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*Cover* and Huttball


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I understand the skill and its tactical uses and am a big proponent of using a sniper at the top of the middle ramp/lamp post to pass and/or jump to.


However, if you are in cover you should not be able to grab the newly spawned huttball. It negates one of my bread and butter skills, Force Pull and after grabbing it they are allowed to go back into cover, again negating most CC/Pulls that don't trigger huge amount of resolve.


If I can't grab it from stealth (obviously it would/should pop me out) why can they grab it from a modified position as well?


At the least it should bring you out of cover to make you vulnerable to the standard buffet of CC and abilities.

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You don't have to be moving the ball to get an advantage, although I see your point and agree to a certain degree


The issue that gets to me the most is when its an enemy sniper who is in cover and I can't Pull him away to free up middle for my teammate trying to grab the ball.


We run a 4man premade and we rotate back to middle after scoring. I typically try to CC or Pull the nearest enemy to free up the ball to allow another teammate to grab it and get forward.


He is effectively able to negate my Pull while simultaneously grabbing the ball and being able to go immediately into cover and further avoid my Pull into hazards/teammates.

Edited by dksocal
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Learn to stun him first then force pull. Stun or any cc/knockback breaks cover.

When will people learn how to play instead of asking for nerfs. Every time you want to nerf something you should get a nerf to an ability of their choosing as well. I think that should put an end to it.

Edited by Dmasterr
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Learn to stun him first then force pull. Stun or any cc/knockback breaks cover.

When will people learn how to play instead of asking for nerfs. Every time you want to nerf something you should get a nerf to an ability of their choosing as well. I think that should put an end to it.


I'll gladly take a nerf to guard in exchange. I can't grab the ball from stealth why should cover be any different? They achieve the same ends.

Edited by dksocal
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And giving him full resolve in the process.


I understand that most people just want to STUN STUN STUN without actually thinking ahead of the implications of giving somebody full resolve at full HP. On top of that, running, in, spiking, and then overloading means I'd have to be in melee range.


By the time you get to melee range, the ball is spawned since I'm typically returning to center from scoring so Speed is on CD.

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I will copy paste this , since it is relevant to this thread.


I think the guy playing the most op class in the game should stop complaining and take a big cup of L2P.


Also for hutball (where it is more relevant) you have everything, force pull, knockbacks, stun, wirlwind 8 sec cc, Imunity to everything, force sprint, AOE slow, taunts, guard, self heal. 50%+ Flat damage mitigation

Go play a non force user, i suggest Operative concealment where u have 0 ! utility .


Now stop wanting to nerf everything your class does not have (which is very little mind you) and L2P

Edited by Dmasterr
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Boo hoo...you cannot pull the ball carrier into the acid pit. Nothing to see here really. A gunslinger grabbing the ball and throwing it to someone up top is a legit strat. I suggest you learn how to weave others classes abilities in with yours to improve your team play. Edited by Aaoogaa
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