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SWTOR Vs WoW: Blizzard gets it


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The story and lore of the Lich King and how he came to be was much more epic than that of Malgus... if he even has a story.


Quite a bit, actually... more than Arthas. And before you answer, know that I've killed the LK in heroic mode in WoW, and that I also read the books about him.

Edited by Korrigan
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And in that case you would be wrong as this thread in no way dictates nor shows the balance and division of players to which endgame playstyle they follow.


I never said it was. I simply stated form this small sample, you are the minority.

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However if they allow players to use companions for real in end game flash points as substitutes so you can 2 man them. that I would consider a good use of your companion


You can already use them in this manner, but your successful completion of the FP right now might not be what you would hope for.

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You can already use them in this manner, but your success right now might not be what you would hope for.


Someone had mentioned that it would possible in the future. And I acknowledge that using your companions in end game content would make the companions useful in my opinion.

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WoW has better, more responsive combat.



This is why WOW has lasted has long as it has. Wow has always had the best animations and most responsive player control. They have a superior engine.


Other games hide their lack of responsiveness and fluid control with prettier graphics, but it does not make up for the fact that WoW creates a more immersive environment because of the control/movement.


If Aion, Rift, SWTOR, Warhammer, etc. had learned that one lesson, they would have taken down the monster long ago, instead of wiping over and over again.

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Someone had mentioned that it would possible in the future. And I acknowledge that using your companions in end game content would make the companions useful in my opinion.


They are very useful right now at 50, as my number one source of creds.

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This is why WOW has lasted has long as it has. Wow has always had the best animations and most responsive player control. They have a superior engine.


Other games hide their lack of responsiveness and fluid control with prettier graphics, but it does not make up for the fact that WoW creates a more immersive environment because of the control/movement.


If Aion, Rift, SWTOR, Warhammer, etc. had learned that one lesson, they would have taken down the monster long ago, instead of wiping over and over again.


I agree 1000%, I only keep going back to wow because they have the best responsiveness from combat, and by comparison when I try other MMOs i am very harsh about this aspect.

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I'm done with you, this is no longer a constructive convo you and I are having. You like them, I don't.


to which i refer



They are very useful right now at 50, as my number one source of creds.


And thus is constructive if it is informative of the use of companions at endgame.

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They are very useful right now at 50, as my number one source of creds.


a couple of words over from the section you highlighted I said in my opinion. I'm one of the few who acknowledge that what I say is not law, and I am only stating my opinion. You don't need to try to convince me.

Edited by damdragon
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I'm done with you, this is no longer a constructive convo you and I are having. You like them, I don't.


Fair enough.


One good thing is if you don't like companions...don't use them...esp if they are useless to you.


I enjoy what they do for the game, but to each their own.

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Fair enough.


One good thing is if you don't like companions...don't use them...esp if they are useless to you.


I enjoy what they do for the game, but to each their own.


I agree, do what you enjoy. My participation in this convo got started on me mentioning that in my opinion, companions are a disappointment in SWtor, and contributed to my dislike and cancellation of my account.

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a couple of words over from the section I highlighted I said in my opinion. I'm one of the few who acknowledge that what I say is not law, and I am only stating my opinion. You don't need to try to convince me.


It is a discussion. Other readers may get the wrong impression that there is no use for them.


I simply added my feedback to the ongoing conversation.

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If Aion, Rift, SWTOR, Warhammer, etc. had learned that one lesson, they would have taken down the monster long ago, instead of wiping over and over again.


To be honest, the monster is taking itself down piece by piece. No point getting in the way of that

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It is a discussion. Other readers may get the wrong impression that there is no use for them.


I simply added my feedback to the ongoing conversation.


Well I suggest those readers, read the posts leading up to a quip they might read, instead of just taking it as a "sound bite" their is context to our forum discussion. And it is not to be simply argumentative.

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How does all of that gear up equipped and upgraded them with for 5 levels work out for you in this case?


Not sure exactly what you are asking but gearing them was easy since most are aim based like my character and I have lots of extra columi from FPs/Raids.


It is working out great since crafting is earning me 200-300k creds a day.

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To be honest, the monster is taking itself down piece by piece. No point getting in the way of that


No doubt. WoW is killing itself just fine.


MoP is their last hope...and from what I've seen thus far it is underwhelming at best.

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Well I suggest those readers, read the posts leading up to a quip they might read, instead of just taking it as a "sound bite" their is context to our forum discussion. And it is not to be simply argumentative.


Nothing argumentative in my post about how I find them useful at 50 which is simply contrary to your view.

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Not sure exactly what you are asking but gearing them was easy since most are aim based like my character and I have lots of extra columi from FPs/Raids.


It is working out great since crafting is earning me 200-300k creds a day.


I guess my point was gearing them up is unnecessary, given their end-game usage. So if you gear them, it's a waste for end game... and if you don't gear them, it's wasted effort that went into the system allowing them to be geared in that way.


For me? I'd much rather form a party with other real players, go out into the world on a gathering/treasure hunting adventure than to do so with an NPC companion (or worse, sit on my ship and send them from there!)

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No doubt. WoW is killing itself just fine.


MoP is their last hope...and from what I've seen thus far it is underwhelming at best.


I agree, And seeing the new skill list, after they abolished the talent tree. It's ridiculous. they took all that nonsense from the talent trees and piled it into the spell book. I think this is ridiculous.


In the end I feel like what most people in this forum who are unhappy want, is a unique MMO experience. I know I for one was hoping SWtor would deliver on that. For me it did not.

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