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1.2 Setbonus


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As far as i searched via forums the setbonus will be bound to the armoring, which will include +50 expertise. This will effectively eliminate the use of PVE setboni in PvP. Is this an overlook, or is this intended? there are certain situations in which id prefer the PVE setbonus.

I wouldnt like to have this yet existant choice in gear boni eliminated in 1.2.


Will BW change this, or are they forcing us to use the pvp bonus?

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The set bonuses in some cases remain sufficiently good that losing a bit of Expertise (and gaining other stats in return) will still be worthwhile. Remember that you can just combine the PVE armouring with other PVP enhancements to still get most of the expertise out of the slot.
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Some pve set bonuses are worth more than "any" amount of expertise the armoring augment can hold.


Bonuses like +15% crit , which is the only stat you can not mitigate it... and if it is for a main ability, that bonus is worth more than the expertise on the entire item, let alone more than 1 mod.

Regardless of the expertise changes, pvp/pve item mix is still better for DPS, especially burst. The only thing they accomplished is to make sure they don't go overboard with half/half gear.

Edited by Dmasterr
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