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SWTOR Vs WoW: Blizzard gets it


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More armchair analysis from the "My Dad can beat up your Dad" crowd.


and your analysis of the armchair analysis's is what? original? unique? Nope. It's just as meaningless. Quite acting like you're the outsider because you're not. You're fullfilling your need to be heard just like the rest of us here.

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If Blizzard "got" it, they would release more then 2 major patches per 2 year expansion.


They released 3 teirs of raid content in less than a year. Teir 11, 12 and 13 were all out in a 12 month period. What are you smoking?

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Completely agree with the assessment; this game's launch was lacking. People who are okay with it by comparing it to WoW's launch are backward thinkers. This game needed to launch with much more if it wanted to be the most successful MMO available.



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I genuinely adore both games. I have, literally yesterday found myself doing a full reinstall of WoW. Nearly 6 hours later I was back.


WoW will always hold a special place in my heart, a bit like a first love. It was my first MMO and some of my most memorable gaming moments ever occured in the WoW universe.


I stopped playing WoW when my first son was born for obvious reasons and with not playing it opened up opportunites to play other games.


Two years later here we are with SWTOR. I was and am genuinely excited for it. The visuals are spectacular on ultra for an MMO and the whole sci fi thing is done exceptionally well as only Bioware can do. I am still subbed and I am still running my 32 Jedi Con.


There is no denying though that the game imo really does feel like a sinlge player game with chat. This does not kill it for me, however for me the reason I like MMO's is for the social, grouping/ raiding. Outside a few 2+ and 4+ man quests, I do not get this fix from SWTOR.


On returning to WoW yesterday, I instantly felt at home. No, I am not a fanboi...I do however have the utmost repesct for Blizzard as a developer as I do Bioware. WoW for me though is just so...i dunno....polished. yes, after 7 years so it should be and it is what it is.


Groups are found literally in seconds (Im heals so...), my guild has over 200 active members, the population is high all the time in game, the graphics are wonderful and stylised that still hold up to current gen coding. But it is in the GAMEPLAY that WoW excels and this is why it is and may always be the MMO all others are judged by. WoW is not just a game. It is an empire that Blizzard has built themselves on.


I do not support the SWTOR vs WoW arguments, but the reality is these will always be. If it is not SWTOR, it will be and has been Rift. If not Rift, then The Secret World. If not that then GW2. Whether you like it or not, World of Warcraft is the best MMO ever made and still being made. Replace the fanasty theme with sci fi. Replace Orcs with aliens. replace friggin Pandas with eskomo's...it doesn't matter about the theme...it is the gameplay, balance, social network, coding, polish...everything in the engine room under the visulas that make WoW what it is.


SWTOR is brilliant. It really is. Bioware will nurture it and make it a very solid contender in the MMO world over the coming years. It is just a baby right now and I am genuinely excitied for the game itself and it dedicated players.


May we all enjoy both games for what they are. As it stands now for me WoW is the best MMO.


May I add, I am 42 years old, not 12.


May the force and 25 man raids be with you all.

Good post, thanks for taking the time to write it down.


However in its current state I would not say TOR is brilliant. For now it's a ok SORPG game but it lacks too many features and is unevenly polished to state it's that good.


Still we can hope it will get up to speed.

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Hey nubsauce...it was launched with MUCH MORE, SWG, WoW, CoH, LotR, AoC all were months of headaches at launch, other than a few bugs that were blown out of porportion by the vocal e-tard minority, TOR's lauch is now the benchmark. Only Rift can even compare to launch success.


Hey nubsauce. Bioware isn't competing with wow from launch. It's competing with wow present day. Wow launch doesn't matter, no one is playing wow launch. They are playing cata, soon MoP. Bioware isn't competing with cata and soon MoP. WoW launch doesn't factor into anything because that isn't what anyone is playing.

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I hate to beat a dead horse too much, but the obvious fight going in the MMO space right now is between WoW and SWTOR.


When SWTOR came out there was a vocal minority arguing that what SWTOR is now is better than WoW at release. They reasoned that SWTOR offers more to players than WoW did at release, their comparisons are often driven towards saying, "yeah - SWTOR did this wrong at release, but WoW did it worse when it was first released." The argument relies on the idea that developers cannot compete with 10 years of ongoing development, that features and content in WoW now was developed over 10 years.


This is of course all rubbish, and Blizzard seems to get that:




Whilst the criticism is certainly in keep with Blizzard "post-competitor release PR machine", he's damn right. He couldn't be more right if he tried. I do not PvE... at all... aside from raids I run with my guild. Why? Because finding a group is so very tiresome, especially considering that in most MMOs today the feature to find a group easily is center stage. A lack of Dunegon Finder is a big thing, a big omission, something that should be in 1.2. We're not getting it in 1.2, that's obvious, and we'll get it at some point in the future, but it's such a big thing that SWTOR is half a game for not having it.


