end and I doubted I'd see him again, however,




This and variations of, along with offers to purchase the rifle for 1K, were then repeated for the rest of the flashpoint. He even stopped in the middle of one fight to whine at me to give him the weapon for his alt. I was at a total loss to even understand why I should give it to him. Though the phrase "Overblown sense of entitlement" did occur.


I know everyone has different expectations of looting ettiquette, but really, this should be the basic rule:


If it's an upgrade for the character you are currently playing, by all means, roll need. If you need it for an alt, ask people you group with first. If it's an upgrade for someone else on their current character, THEY GET PRIORITY.


It's really not too difficult. It's basic common sense.

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There have been quite a few threads on this, and a large number of people will actually argue that players are entitled to roll need on whatever they want. I don't think you'll get many arguing that it's okay to hassle other players after the roll is made. I think I've been pretty lucky in this regard, most people I've grouped with follow the etiquette you've outlined.
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The merc seems to be new to the game too, you can't trade weapons that drop in the instance. It's bind on pick-up.


I however had the same with my Hammer station, sniper rolled on my aim blaster (I was mercenary) because he needed it for his companion..


This is only going to get worse since with upcoming patches (legacy) you can trade picked up items that are bound to your char to your alts. People are now already rolling for companions, when they can roll for alts it's going to be need roll on all for some *insert random insult*.


That's why I decided to do FP's with guild/friends only or set up rules beforehand and those that dont follow rules get kicked from party.

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This is only going to get worse since with upcoming patches (legacy) you can trade picked up items that are bound to your char to your alts. People are now already rolling for companions, when they can roll for alts it's going to be need roll on all for some *insert random insult*.


Well there aren't going to be that many legacy type items.

Also, this is going to get better, I don't think it's in 1.2 but they have said they are reworking it to a point where you can only need on things that is actually useful for you class and that there will be a new button that is basically a need for alt/companion, the normal need does of course take priority.

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...I don't think it's in 1.2 but they have said they are reworking it to a point where you can only need on things that is actually useful for you class and that there will be a new button that is basically a need for alt/companion, the normal need does of course take priority.


That would be AWESOME.

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this made me laugh yesterday i was logged on as my level 26 smuggler and was asked to do esseles so np i thought i was with a jedi level 10 and a trooper level 11. I passed on evey item except a orange pistol i wanted and got it thank god :)


the jedi char put need in for every item and got the auto cannon the trooper wanted ffs what was he going to do with it?:(. I find this need greed thing a pointless waste you should only allowed to need if your main needs it. this game is too full of greedy people to make this fair.

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These stories make me laugh. But still i cant understand why people care about mid-game instance drop, since with cybertech job you can equip all your companions / alts, including awesome c2-n2 healer in a heavy armor and ship.
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Thankfully I haven't run into this.


But if I did and I'm running a FP or heroic and it's just two of us I would just leave the mission. Have fun finishing it alone buddy. It's not the best way I know, but if they are going to act like children in regards to etiquette then I'll treat them like children.

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