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Plea to BW about ui customization


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Why is it that you allow customization of the entire ui except for one thing.


This one thing I speak of is something I am sure everyone has seen. It is the center screen red text that displays information such as:


Out of range

Insufficient *insert resource here*

Ability not ready yet


This constant spam of red text in the center of the screen is extremely annoying when you are constantly spamming your free ability as filler in between other abilities. 99% of the time while in combat I personally have "ability not ready yet" displayed on my screen because I spam the button so it activates as soon as the gcd finishes.


Please BW, add the ability to move, re-size, or even disable this notification area as its placement is extremely bothersome.

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I run the highest resolution it allows. Its not a graphical issues. As far as "don't mash button", what is more beneficial to pay attention to. Your surroundings while spamming 5 so you aren't wasting potential attack time or watch your gcd indicator on your bars whilst standing in fire.
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then don't button mash, its not good for your keyboard anyway. besides its really not that bad or annoying. i hardly ever notice it and when i do its barely there long enough for me to register what it says


In pvp it is a pain in the ***. Spamming is a way of life in pvp.

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I run the highest resolution it allows. Its not a graphical issues. As far as "don't mash button", what is more beneficial to pay attention to. Your surroundings while spamming 5 so you aren't wasting potential attack time or watch your gcd indicator on your bars whilst standing in fire.


Well... if you're "spamming 5" while it's on cooldown and could be doing something that isn't then you're doing the worst possible thing to waste potential attack time, awkward UI or not.

Edited by AlyoshaCephas
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I run the highest resolution it allows. Its not a graphical issues. As far as "don't mash button", what is more beneficial to pay attention to. Your surroundings while spamming 5 so you aren't wasting potential attack time or watch your gcd indicator on your bars whilst standing in fire.


Why would it be either or? I can see when my abilities are ready to fire from the corner of my eye/ the bottom of my point of vision without looking at them directly while I am paying attention to the game environment.


I get the odd out of range error but the only "ability conditions not met" error is if something like upperhand has timed out.

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