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Alderaan Warzone: If you're Losing DON"T CAP!


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Why wouldnt you leave ur soccer team before the 90 minuts end if they are losing 10-0


why wouldnt you give up a risk game if u hold only 2 territory and the other people has 30 territory each


why wouldnt you stop running if the marathon guy is already 30 minuts ahede of you



1) because it's not about winning and even losing you can learn something if u actually try


2) because you dont play alone and u have to respect the other people and the fun of the other people is connected to the fact that u are part of the team and *********** try...


3) because if you dont have time and watch the clock every match please dont join it seems real life has something important happening so go do this thing if u are here to play play till the *********** end


and so on and on and on and on...


i could add 10 reason but you wont understand the first 3 so why bother





you play in the worst way you dont get that u are not alone the game doesn't exist in relation of YOUR time and everybody has to do what is better for YOUR time


this is a game where other people are involved and no matter what to have fun you have to stand to some rule one of which is that you have to try hard even when you are losing because it's not about YOU and YOUR time it's about everybody fun and when u click accept to a minigame you accept to *********** fight... so do it till the end selfish ***...

Edited by Pekish
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Does this answer your question?


"Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee."





I like the quote.



But if I'm on my sorcerer i will force pull thee;


off the node for my satisfaction


for I know the game we play


Has many means to lose that day.

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I like the quote.



But if I'm on my sorcerer i will force pull thee;


off the node for my satisfaction


for I know the game we play


Has many means to lose that day.




I decided to write a small poem, so we could be friends ;)

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stop trolling


That is your best response? I'm not trolling anymore than you are with your "logic".


It is logical that losers... quiters... time management concerned individuals attract other people like them. Hence... losers attract losing.


I think that is more logical than explaning quitting so that you can get a slight increase in valor/comms.. which may or may not be true depending on your other randoms chances.


However, it is true that winners attract winning. The more people that believe they can win the higher your chances of pulling out the upset.


I have won a civil war with 80 something points because we did 3 cap them for the last 3 minutes negating their 200 point lead. If I had a bunch of your "logical" people then that wouldn't have happened and it would have netted in a lose.. which hurts your logic that quitting is better because a win is significant over a loss in the valor/comms department and you may or may not have had another game even start in those 3 minutes of idol time.

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That is your best response? I'm not trolling anymore than you are with your "logic".


It is logical that losers... quiters... time management concerned individuals attract other people like them. Hence... losers attract losing.


I think that is more logical than explaning quitting so that you can get a slight increase in valor/comms.. which may or may not be true depending on your other randoms chances.


However, it is true that winners attract winning. The more people that believe they can win the higher your chances of pulling out the upset.


I have won a civil war with 80 something points because we did 3 cap them for the last 3 minutes negating their 200 point lead. If I had a bunch of your "logical" people then that wouldn't have happened and it would have netted in a lose.. which hurts your logic that quitting is better because a win is significant over a loss in the valor/comms department and you may or may not have had another game even start in those 3 minutes of idol time.




Your input is noted, but since we've already explained this i will give you a pat on the head.



Thanks for participating champ

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OP is the worst kind of loser - the defeatist kind.


Not only will he stop trying, but he'll actively attempt to get others on the team to stop trying. He's also too cowardly to just quit and let someone who wants to play get a slot.


Shame these people in game when you see them, and hopefully they'll just stop queueing entirely.

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Let's say you're behind 400 to 150 and hold one turret. It'd pretty much be meaningless to cap another turret at this point so you might as well not bother, at least I think that's the OP point.


However this scenario is really nonsensical. If you're behind 400 to 150 the other team clearly has you beaten from the beginning. Why would they suddenly fall asleep and let you cap one of their two turrets in the first place? Usually a team winning that big will just play very safely and defend with somethign like 4/4, and they're presumably much stronger than your team or the score shouldn't have become this lopsided, so you never have to worry about whether you should cap or not. You simply won't be able to. You can give up or keep trying but a team that build a lead like 400 to 150 will almost never lose a turret unless half of the guys got disconnected.


Now I guess if you're behind 400 to 150 it might be correct if the enemy decide to attack your last turret to just roll over and let them cap it, except in this case if you're behind so much the whole time, most people won't have 4 medals and this is the one favorable matchup you might get (they'll probably still leave 2-3 people combined to defend their 2 turrets). Even if you don't need the medals yourself, someone else probably needs them. Even if there's no medal gain involved, it's usually satisfying to finally crush the other side that has you beaten the whole game since they're attacking 5 on 8 on a defended turret.


