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When can we expect to see a nerf of the Hybrid Sin/Shadow?


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they will never take out the healing from harnessed shadows just cause you have some ****** ideas... can you please stop posting any more ideas,leave it to the professionals,ok? your ideas would completely ruin the class experience and what not...


Someone's mad.


Want Bioware's approach? Nerf KC and do nothing to make the other specs compete.

Edited by AMKSED
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they just need to improve the two other trees to make it more enjoyable to play. being in light armor and do less damage than marauders and operatives ain't fun..


it's the heal on harnessed darkness that seems to make it op'ed...



...oh and QQ about doing less DPS than a pure DPS class please.

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Someone's mad.


Want Bioware's approach? Nerf KC and do nothing to make the other specs compete.


That is what I am afraid they will do, that would destroy any use for the class... if KC was nerfed heavily enough. Cannot nerf that without buffing the other specs. We need to make that very, very clear to them.

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So... remove damage dealing capabilities from healing specced classes?


If they did have to nerf something to convince players to play the trees correctly then... no ...only for tank/DPS specs, heal damage specs are "acceptable"

Edited by HyperThomas
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If they did have to nerf something to convince players to play the trees correctly then... no ...only for tank/DPS specs, heal damage specs are "acceptable"


Why are the acceptable? Because you say so? Wh is there a wrong and a right way to play a tank spec, but everything is fine for healers?



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Why are the acceptable? Because you say so? Wh is there a wrong and a right way to play a tank spec, but everything is fine for healers?




I could see if healers had an unlimited resource and they were able to spam attacks that hit for 3K while being able to keep the group alive then there might be a problem. But as of right now, that doesn't exist.

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I could see if healers had an unlimited resource and they were able to spam attacks that hit for 3K while being able to keep the group alive then there might be a problem. But as of right now, that doesn't exist.


Assassins are force starved all the frakking time. Not a single class (besides Sorcs/Sages before 1.2) has unlimited resources in this game.

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it's the heal on harnessed darkness that seems to make it op'ed...



...oh and QQ about doing less DPS than a pure DPS class please.


being a pure damage class does NOT mean you will be doing more damage than any other classes . nor are you entitled to do more damage than other not pure damage classes... go defend your class instead of posting here .. ive seen many threads about maras needs a big nerf. you got 100% armor pen ,can use abilties that reduce 99% damage for 5 sec and a few more good defence abilties, you got healing debuff for 20%, good dot healing etc. don't you come here and scream nerf...

Edited by Mathelia
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Why are the acceptable? Because you say so? Wh is there a wrong and a right way to play a tank spec, but everything is fine for healers?




As said above they are not capable of massive damage, and I believe that there is no wrong/right way, but to make a balanced game, it needs to be played as intended, otherwise there are far too many variables involved in balancing, it would become impossible for the dev team to fix the balance. I was blind to this fact a few hours ago, but now I see the sense in a slight rebalance.

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As said above they are not capable of massive damage, and I believe that there is no wrong/right way, but to make a balanced game, it needs to be played as intended, otherwise there are far too many variables involved in balancing, it would become impossible for the dev team to fix the balance. I was blind to this fact a few hours ago, but now I see the sense in a slight rebalance.


BW already showed us what they intended for Assasins. For each spec to play it it's own charge instead of using dark charge all the time. The already nerfed the "hybrid" specs.

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I think the comment about doing more dps than pure dps classes has to do with the damage of assassins in tank spec.


Of course dps spec assassins should do pretty much the same damage as dps classes.


But tank spec assassins should do much lower damage.


A good solution I've heard thrown around would be to reduce damage done while dark charge is active by 30% but increase threat by 100%.

Edited by Redmarx
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A good solution I've heard thrown around would be to reduce damage done while dark charge is active by 30% but increase threat by 100%.


Which would both break the spec for soloplay and flashpoints/operations. People who have no clue about balance shouldn't try to balance classes.

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I think the comment about doing more dps than pure dps classes has to do with the damage of assassins in tank spec.


Of course dps spec assassins should do pretty much the same damage as dps classes.


But tank spec assassins should do much lower damage.


A good solution I've heard thrown around would be to reduce damage done while dark charge is active by 30% but increase threat by 100%.


So... nerf out kinetic spec. Then what? What does that leave us with?

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So... nerf out kinetic spec. Then what? What does that leave us with?


Nah re balance the "hybrid" to make less damage done with combat technique, then buff survivability for infiltration and balance, also increase range of telekinetic throw/project for the balance tree. Like the OP has now posted in the original post would work, and it is hardly a nerf, just makes a "hybrid" unplayable, and encourages playing the infiltration tree or balance tree for once.

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Nah re balance the "hybrid" to make less damage done with combat technique, then buff survivability for infiltration and balance, also increase range of telekinetic throw/project for the balance tree. Like the OP has now posted in the original post would work, and it is hardly a nerf, just makes a "hybrid" unplayable, and encourages playing the infiltration tree or balance tree for once.


31 points in kinetic is not a hybrid..

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they just need to improve the two other trees to make it more enjoyable to play. being in light armor and do less damage than marauders and operatives ain't fun..


Damage specced shadows either need more armor, more HP, or another defensive CD besides deflection. Resilience is a whopping 3 seconds, which is mb 2 tracer missiles if you time it perfectly, and deflections fails vs. tech and force attacks. That leaves us with force cloak, which is only effective if you combine it with resilience, forcing you to save resilience just for that occasion.

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It's useless to argue with these people. They believe it's a hybrid because it's a tank spec that uses DPS equip in pvp. Bioware doesn't call that a Hybrid but even that won't convice these people.


It is honestly one of the dumbest uses of the word I think I have ever seen.

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You do realize that BW doesn't fix hybrids by improving pures- they do so by taking away abilities that benefit hybrids, and nerfing you in the mean time.


So good luck getting yourself all around nerfs! I hear they're adding healing to marauders to bring them in line with other classes at their skill level- like God.

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You do realize that BW doesn't fix hybrids by improving pures- they do so by taking away abilities that benefit hybrids, and nerfing you in the mean time.


So good luck getting yourself all around nerfs! I hear they're adding healing to marauders to bring them in line with other classes at their skill level- like God.


They ALREADY NERFED HYBRID ASSASSIN SPECS by making key talents only usable in the defined tree charge/stance. No further nerfing needed.

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