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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Alderaan Warzone: If you're Losing DON"T CAP!


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I am sure this mentality has worked out great for you in real life too.


Why would I equate my real life philosophy to that of a video game? Therein lies your issue. Real life means something, while video games don't, which is exactly why there's no reason to be a try-hard in a video game when the loss is inevitable. Don't be a scoreboard hero.

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If i'm on a losing match that is clear we wont win i don't care. The rest of my side can sit on a turret all they like but i'll still dive headlong into 8 people for the duration of the match if i have to, i play to PvP not to count medals.


You shall never be diving alone sir! That i promise.

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I'll be that guy who's still capping... sorry bud, but unless it's 400 to 100 there is still hope. Especially when they think they have it in the bag and run off leaving bases unguarded to chase kills... (happens all the time on my server)


No one is asking you to stop trying if there's still hope. They're asking you to stop being a try-hard if there is none.

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Last night, someone on the fleet said,' I understand why no one tries when 'guild name' is in the match.'


I replied that people who are wussie dont try maybe. Drew a few insults and laughed it off.


After helping lowbies in my guild we logged in mains an went fer dailies and drew the 'guild' had an epic match won 4-0. They had finnished their dailys and were in kill mode. We do the same thing.. point is its fun. There arn't teams that we dont try against, we lose and we win.


People who give up are lame, people who take up a spot and cant be bothered to try are the werst part of the mmo experiance.

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I don't PVP for points or valour or medals. I pvp, because I like fighting against other players. And because the republic needs me. Yes the game is more fun, if you let a little RP into your world.


I will never sit on a bench and let the enemy win. I shall try and take as many as I can down, help my mates survive, defend the last node and I shall make it as hard as I can for the opponents to win. Because that is a challenge, and if you run away from the challenges in a videogame, it becomes a mindles chore of grinding this and grinding that.


There are warzones that I lost that were way more fun that warzones where we steamrolled the opposition.

Edited by Rudollis
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People who give up are lame, people who take up a spot and cant be bothered to try are the werst part of the mmo experiance.


This thread is going way over your guys' heads.




They're saying don't be a try-hard when the loss is inevitable. Two completely different things.


Reading comprehension. Acquire it.


Edit: I feel like people don't understand the definition of inevitability.

Edited by Dovahbrah
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If you are going to lose a game against the opposite faction and they 3 cap you,


Don't try to be a hero and cap one of the bases, it just slows down the game.


You can argue for defender points, but it's alot better to farm a position while the flag has been capped by the opposite faction, since they will keep rushing to defend the flag.


This speeds up the game and makes it so you can get your 4 medals quite easily.



Thank you



I dont want to live on this planet anymore.

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Even if we are losing and can not win, i will still ninja cap a turret with 3 defenders. I will still etc.. WHY?


Because we are humans, if we can't win we damn sure want to make their win as miserable as possible.

Edited by Dmasterr
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Maybe you don't understand. People who stop trying even when the loss seems to be inevitable are ruining my playing experience.


First. we're talking inevitable, not seemingly inevitable.


Second, you're ruining mine by needlessly elongating a loss.

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Even if we are losing and can not win, i will still ninja cap a turret with 3 defenders. I will still etc.. WHY?


Because we are humans, if we can't win we damn sure want to make their win as miserable as possible.


Yup. And, of course, for pride. For the same reason I'll do my best to score 1 touchdown to make it a 6:1 game rather than 6:0 game in huttball.


Although, if we control 1 turret in Civil War and they'll win regardless, then I'm fine with waiting it out at that one turret.

Edited by Battilea
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Because we are humans, if we can't win we damn sure want to make their win as miserable as possible.


Except for the fact that the other side still won, so you're not really making them miserable in the first place. Or the fact that it's a videogame, and by needlessly elongating the loss, you're literally just wasting your time.

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Except for the fact that the other side still won, so you're not really making them miserable in the first place. Or the fact that it's a videogame, and by needlessly elongating the loss, you're literally just wasting your time.


Playing a videogame at all is wasting your time. Why is that a point?

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Depends on how you measure the worth of time spent. To me, sitting one minute doing nothing watching someone else win is wasted time. Struggling to make that cap that will delay their victory and make the loss closer, that is time well spent, because I am engaged, because I am actually playing.

Time spent doing nothing is wasted time.

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I've pulled it off before. Once. I actually came into a WZ with the enemy 3-capped and my side losing bad. Someone rage quit and I came in and we ended up winning.


The only time I quit is when my team isn't doing what they need to do to win. If I cap a turret and then notifiy them that I'm capping and then hold the position fo awhile and nobody even bothers to back me up and the enemy takes it back... I'm done. I just find a corner and let the time elapse. Recently, I was in a WZ and we took 2 turrets. The idiotic leaders tells everyone to go right for a 3 cap. I said defend what we have. They actually followed him right and lost mid and didn't get right. I actually left the WZ at that point as I hadn't invested too much time into at that point.


If you won, then you were in a salvageable situation.


What the OP is talking about is when you Have been struggling the whole match and you just CAN'T get another turret and the score is less than half of theirs, like 150/320.


Then a sustained 3-cap is the only way to win. And if you were struggling to even take 2, that won't happen.


In that situation just let the enemy 3-cap so you can start a new match sooner.

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Playing a videogame at all is wasting your time. Why is that a point?

Doing anything (even outside of a video game) is wasting your time. So you can either waste your time doing the same thing over and over again, or you can waste your time doing a variety of different things. Some people like that variety, and want to move on to the next thing as soon as the current event has become unimportant to them.

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Depends on how you measure the worth of time spent. To me, sitting one minute doing nothing watching someone else win is wasted time. Struggling to make that cap that will delay their victory and make the loss closer, that is time well spent, because I am engaged, because I am actually playing.

Time spent doing nothing is wasted time.


If you want to "engage" and feel important why don't you farm some kills?


That's what i do if we are going to lose.


I don't like going afk.


But of course you need to control the ball and score a needless point? right?

Edited by Ch_Zero
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Decent players with a scrap of pride would never deliberately lose faster, the only time i would ever leave a wz is if i felt my team had no interest in achieving the objectives of the WZ I don't mind playing with bad and un-geared players that are trying their best. Why wait 10 minutes to play and then throw in the towel, there is always the opportunity to learn something from the match.
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, and by needlessly elongating the loss, you're literally just wasting your time.


I am also wasting YOUR time. And since i enjoy it, its not a waste of time for me.


I always get a warm feeling when i join a warzone with enemy having caped 3 turrets, and i go cap 2, for a slow , slow death. Then see them yelling on /say .

Edited by Dmasterr
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I am also wasting YOUR time. And since i enjoy it, its not a waste of time for me.


I always get a warm feeling when i join a warzone with enemy having caped 3 turrets, and i go cap 2, for a slow , slow death. Then see them yelling on /say .


I see, SO This is warzone trolling then?


interesting i understand now.

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