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Rated Warzones.


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With the impending implement of rated warzones i was wondering,

Will full teams of 8 lets say guildys with communication and friendship be put up against other full 8 man teams or will full teams be put up against solo queuers also?


This is not a whine thread, i'll be playing in full 8 man teams and i look forward to challenges not being put up against solo queuers.

Edited by Necrotiq
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Having a premades does give you a advantage

But It doesn't guarantee an auto win

From experience in other rated games

At lower ratings pugs will give you a run for your money but as you get higher rating

You will face more skilled groups of full premades


So a pug group might hover around 1500- 1600 rating as an example

And a coordinated ops will continue to gain rating past this and start to face similar groups


Bottom line will be if your serious about rateds you won't be solo Queueing

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Having a premades does give you a advantage

But It doesn't guarantee an auto win

From experience in other rated games

At lower ratings pugs will give you a run for your money but as you get higher rating

You will face more skilled groups of full premades


So a pug group might hover around 1500- 1600 rating as an example

And a coordinated ops will continue to gain rating past this and start to face similar groups


Bottom line will be if your serious about rateds you won't be solo Queueing


You misunderstand me, I know how these things work i have PvP'd on every MMO i have played. I was just questioning whether 8 man teams would only fight other 8 man teams or solo queuers aswell.

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You misunderstand me, I know how these things work i have PvP'd on every MMO i have played. I was just questioning whether 8 man teams would only fight other 8 man teams or solo queuers aswell.




I believe there's a queue for groups and solo ranked matches. I could be mistaken but last I checked on the PTS I believe I saw both options.

Edited by Draeb
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I would be surprised if they let players solo que for rateds vs organized ops teams

Rateds should only be for those willing to form groups and communicate and work as a team

Edited by denpic
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I believe there's a queue for groups and solo ranked matches. I could be mistaken but last I checked on the PTS I believe I saw both options.


Yes i already know this, Im talking about. Will 8 man teams face only other 8 man teams or also solo queuers.


Is it so hard to understand what i'm talking about? >.>

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Yes i already know this, Im talking about. Will 8 man teams face only other 8 man teams or also solo queuers.


Is it so hard to understand what i'm talking about? >.>


No, but it's late and half the people posting are probably drunk. :p

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I would imagine it falls to population. The matchmaking system will attempt to try and put premade vs. premade first, but if one group of 8 and half a dozen soloers have been in the queue for awhile with no real change, it's going to put forth that recipe-for-disaster 8 v 6 over making the queue an hour long.



If 40 people have queued up with a couple 8 or 4 man groups then those will have a much higher shot at facing one another (just as a same-faction game now tries to split premades into a 4 group + 4 solo against 4 group/4 solo not double premade against full solo).

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Having a premades does give you a advantage

But It doesn't guarantee an auto win

From experience in other rated games

At lower ratings pugs will give you a run for your money but as you get higher rating

You will face more skilled groups of full premades


So a pug group might hover around 1500- 1600 rating as an example

And a coordinated ops will continue to gain rating past this and start to face similar groups


Bottom line will be if your serious about rateds you won't be solo Queueing


Assuming they match based on ratings.



Has there been talk about how there going to match teams?

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