That's a bit part however. 1.2 goes a long way to bringing SWTOR in line with modern MMOs, as opposed to being 10 steps behind them. Bioware obviously knows that they are competing with WoW now, not WoW at launch. 1.2 and 1.3 are likely to add in pretty much every major feature that WoW has on SWTOR, and we're likely to see more in the way of gameplay variety coming in the future.


I'm not suggesting that Bioware should be trying to emulate WoW. I am saying that Bioware should be looking at WoW and other MMOs and seeing uniform features - like dungeon finders - and saying "yeah, that's something we should have had at launch, and something we should get into the game asap." And it was foolish of Bioware to release the game in the state it was in. Whilst it's certainly an accomplishment to have made SWTOR, it's also a testimony to the failures of the team. I'm hopeful - as are many others - that they've come to realise their folly.


Implying everything WoW now has was there from the start. lol

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Blizz must not get it somewhere as the reports out of testing of PandaCon 3000 thats being released as an expansion is horror and sadness. No customization of class builds, same ol same ol with everything etc etc. Oh and Pokemon WoW style.


I've read just about every single report on MoP, and every single critic is giving it nothing but gold. Just a rageboy attack on something because it's popular. There is nothing wrong with not liking wow, but being reduced to just lying about something on a forum is kind of sad. Do you have no dignity? Are you that commited to this stupid, "OMG WOW SUCKS" 7 year long band wagon? Get over it.


I play both games so far, and probably will keep playing thisi game for at least a few more months to see how things change. I see wow did alot of things right, some things wrong. I see ToR did somethings right, alot of things wrong. No amount of fanboyism is going to change that.

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and your analysis of the armchair analysis's is what? original? unique? Nope. It's just as meaningless. Quite acting like you're the outsider because you're not. You're fullfilling your need to be heard just like the rest of us here.


Oh I'm certainly not an outsider. I'm one of the mainstream masses that love the game and enjoy playing and could care less about WOW or what features it has, or had, or will have, or never had.

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All the disappointed threads are because people say blizzard owes them day 1 beta access, despite that they never said anyone would get day 1 access.


Other than that,


Red Panda > *


Pretty much that. THe other poster was an idiot, and never even looked at the forums or reviews. He just made it up because... he think it makes him cool? IDK. But he's not kidding, there is SO much hatred on those threads right now over people not getting first day beta invites. Perhapes the future SWTOR population?

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the op nailed my sentiments concerning swtor. lack of group tools is really hurting this game more than anything else. it doesn't affect me much per se because my guild actively groups with our own members. but i hear this frustration on a daily basis from my server community.
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Pretty much that. THe other poster was an idiot, and never even looked at the forums or reviews. He just made it up because... he think it makes him cool? IDK. But he's not kidding, there is SO much hatred on those threads right now over people not getting first day beta invites. Perhapes the future SWTOR population?


More like the current SWTOR hater population. I'm glad they moved on to something else.

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If Blizzard "gets it"


Why are they desperately scrambling to plug holes in their sinking IP?

Why every time I log in I'm bored to tears?

Why dose it not leave me with a feeling of satisfaction that TOR gives me?


Why does everyone I know feel the exact same way????


Probably cause wow hasn't change from it's core ideas. The carrot on the stick, chasing of gear, only works for so long before people want real meaningful content like ulduar. The instance ulduar was unique in that the design of the instance was new, very little recycled graphics. People wanted to do ulduar cause it was fun not cause they wanted a certain drop. That is what fundamentally wrong with wow and once you realized it you won't go back to chasing gear cause it will be made obsolete the next patch. Thus, the only thing that matters is the content and not the gear. Obviously, Blizzard prefers gear chasers cause it's easier to design instances that use a lot of recycle graphics and textures, boring/recycled mechanics, and a poor background story, but with new gear.


In fact, when was the last time in cataclysm that any one payed attention to the story. It's non existent for me and almost every I know didn't care about the story in cataclysm, probably cause it was poorly done.


That is why I quit wow cause it was obvious Blizzard was cutting corners and not put as much effort like in Burning crusades or even in woltk.


For the panda expansion I won't even try it out if the expansion does not ship with at least two tiers of raids like how BC was shipped, granted tk and ssc still needed some bugs fixes, but it was there if you were really hardcore or pushing your progression. I'm still annoyed by Blizzard cutting the abyssal maw raid, which was supposed to be unique in design. Instead we got more recycled molten core and vanilla content. Plus, Blizzard nerf my warrior into oblivion two months after the cataclysm went live. Obviously, they didn't nerf the classed they did nerf before cataclysm launch cause then people wouldn't have bought cataclysm. That to me is cheap move by Blizzard. I can only hope Blizzard has more subscription losses to teach them a lesson they won't forget.

