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Why have star wars tech not advanced


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Althought it would be funny seeing any of the Star Wars movies but with SWTOR blaster mechanics. The opening scene of EP1 where stormtroopers board the ship, instead of taking 2 minutes, takes 10 minutes because people are so hard to kill. hehe


You mean Ep 4?


And I agree, that would be rather funny, or the Stormies boarding the ship, then having to wait for Vader to finish loading.

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Ok, just curious, so TOR is 1000 years before the events of Darth Vader and Skywalker. But the technology is basically unchanged. Did they hit a brick wall or something. If this was set 100-150 years I can see, but a 1000 and nothing. What is everyone else's thoughts. :):D


I was under the impression that TOR was around 3600 BBY? I've even seen that number quoted on these forums.

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from what i have seen..and the storylines.. humans/aliens are mostly scavengers in this world. finding old tech that more advanced and trying to re-engineer it. very few advances of their own. plus, with all the great wars that have happened they seem to regress and rebuild.
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Ok, just curious, so TOR is 1000 years before the events of Darth Vader and Skywalker. But the technology is basically unchanged. Did they hit a brick wall or something. If this was set 100-150 years I can see, but a 1000 and nothing. What is everyone else's thoughts. :):D


Imagine it like so.


4k BBY -> Technology slowly advances... -> 3k BBY -> Technology makes bigger leaps and bounds thanks to constant war -> 2k BBY -> Some sort of "Dark age" as as been presumed by some fans -> 1k BBY -> Coming out of Dark Age, -> 0 BBY -> Back to the square 1.

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I was under the impression that TOR was around 3600 BBY? I've even seen that number quoted on these forums.


Yeah, KOTOR took place 3900 years before ANH, and this game is supoosed to be 300 years later so that should be right.

As for tech advances. Most advances (of the leap and bound variety) are due to necessity, not some guy/girl sitting around saying "you know what would be cool to try to improve on and build..". Necessity is what drives the best work and biggest leaps. There is not much documented connon in between TOR and the prequils, with the darth bane era jedi/sith war the exception. If you assume most of the rest of the time there is relative peace than their wouldn't be much necessity for big tech advances, mostly just comfort of living or vanity reasons, which only goes so far. For example, could they have produced stealth x-wings in TOR? I bet they could have, but they was no immideate need/optimal use/necessity for them like there was going up against a galaxy conquring enemy completely devoid of the force that this new tech could give a huge advantage with.

Or, maybe the SW universe just moves at the same pace as Apple and only brings out 1 or 2 very small improvements with each new product....

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Forget the tech.


The tech not advancing isn't an issue.


The STYLE is a problem.For example the sith empire ships and uniforms and republic troopers look just like those in the movies - Galactic Empire and Clone Wars 3500 YEARS LATER,which doesn't make any sense besides making the game appeal to fans of the movies that don't know anything about the old republic lore.


Why ships ,soldiers and stuff are not like those in Kotor 1 and 2.


Sometimes i feel like playing a game which happens in the Galactic civil war(which is lame),and not in the Old republic.


''Imperial'' uniforms should at least be all red,not grey like those in the movies.


Also soldiers in the Sith Empire callings themselves ''imperial'',it makes it sound like the game is about a strugle between types of government,like in the movies ,not nations as it is supposed to be in this timeline.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Well hyperdrives get smaller so they fit into fighters, who afaik currently rely on carriers to ferry them about in SWTOR's period. Those that Played Tie Fighter will know that the advancement to shoehorn a hyperdrive into a Tie model - the Tie Advanced - was a big technological breakthrough for the Empire. Course X-Wings, Y-wings and B-wings made do with the older and slightly more bulky versions. Plus there was that whole Tie Defender + Missile boat chain while you worked with vice admiral Thrawn through his promotions up to Grand Admiral.

Man I loved that game.

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