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The Last of the Pyroteechans. Mercenary PVE. Will the 1.2 Nerfherder kill my kind?


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This is only my 2nd post on forums. The first being in support of a thread to have the Tracer Missile Animation swapped or changed prelaunch.

I chose merc over powertech for the more dedicated to range gameplay.

And I specced pyrotech for the more active and mobile gameplay along with my aversion to the spammed aesthetically unappealing Tracer Missile.

I really enjoy playing my Merc Pyrotech. I leveled and have been playing an Assassin Tank simultaneously and can honestly say I don't have an favorite.


Like my legacy Assassin Tank cousin my Pyrotech has faced discrimination of a sort.

My AssTank was late conceived in the development process.

Tanking spec for Assassin was a late addition

Thus, I once went roughly 20 levels without seeing a shield with


Mods and Enhancements give wildly better + shield rating,

where + absorption or + defense would be of much more benefit

These extremely minor oversights will be corrected in 1.2 with no changes to the gameplay or viability to my AssTank.


It is my understanding that my Pyrotech was originally a PVP only spec until somewhere later in the development process also. The fact is I can find little coplayer information other than in relation to Powertech(AC) or PVP pyrotechs.

My PVP Eliminator Set bonuses work perfectly for me, however, I have to

choose between PVE Eliminator 2pc bonus, since the 4 pc does nothing for me. Or

The PVE combat tech 2pc bonus, and or another 2pc of commando or medic, with

mods complicatingly stripped out and reassigned. Please simply add a minor ability to

the Combat Tech 2pc bonus list so I don't feel more shortchanged than I already am. Or change the Eliminator 4pc bonus.

I should clarify. The 4pc Eliminator looks helpful to someone that doesn't know that our skill tree gives us rail shots at no heat cost. In practice it works out to be every rail shot we take. And it's a must have skill point because it also ends its CD. So a reduction of rail shot heat is pointless. The 4pc Combat Tech bonus helps but the 2pc bonus effects CDs of abilities we don't even have.

I may be The Last of the Pyroteechans. And I fear my time as one is short. So I would like to tell my tale in hopes it will be transcribed onto a Historical Datacron and someone will learn through the Codex that I or we existed once and what led to our extinction.

Performance PVE of the Pyro:

vs. Arsenal , I would only say that in a vacuum setting (the dps against a dummy

with combat logs calculated) should not too deeply discount the dps lost when having

to break off a channeled shot more often because u need to sidestep a boss attack.

Or the ability to lob a grenade and rail shot while on the chase or in retreat. Along

with being able to kite some powerful melee mobs with Rapid Shots.

1.2 Nerfherder

1) Mobility
(Power Shot lengthened from 1.5 sec to 2sec channel)

While maybe not a spam like Tracer Missile is. It is still our
used ability.

Arsenal spec is having it stay the same, thereby more equalizing their

mobility. If anything both specs should be made more mobile, not one less so.

2) Damage Output
(Power Shot reduced)

Mostly said above. Our most used ability.

3) Heat Reduced of abilities
(Power Shot and Cure)

We have no problems managing heat as is. Only on very rare occasions when

Prototype Particle Accelerator doesn't proc for a long time. There will be no

management of heat period if it is reduced. Leading to less active gameplay.

4) Prototype Particle Accelerator
now requires Combustible Gas Cylinder to trigger.

The chance to trigger this effect has been increased significantly but cannot trigger

more than once every 6 seconds

I understand everything stems from the PVP perspective regarding this spec.

and you want to make it less bursty. But again this will make for less active

gameplay. On average it triggers around every 6 secs currently. If it's going to

trigger 99.99% of the time before 6 seconds and we can't use it till every 6 secs.

Why not just relabel it Rail shot CD is reduced to 6 seconds.

Finally, if you were looking to dumb down the gameplay of a class. I'd like to compare my AssTank who's constantly watching 20 different abilities to come off CD at any second, while simultaneously keeping an eye on all the action on screen. I like him the way he is, but it wouldn't upset me either. Merc Pyrotech will be able to be played completely blindfolded. Only no one will play it PVE period because of gimpiness.

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Venge thinks this was an interesting read although some things I have to disagree on. 1. You are not the last of the Pyrotechans. Venge too is a pyrotech and he enjoys doing what he does best, killing PvErs who join WZs for PvP gear. Quite humorous actually.


Whether or not the 1.2 patch will cause a significant dmg reduction for Venge remains to be seen. Like most MMos changing a classes dmg...there is an outcry...a nerfbat so to speak and too much drama with not enough facts.


Venge suggest to wait 3 weeks after the patch is gone live. Then we can continue this discussion and compare notes. As always, a nerf never really breaks a class....it just rebalances it and it is up to us to figure out how to change our play-style due to the changes.


Till then, Venge looks forward to kill you all.