So while I understand the 'lose quick' strategy is actually quite valid, realistically it is an excuse because in any game you'd want to lose quick, the enemy usually would have absolutely no reason to take chances on a guaranteed win. They'd have no reason to let you cap one of their two turrets either so you'd never have to be faced with that decision.

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Let's say you're behind 400 to 150 and hold one turret. It'd pretty much be meaningless to cap another turret at this point so you might as well not bother, at least I think that's the OP point.


However this scenario is really nonsensical. If you're behind 400 to 150 the other team clearly has you beaten from the beginning. Why would they suddenly fall asleep and let you cap one of their two turrets in the first place? Usually a team winning that big will just play very safely and defend with somethign like 4/4, and they're presumably much stronger than your team or the score shouldn't have become this lopsided, so you never have to worry about whether you should cap or not. You simply won't be able to. You can give up or keep trying but a team that build a lead like 400 to 150 will almost never lose a turret unless half of the guys got disconnected.


Now I guess if you're behind 400 to 150 it might be correct if the enemy decide to attack your last turret to just roll over and let them cap it, except in this case if you're behind so much the whole time, most people won't have 4 medals and this is the one favorable matchup you might get (they'll probably still leave 2-3 people combined to defend their 2 turrets). Even if you don't need the medals yourself, someone else probably needs them. Even if there's no medal gain involved, it's usually satisfying to finally crush the other side that has you beaten the whole game since they're attacking 5 on 8 on a defended turret.


So while I understand the 'lose quick' strategy is actually quite valid, realistically it is an excuse because in any game you'd want to lose quick, the enemy usually would have absolutely no reason to take chances on a guaranteed win. They'd have no reason to let you cap one of their two turrets either so you'd never have to be faced with that decision.




Although i understand your perspective, really good teams will hold 2 nodes and forget about the 3rd one.


but they also have a few pugs that occasionally wander off to 3 cap, and finish the game faster.


in situations where the premade team only need 1 node to win, What i suggest other players to do is leave their node and hit a weaker one.


that way the enemy team can cap it, and you have an epic final battle on a different node.


Because trust me, i've seen this time and time again.


IT'S VERY UNLIKELY and i say VERY in caps because it's the same as getting struck by lightning, to 3 cap with a pug against a premade AT this point in time.


Although I'm sure one out of the 1.7 million players have been struck by lightning once.


If this has happened to someone, it would not discredit my argument.


I would find it intriguing and hilarious though, and require screenshots and the name of the premade that lost; to poke fun of them.


Because that just isn't normal

Edited by Ch_Zero
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Although i understand your perspective, really good teams will hold 2 nodes and forget about the 3rd one.


but they also have a few pugs that occasionally wander off to 3 cap, and finish the game faster.


in situations where the premade team only need 1 node to win, What i suggest other players to do is leave their node and hit a weaker one.


that way the enemy team can cap it, and you have an epic final battle on a different node.


Because trust me, i've seen this time and time again.


IT'S VERY UNLIKELY and i say VERY in caps because it's the same as getting struck by lightning, to 3 cap with a pug against a premade AT this point in time.


Although I'm sure one out of the 1.7 million players have been struck by lightning once.


If this has happened to someone, it would not discredit my argument.


I would find it intriguing and hilarious though, and require screenshots and the name of the premade that lost; to poke fun of them.


Because that just isn't normal


Here you're more of talking about what's the strategy to optimize medal gain in a game you clearly have no chance of winning. In a game with a score like 400 to 150, the losing team probably won't have 4 medals since they've been thoroughly dominated. Let's assume the winning team defends 4/4.


At least half of the time they'll simply just defend like this until the game ends, because they already have the game in the bag and it's virtually impossible to 3 cap a superior team defending 4/4. In this case if you send all 8 guys to attack a node, they probably will just pull 3 guys from the other node and defend against that. In this situation there's really nothing interesting you can possibly do.


Now if the enemy does attack the last node, usually they'll leave at least 3 total people behind to defend their two turrets just in case lightning strikes and the attack fails and they somehow got 3 capped. This means they're attacking with 5 guys. If you're defending with all 8 guys, this is a very favorable matchup even against a superior team, and most likely your best chance to get medals, so you might as well take this fight. Even if you have a maphack and see where they have exactly 1 guy to defend on this offensive, the fact that there is only one defender means you cannot possibly get much stat toward medal earning so you should still defend your primary point.