Edited by Knockerz
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This thread made me realize something. This game is like looking into he future of the past. If it were 2002 and we were playing everquest, or even 2004 and we were playing wow, this is the game we'd all be immagining that 2012 would look like. With the current graphics and features. In sad and stupid kind of way, that does justify the comparison to wow's launch.


But the future of the past apprently isn't up to par with the present. No amount of voice acting can ever make up for all the missing features. Hopefully we see some major updates fast. The "give swtor time to grow" arguement is as empty as the launch comparisons arguments. In case you haven't notice, most MMO's never get to grow if they don't give instant gratification. The first few months are trail by fire that so far no one can seem to survive.

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If Blizzard "gets it"


Why are they desperately scrambling to plug holes in their sinking IP?

Why every time I log in I'm bored to tears?

Why dose it not leave me with a feeling of satisfaction that TOR gives me?


Why does everyone I know feel the exact same way????


Pretty much the same thing here. WoW isn't a bad game, it never was. It is however showing it's age, (and rightly so). I think most folks are just tired of it. Great game, just over it.

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Agree and WoW is handing out free 80's like candy. That tells me the big dog is scared of the new big kid on the block.


They are not scared of the new kid, fact is wow has been hemorrhaging subs a few months after cata came out. Cata raids were hard for alot of people and they ended up leaving. They bought in the LFR easy mode to try get those people back. That didn't work, now they are giving people free lvl 80's.


Wotlk was the biggest sub in the history for the game for a reason. Most of the content was pug friendly,(excluding most of Ulduar).Also the fact that everyone in Wotlk could farm their 5 set basic raid gear.


Just my 2 cents.

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They are not scared of the new kid, fact is wow has been hemorrhaging subs a few months after cata came out. Cata raids were hard for alot of people and they ended up leaving. They bought in the LFR easy mode to try get those people back. That didn't work, now they are giving people free lvl 80's.


Wotlk was the biggest sub in the history for the game for a reason. Most of the content was pug friendly,(excluding most of Ulduar).Also the fact that everyone in Wotlk could farm their 5 set basic raid gear.


Just my 2 cents.


So true. Thats why I got invited to the Panda beta.

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Agree and WoW is handing out free 80's like candy. That tells me the big dog is scared of the new big kid on the block.


Indeed! I see really no comparison, one is fun the other is not. I'm speaking of SWTOR, of course. Much more enjoyable and I played WoW since Beta, nothing to see there, move along.

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Any one notice the complains about the annual pass and the panda beta. People are stupid. Never did it say in the contract that the annual pass customers would get priority invites to the panda beta. In fact, most of those people will be invited during the stress test week, which is usually like two weeks before the expansion goes live.
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I dont play WOW but i never understand this "higlander" attitude amongst the WOW crowd.


The rule is not "there can only one" .


For instance: i dont play WOW because its elves and goblins and all that stuff i cant stand...

Nothing personal against WOW i just prefer starwars so i play a starwars game.


So actually, there can be bunch.


There are all kinds of setting people like to play in.

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I love how people come out with but wow developed this that or the other, bliz developed nothing, they took things from other games on the market and created wow, they then depended on 3rd partys updating there ui and ingame tools like the ah etc. they created pvp put ranks in, people cried so they took ranks out.


they then never came up with an original idea after that, they 'borrowed' from any game that came out and had something wow didnt so that no other mmo could have something over them. when people complained about an addon being to needed they copied the addon more or less 1 for 1 yet i have never heard once of blizzard paying the original person who created it.


And to take the biscuit wow even became ultra lazy in tbc and never gave up on the cheapness after that, recycling boss's and twistsing the lore so badly that its got to be made of rubber to not have snapped now.


The pvp in wow is rubbish, they cannot balance it and never have been able too. the make pvp work semi ok and nuke pve, the try again and nuke pvp and vica versa, they create updates that totaly blow one class and spec so much it is a flavour of the month and no one will be shocked thats exactly where that phrase came from, wow.


So no not everything in swtor is original but you can bet your lifelong earnings that the majority of content in swtor was created originally by people who made swtor. The stuff they are doing now just shows that they are working damn hard on stuff and listening even though there are people on these forums who love to think swtor is dieing when its definatly not.


And that if BW came out and stated that they would give a months subscription free to all peeeps that there would be the same complainers coming out stating something along the lines that you cant give a months subs away because it would kill the game and they will quit.


They couldnt even create a new class in wow without totaly outbalancing the game so what they gonna do with monks, pfft.

Edited by Shingara
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