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Legacy is keeping me on a dead server :(


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I mean, it isn't holding a gun to my head. Still, it's keeping me on a dead server if I want to use all this stuff I've been building up and waiting to use.


If it wasn't for Legacy, I'd rerolled on The Fatman along time ago.


Anyone else? Speak up for this patch. Hope for Legacy to be for your account, not for your server.

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I mean, it isn't holding a gun to my head. Still, it's keeping me on a dead server if I want to use all this stuff I've been building up and waiting to use.


If it wasn't for Legacy, I'd rerolled on The Fatman along time ago.


Anyone else? Speak up for this patch. Hope for Legacy to be for your account, not for your server.



You know...you could have rerolled and gotten back to where you were...just saying.


Also, one major problem with account wide legacy is the last name thing. It would be like forcing everyone to roll on one server for name checks and stuff...imagine trying to get a legacy name as a new joiner a year down the road, when there will probably be 4+ million legacys, going to be hard to get a name that isn't jibberish.

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You know...you could have rerolled and gotten back to where you were...just saying.


Also, one major problem with account wide legacy is the last name thing. It would be like forcing everyone to roll on one server for name checks and stuff...imagine trying to get a legacy name as a new joiner a year down the road, when there will probably be 4+ million legacys, going to be hard to get a name that isn't jibberish.


Im at legacy 29 not something to easily get back, and I know plenty of people far past 29.

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You know...you could have rerolled and gotten back to where you were...just saying.


Also, one major problem with account wide legacy is the last name thing. It would be like forcing everyone to roll on one server for name checks and stuff...imagine trying to get a legacy name as a new joiner a year down the road, when there will probably be 4+ million legacys, going to be hard to get a name that isn't jibberish.


Simple solution (conceptually, not technically - I have no idea how easy the coding for it would or would not be) : Make bonuses account wide but have a different last name per server.


A system designed to reward dedication should not have a major drawback that negatively impacts customer options. At this point Legacy is looking like one of those frequent-flier programs where your 'rewards' are limited to bad and worse.

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Im at legacy 29 not something to easily get back, and I know plenty of people far past 29.




Meh, IMO 29 doesn't take that long to get to. Of course, thats my opinion, and opinions are just that. Neither of us are right.

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If you like the game, then MOVE NOW!

The loger you wait, the worse to move it gets.

Plaing on server you dont have anything to do doesnt take you anywhere.


On the other hand...

Im on Lord Calypho server .. one of the biggest.

You might wait hour in peek time and not single group is forming for Hard Modes.

SWTOR is game for organised groups not for random pick ups and even on largest server you need guild to do anything...

IF you have good, active guild, you might better stick to it.

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Same problem here. Also i don't have the patience to farm rakata and BM all over again. Really hoping they find a solution soon. Many people are leaving the smaller servers and leaving them empety. After 00h begins to be a pain have wz and after 2:30h its over:s
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Legacy is almost useless, doesn't really benefit you... just reroll. I understand the frustration losing things you woked hard and long for but things will not change for a longe time, if at all.


So legacy is useless? Wow, bioware is in trouble if this is the case.

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Just in response to the title of this thread: maybe this is Bioware's intention. They don't want everyone rushing to high pop servers, so they make you stay by giving you extras if you do. It makes sense, they just want us all to stay where we are and try and stick to one server only, so they can deal with the under-population themselves rather than giving us that power.
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They dont really care about our enjoyment with the game if you ask me. We already paid for it, so they don't really care if we have fun or not, i think this game is going to tank after a few more weeks when those subs run out. Then we see them giving free server transfers, hahahaha... Epic fail BW.
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I feel the same way my server is about dead last when it comes to Republic population. I think the most I've ever seen on the fleet is 30 maybe 40 and that hasn't happened in a long time. I really wish they'd do a merge or transfer or something. We lost 5 people to other servers just yesterday. I mean what if anything does Bioware plan to do about this?
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They dont really care about our enjoyment with the game if you ask me. We already paid for it, so they don't really care if we have fun or not, i think this game is going to tank after a few more weeks when those subs run out. Then we see them giving free server transfers, hahahaha... Epic fail BW.


This statement couldn't be more wrong. The people that make the game jobs and salaries depend on subscriptions. The problem is they miscalculated with quite a few of their design decisions because they are new to MMOs and are desparately working to fix things before everyone leaves. I subbed for 6 months and after that I'm gone if it doesn't improve but I am liking the improvements I'm seeing in 1.2.

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I feel the same way my server is about dead last when it comes to Republic population. I think the most I've ever seen on the fleet is 30 maybe 40 and that hasn't happened in a long time. I really wish they'd do a merge or transfer or something. We lost 5 people to other servers just yesterday. I mean what if anything does Bioware plan to do about this?


All their focus is correctly on getting 1.2 out but after that server transfers have to be close to the top of their list to implement. A good looking for group tool is desperately needed too.

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Make Legacy Account bound period!!!!!!!!




I don't want to re-roll just because a server I'm on got fed up and left. I mean, I'm still on a nice "stable" one. It isn't the most active, nor is it a dead one. It is simply....active. If one server dies then we should be able to carry the character over before they perishes with the server along with the Legacy gained. I shouldn't be punished for people being lemmings.


I'm a slow player when it comes to leveling so it takes me ages to regain lost levels. I'm pretty sure there are others that are as slow because of their patience, relocating, and just getting lost in the scenery.

Edited by Subtrance
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