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solo quests


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anyone think that the solo quests in this game(ive only played a sith juggernaught,so maybe that could be the reason)should be nerfed


i mean,like for example.today i was doin the quest called Cathar assassin in taris but it just seems like.for a solo quest,i shouldnt be dieing multiple times and pretty much smashing my face against my desk in frusteration


and this isnt really the first time ive had problems on solo quests.im just wondering if theres something cool that i havent tried that i should do to make solo quests like a million times easier(ive tried specing immortal,no luck.plus i figured id lvl as vengeance cuz i planned on specing that at 50 anyway)or do juggernaughts just have problems sometimes with solo quests


im wondering if maybe i should go back and lvl my artifice up and get it to the lvl it needs to be and like updating my hilt and mods and stuff cuz maybe thats my problem.i mean,my gear kinda isnt all lvl 34 stuff but it isnt really low on lvls eather

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anyone think that the solo quests in this game(ive only played a sith juggernaught,so maybe that could be the reason)should be nerfed


i mean,like for example.today i was doin the quest called Cathar assassin in taris but it just seems like.for a solo quest,i shouldnt be dieing multiple times and pretty much smashing my face against my desk in frusteration


and this isnt really the first time ive had problems on solo quests.im just wondering if theres something cool that i havent tried that i should do to make solo quests like a million times easier(ive tried specing immortal,no luck.plus i figured id lvl as vengeance cuz i planned on specing that at 50 anyway)or do juggernaughts just have problems sometimes with solo quests


im wondering if maybe i should go back and lvl my artifice up and get it to the lvl it needs to be and like updating my hilt and mods and stuff cuz maybe thats my problem.i mean,my gear kinda isnt all lvl 34 stuff but it isnt really low on lvls eather


Holy punctuation and capitol letters Batman! Wow. My brain had to adjust to the message.


To answer your question, I have come across maybe one quest that I thought was too hard at level to complete. Have you gone to your class forums yet to see if they have a guide on how to best play your class in PVE? I have come across some great guides on here of people who genuinely want to help you be a better player. Read some of them and see if that helps. If it is still too hard, gain a level or two. If you have your ship droid already, he is a healer, bring him along with you to keep you healed. I have found that keeping a healer with me instead of a combat companion I am able to kill a lot more efficiently.


Devs, please don't nerf any solo quests unless you get a lot of people complaining about that certain quest. Even then, send a message to all people who have completed that quest. Ask us what we thought of it.

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i guess i should of added in that yeah


im using quinn,and hes in med watch stance with med scan being the only ability clicked on.but im still getting roflstomped


and the problem with gaining a level or two is,all the other quests in my quest log are eather my class quest or heroic quests.i know theres ship battles which seem to frusterate me cuz i always end up failing them and pvp i havent really did much cuz i didnt really feel like doing lowbie pvp id rather just quest til 50 and then start doing it

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i guess i should of added in that yeah


im using quinn,and hes in med watch stance with med scan being the only ability clicked on.but im still getting roflstomped


and the problem with gaining a level or two is,all the other quests in my quest log are eather my class quest or heroic quests.i know theres ship battles which seem to frusterate me cuz i always end up failing them and pvp i havent really did much cuz i didnt really feel like doing lowbie pvp id rather just quest til 50 and then start doing it


Brain still hurts.


I see you are level 34. I do not know the way imp progression is at all. I have yet to roll a imp character. What are the other quests in the zone at? What is the level of the quest? Is it a zone quest, or a class quest?


Again, I do not know how imp progression is. However, I do know that with republic progression, if I do only half of all quests in all zones, I am still 3-4 levels ahead of what the zone says I should be. If I do them all and all bonus missions as I do with my main, I am a good 6 levels ahead.


The reason I ask about this is, if you say you can't level because you don't have the quests, are the quests available? Either on that planet or the one before it? Or in a different zone? I cannot believe that they made so many more quests in every zone for the republic than they did for the imps.

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the other quests i have are heroic 4 quests


and i cant actually find anymore quests.besides,the quest im refering to isnt a heroic quest,i just assumed that quests that arent labeled as heroic and have a number by them are quests i can solo

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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the other quests i have are heroic 4 quests


and i cant actually find anymore quests.besides,the quest im refering to isnt a heroic quest,i just assumed that quests that arent labeled as heroic and have a number by them are quests i can solo


and no,i cant find anymore regular quests before you ask


Thanks for answering the questions somebody trying to help you has asked you. Carry on.


Devs, please do not nerf solo quests.

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Actually found most of the solo quests pretty simple. Had a small hiccup on Valis but that was about it.


Please no nerfing of these missions.


so basically


what am i doing wrong then



cuz im assuming im doing something wrong if people can just smoke thru the quests with ease

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so basically


what am i doing wrong then



cuz im assuming im doing something wrong if people can just smoke thru the quests with ease


I think that you should take that other persons advice and go to the SIth Warrior forums and see if there is any threads about that quest that could help you.

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i mean,my gear kinda isnt all lvl 34 stuff but it isnt really low on lvls eather
Having good gear on both you and your companion is very important and will make a big difference in how hard encounters will be, especially the tougher encounters.


You can get away with gear that is a few levels lower if it is blue or purple (or orange with blue/purple mods), but if you have any green gear that is below 30 or 31, I would hurry to replace it.


Gear that boost your healing companion's heals is also important (+critical, +surge, +power and their primary stat). If you are the one tanking the enemies, then make sure your armor's armor level is as high as possible.


Head to the GTN and see if there is anything you can upgrade. Don't forget relics and implants.


Stims can help too. If your companion needs help with heals, a +presence stim can make a difference.

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