-Jung Ma

Edited by Darth_Paze
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Sensationalist title.


Pyro still defeats Arsenal in mobility and AoE. Pure turreting however is still Arsenal's game.


If you are DPSing as a Pyrotech you have a very accepting group that is willing to put up with gimping themselves from all they can be due to you wanting to play the "special snowflake" card.


It's a PVP burst spec, and even in 1.2 with 6 second CD on PPA/Rail shot, it will STILL be more mobile and deal more AoE/DoTs than Arsenal. So I wouldn't worry much.


Just don't expect to be pew pewing any rancors as Pyro any time soon :p

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You aren't the last of the Pyro Techs... I'm one and have been for a couple of months. Love it and it's hard for me to have a bad game in PVP.


Honestly, Arsenals can stay put. Pyro tech is a completely different way to play and if you try to play it, you probably won't like it because we don't have the major DPS that Arsenal has... but, we are also a lot more mobile and still do about the same in dps.

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vs. Arsenal , I would only say that in a vacuum setting (the dps against a dummy

with combat logs calculated) should not too deeply discount the dps lost when having

to break off a channeled shot more often because u need to sidestep a boss attack.

Or the ability to lob a grenade and rail shot while on the chase or in retreat. Along

with being able to kite some powerful melee mobs with Rapid Shots.



I think you probably have not raided much... melee have to avoid stomps/etc more than ranged do, the dps loss will not be that different from the two because some of your hits will not be in range when you "move out" from the AOE area


secondly a 20% armor stripping of the boss for all people is huge from TM... most raids would take sub-par dps for that debuff alone.


pryo is definitely pvp spec, the reason being that they are NOT pve spec, not because they are better at pvping but because they are not acceptable in raid


pyro's are concerned with 1v1, i am concerned with winning. With that said if i were to pick an optimal pvp spec it would be BG/AS hybrid... but being a raider i stick with pure arsenal so that i actually get an invite for raid
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pryo is definitely pvp spec, the reason being that they are NOT pve spec, not because they are better at pvping but because they are not acceptable in raid


Maybe with who you roll with, but I do PVE and PVP with mine. I am very viable in PVE, as long as I can manage my heat. It is hard to manage in PVE, then PVP, because you need the constant dps, but it's there. Don't count out Pyros in PVE.


pyro's are concerned with 1v1, i am concerned with winning. With that said if i were to pick an optimal pvp spec it would be BG/AS hybrid... but being a raider i stick with pure arsenal so that i actually get an invite for raid


This is also not true. As a Pyro, I'm more viable in group roles than one on one. I just cycle through my targets, dropping dots, and making sure that they are constantly on my targets. I do WAY better with my Pyro spec than I ever did on my Arsenal, mainly because of the mobility.


Instead of saying that this build sucks or isn't viable, take a look at the play style. If you do better at Arsenal, that's because you play better with Arsenal. I personally don't like just being stationary and having to cast. I want instant activation without the casting. I'm better that way.

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Maybe with who you roll with, but I do PVE and PVP with mine. I am very viable in PVE, as long as I can manage my heat. It is hard to manage in PVE, then PVP, because you need the constant dps, but it's there. Don't count out Pyros in PVE.




This is also not true. As a Pyro, I'm more viable in group roles than one on one. I just cycle through my targets, dropping dots, and making sure that they are constantly on my targets. I do WAY better with my Pyro spec than I ever did on my Arsenal, mainly because of the mobility.


Instead of saying that this build sucks or isn't viable, take a look at the play style. If you do better at Arsenal, that's because you play better with Arsenal. I personally don't like just being stationary and having to cast. I want instant activation without the casting. I'm better that way.


in pve the 20% armor stripping to the entire raid > any amount of dps a pyro can do, just tack 20% of total damage done on the arsenal's bonus, not saying Pyro cannot dps, just do not have the group tools.


in pvp maybe 1v1 is the wrong way to describe it... in a group setting it is all about focus fire, and running around dotting everyone (primary dps mode of most pyro's i have played with) does not mix well with that playstyle. then you get to add in the pve comment here as well, stripping armor cannot be stressed enough as godly.


was not trying to offend fyi, i play with pyro's all the time and they are ok, they die less because they are running around but overall killing effectiveness is just plain lower in a made group. i have spent years as a melee with mobility so i dont mind the turret build, mostly i put up with it because it is required for raid dps though. if I wanted to run up to people and run around though i would use a glow stick instead of a pew pew... PT PYRO on the other hand omg do they pour out damage, i am quite astounded at their bursting... but with the 6 second railshot proc in upcoming patch they will be nerfed quite a bit on bursting

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Good post OP, but seriously, its Pyro-technician.


I'm not one to normally be a grammar nazi, but Pyroteechans sounds like some mutated version of those pokemon things or something, which reduces the cool factor of Pyro-techs just by being referred to as such.

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