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Does Bioware enjoy laughing at republic players?


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I played a imperial alt to level 10, I went to the capital world, and first thought that popped into my head was wow. The whole thing was done way better then the republic side. On the trooper end we dont even have a hq of any kind. Everything is run out of the senate building which makes no sense to me. Sense that is a political arm not a military arm. At some point in the future it would be nice if they rebuilt the temple on coruscant. Sense its my understanding is that when the players start out its been a good bit of many years sense the sacking of coruscant. As for clothing Ive said this before in other threads, for the love of mercy give us some black clothing on the Republic side or some option to make black clothing. This is more for the Jedi.


Ive also said this in another thread if the Imps had a trooper class I would be extremely tempted to go empire. No I am not a fan of mercs and pistols so Bounty hunter is not for mes.

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To most of the games population this wont matter since about 70% play Empire but it just needs to be said.


Are the Bioware devs mocking us? They laugh at the fact that republic have been at a disadvantage for so long. They alter a Empire CC to make it look like the Republic player is laying on its back crying like a little baby. Oh and surprise surprise... there is now a nifty little bug that occasionally makes republic players do this same animation after losing a voidstar match. They give us trash armor that at 50 looks worse then most of the 20-40 sets that Empire players get.


And then I discover this. While turning in one of my PVP quests I accidentally clicked on my companion Kira Carsen and she said something she had never said before. I believe this was added with one of the last 2 patches.


Kira Carsen says, "Have you seen what the Sith are wearing? It's like every fashion designer in the galaxy went over to the dark side."


Seemed a little bit of a coincidence that she started saying something new just after the latest 1.2 armor designs were released and there was widespread agreement on the republic side that not only were our old armors pathetic, but the 1.2 Republic armor sets were possibly the worst ever. Worse then anything previous.


Bioware has ridiculous resources to dump into this game. They need to do some serious work on the Republic side since Empire get an extremely beautiful and polished game experience.


They don't like to laugh at the Republic... They like to laugh at you.

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i agree. republic loses in pvp constantly. it would be stupid calling it a coincidence.


I sense the dark side all over bioware and swtor.


'i think this cancel is the last one. see you all in everquest2 or whatever..'

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well imp side is generally much better done than Rep....


Croisant is the worst excuse for a "planet"..tunnel mazes =/= city planet.


Taris is an abortion. Most hated it in KOTOR.


Imp side the planets seem much smoother...DK is a true planet unlock croisant....balmora is lightyears ahead of Taris in terms of enjoyability (even if you don't like Balmora on imp side, it's millions of times better than taris)


Sith aren't stuck wearing dresses..well unless you're an inq.


again overall imp side just seems to have been done first and had the most care..with republic planets coming last and being rushed to finish the game.

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It's the lighting that can shoot half way across the battle field and the BH missiles as well..I can't wait until they fix that, compared to the republic ranged attacks. also the clothing issue has always been a big deal to me..the CE vender sells only 1 set of clothing? really? that's it! for the republic side. As much as the CE costs you would think there would be more of a choice given then that. and lets get some pants for the Jedi Consular for god sakes. you don't see Yoda wearing a skirt.

thanks :D

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It's funny 'cause I actually like Republic armors way more than Empire ones. They have those details, this variety and this polished aspect that makes them look simple and elaborated at the same time. Empire on the other hand...I'm steel trying to get why my Siths, both Inquisitor and Warrior, have to wear fetish gear instead of well...black robes that would fit the Sith theme ? :confused:
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