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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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Question for all of the naysayers:


Would you rather all be able to play at the exact same time and have to do the whole zerg rush out and questing ontop of hundreds of people, likely have to wait in server queues, and quite probably experience bugs/server(zone) crashes/etc?


Or wait for an e-mail saying "Alright, you can play now?"




Personally, I vote for Option B. It rewards those that committed to the game in the very beginning, and it lets you know that you can't play right now. I'm sure a lot of us remember WOTLK launch. How many hours did we spend AT THE COMPUTER, WAITING to play? Too stubborn to admit that our gaming session was screwed, and too proud to call it quits? With this option, at least you know that you're not gonna be playing for a few hours or days.

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The best part is....


ONCE they are in, they will forget the wait ever happened!!!!


All this crying over something that they didnt deserve....


Gotta love it!


PS. THIS ISNT THE LAUNCH!! that wont happen for another 7 days... sheesh

Edited by smpbowler
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Anyone else got this on their code tab on their account page? Maybe some e-mails weren't sent out but you still got in? I'm not at home so I can't check to see if I can log in...


12.13.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to play

11.02.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch

07.21.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Collector's Edition Pre-Order

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Plenty of games have let everyone in at once and it was fine. Whatever benefit BW gets out of this staggered start is not worth the fustration they are causing the players.


Player frustration is self inflicted. Period. They explained this in detail for those paying attention. Feel free to get a refund if you don't like it. We're better off without you.

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Don't let the haters get you down. All these muppets complaining about not getting access yet are just little kids who know nothing of software development and IT rollouts. You have handled this release in the most professional way I have ever seen something this large get released. What is normally a cluster****, is a well thought out plan. Kudos to you gents, and I look forward to playing your game. :cool:


Haters gonna hate,




This Forum needs more people like you... this world even! Couldnt agree with you more ;D

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No more QQ guys, it's still 7 days pre-launch. Be thankful that BioWare/EA is giving early access IN EXCESS of what was promised. They only advertised "up to 5 days" and it is still clearly shown all over the games official site as 5, not 7.


Some folks simply have no sense of reality...


Oh wait, we are talking about a Sci-Fi/Fantasy game world here right?


"I want to go home and rethink my life"

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did the same thing ordered 7/21 and didnt get code till oct



same here... so because the problem was with gamestop (said bioware didnt give them codes) i think they should allow everyone in or at least a fair chance.. i paid for mine on 7/21 and didnt get code til late oct.... I WANT IN for what and when i paid for... 7/21

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Here is what is posted in Amazon for preorder


I have pre-orderd Star Wars: The Old Republic Collector's Edition (hereafter, TOR). At the time, we were told by Stephen Reid, Senior Online Community Manager for Bioware, that we would have a Grace Period between the game's official launch and when we would have to input the game key to permit play. This grace period was put into place because, for various reasons, not all players could be assured of obtaining the game on launch day.


On 12/7, Bioware suddenly and without explanation revoked the Grace Period, in contravention of previous statements by Mr. Reid, and other members of Bioware's customer service. I respectfully request an answer to the following four questions:


1. Why was the Grace Period removed, after it had been explicitly promised, and after people relied on the promise to make their decisions as to how to get the game?


2. What do you have to say to the people who relied on your misrepresentations?


3. When did you know about the Grace Period revocation? If it was before 12/7, why did you wait to communicate it?


4. Why does Europe get the game in stores on the 15th, but North American Players must wait until the 20th? Do you realize that allowing NA retailers to sell by the 15th would remove Grace Period concerns?


My preferred resolution is a restoration of the grace period. An alternate resolution would be EA/Bioware allowing North American retailers to sell by the 15th, as they have done for Europe.

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Omg people. Do you realize just how bratty you all sound those that are qqing about not being able to access the game right away. This entitlement attitude you all seem to generate really makes me question the quality of the community that is cropping up here. So you bought the pre order in July and you are having to wait. Boo-hoo. Listen up out in the real world you have to wait for many things. Be thankful that you will have access to a new game. Be thankful that they are able to do a pre launch before the actual launch date. I could even become a bit more condescending and bring in real world issues but then to many of those that are entitlement centered it would go over your heads
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