Now if the enemy gets overconfident and sends 7 guys and leave one of the turret undefended, maybe lightning strikes and you 3 cap them and win. But people in general are cowards so they won't even take a chance against lightning striking them. Again, if you're up with a score like 400 to 150, it's virtually impossible to lose if you just defend 4/4 no matter what, and most people will take the guaranteed win over any plan that potentially has risk.

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For every 2-4 drawn out losses, you can play another entire warzone.


It's about pvp, not about rewards. If I have 55 minutes for pvp, if I play 3 warzones or 4, it's still gonna be only 55 minutes, not more, not less. The only difference is the reward, which I don't care about.


Because that just isn't normal


look at the title of this thread and ask yourself why is that. Not because it wouldn't be possible more often but because people chicken out all the time, but you probably won't get that.

Edited by Sziroten
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It's about pvp, not about rewards. If I have 55 minutes for pvp, if I play 3 warzones or 4, it's still gonna be only 55 minutes, not more, not less. The only difference is the reward, which I don't care about.




look at the title of this thread and ask yourself why is that. Not because it wouldn't be possible more often but because people chicken out all the time, but you probably won't get that.




It's not a matter of chickening out, or i would have left the warzone soon as i saw a premade with my crappy group of pugs.



give it your best shot, give em hell


you will start losing.... i don't give up at this point i keep pushing.



they only need 1 node to win, i give up my position and start kill farming on one of their nodes.


I let them 3 cap and say GG well played, because they had the better team.


I wouldn't say that's chickening out.



Because what team would start winning like that then all of a sudden leave all nodes poorly defended?


Please show me the guild and a screenshot, i need a good laugh.

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Because what team would start winning like that then all of a sudden leave all nodes poorly defended?


Please show me the guild and a screenshot, i need a good laugh.


How many people in this thread wrote that they turned a 3 cap around to a 3 cap?


You guys chicken around the very real scenario that it's not because the other team is so good, it's because your team is so bad. How you get a bad player to become better? Practise/ tactics/ explanation.


- don't run as one into the pulk when 4-5 others are sitting on the bike (civil war)

- call in incs

- see where are more people on the second not = go for it and fast...


You know how many times healer stay untouched? You know how many times people are not marking healer/ targets? (Yes sometimes it's that bad) Good players don't have special tools or better stuff but they can be vital as lvl 10 just as lvl 50.

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If you are going to lose a game against the opposite faction and they 3 cap you,


Don't try to be a hero and cap one of the bases, it just slows down the game.


You can argue for defender points, but it's alot better to farm a position while the flag has been capped by the opposite faction, since they will keep rushing to defend the flag.


This speeds up the game and makes it so you can get your 4 medals quite easily.



Thank you


If you let the other side win, you are horrible and just quit PvP because you will probably never be good at it. Luckily I'll never know that problem, considering I have won every single Warzone I've played.

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Show me your research please.



he doesnt need to it's an axiom


it's like to ask show me that 1+1=2 show me a research about it

it's something we decide that the number that we call 2 rapresent 1+1


take it... and go, if u give up you are bad at pvp there is nothing else to add.

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Play to have fun... period.


If fun involves you giving up when you "think" your going to lose, then please don't que up to start with.


I have fun playing the game, and trying to win, no matter the odds, no matter the challenge. Rarely is a situation so bleak, as to warrant going afk or quitting. And if so, in the final seconds of the slaughter, send a gracious gg their way and then hit their largest group with everything you can throw at them (minus the kitchen sink)!

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this sums up the thread




Gaiys, we is probably gonna lose, lets not try when we can sit here and complain about premades.



That sums up the thread


It's amazing that people are laughing at the people who are playing the game they pay to play as opposed to folding their arms in protest of premades. Games are about trying to win, especially PvP. Even if you are 99% going to lose why would you enjoy sitting there when you can play, I just do not get it. And do not tell me it is to save the 2 minutes you will shave off this game to play another. Play the game, compete, it's more fun, even when you lose. Losing is not the end of the world.


It's not just a comeback to win that you play for. If you are playing against a premade that is awesome and you and your PuG manage to score off them and prevent the 6-0 or cap two turrets its fun, even if you do not get a W.

Edited by richardya
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