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Story questing


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There are some differences in the dialog that you can say or recieve from the npcs. If you are playing as an alien race on the empire side, this shows greatly when dealing with NPCs.


Only thing that I can say without spoilers are that there are some romance options with some npcs only available to Humans/sith/Cyborgs on the Empire.

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Was wondering does race have anything to do with the way your story goes while doing class quests or is the story just based on the straight class?


Best example is for the Miraluka Jedi Knight. If you don't want to see it, don't hit the Show part on the Spoiler tag....




On Alderaan, you fight a Sith Assassin named Lord Neffarid. Just before the fight, he says "You can't fight what you can't see!" to which a Miraluka Knight can say "My eyes are the Force, and you can't hide for long." Sheer epicness. :)


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Only thing that I can say without spoilers are that there are some romance options with some npcs only available to Humans/sith/Cyborgs on the Empire.


O_o I can't think of any romances/one-night-stands where this applies. I've played a Pureblood SW and a Rattataki SI and they have gotten the same options for world NPC one night stands. None of their class one night stands have been limited, and I know that their class romances are not race limited.


Only one which it may apply is an IA class one night stand, but I think that one is possible with aliens(I just need to double check).

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O_o I can't think of any romances/one-night-stands where this applies. I've played a Pureblood SW and a Rattataki SI and they have gotten the same options for world NPC one night stands. None of their class one night stands have been limited, and I know that their class romances are not race limited.


Only one which it may apply is an IA class one night stand, but I think that one is possible with aliens(I just need to double check).


The Mindak girl on Dromund Kaas during the IA storyline. She's romanceable for a one-night stand as a Human or Cyborg, buit not as a Chiss.


I ran a Cyborg operative for a while, then switched to my Chiss Sniper. Same convo choices, different result. She basically calls me "alien scum". lol


Also, Watcher 2 is not down with Aliens, either.

Edited by Captain_Zone
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