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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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Today we Just barely got in Every Person that Pre ordered the Game on 27th.. WOW THESE SERVERS ARENT GOING TO HOLD CRAP!!!! they are going to need a couple hundred more realms to hold the other 2,900,000 People..


i ordered on the 27th and i aint in ;( ..


well i ordered a week before but game uk took a week to send me my code the idiots

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Originally Posted by Kinegos

This isn't a troll, and isn't exactly QQ although there is some of that involved.


I just want to put it down for the record that the way this early access program has been implemented is truly one of the most poorly conceived ideas that I've ever personally encountered in over 25 years of playing video games. I've personally participated in launches of 6 other MMO games, and there is nothing in those experiences that compares to how ridiculous this process is.


When you are dealing with a pre-launch even that is only for pre-order customers, after an extensive and massive beta testing period that was a huge success according to nearly all sources involved - it begs the huge question as to what is the limiting factor in the way you have chosen to roll out this game. I personally participated in the beta in a very limited way (not by choice, mind you, I just wasn't lucky enough to get a key) and was only online during the big Thanksgiving weekend test. That test was wonderful - there were a huge number of servers, and a huge population of testers. The game performance was amazing.


So, EA/BW - what exactly are you afraid of?


The ONLY way this should have been done is to have given ALL pre-orders (perhaps separated only by level of game purchased - i.e. CE customers get 7 days, SE get 5, e.g.) access at exactly the same time. Of course it will overload the servers and queues would ensue and all that - but that's what we all expect. Making your customers wait unknowingly with no idea how long it will be or when to expect an email is just adding insult to injury. A poor alternative would have been to send out emails with a set time and day that your access would be available.


I read in the top post how you are monitoring the server performance and are rolling waves based on server performance. Are you seriously saying you have to wonder at this point if your servers can perform up to the task - when you probably still have 90% of the launch day players yet to even be able to play? That is not at all a good message to be sending at the beginning of an MMO franchise.


At any rate, I love this game. I love BW. But I truly despise and am sickened by the way you chose to put your customers through so much stress for absolutely no good or justifiable reason.


I truly hope you improve, because this is a very very poor way to start out.




Because I couldn't find the original post to quote ...

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If I cancel my preorder (I'm giving them another day to sort this stuff out) then it's to prove a point. The communication of all this was terrible. Telling people extremely late that it would be staggered, never giving us a general date for our waves, etc.

The whole thing seems very haphazard. And Origin has been up and down for the past several hours on top of all that.


If I cancel my preorder, it will be to say "I like your game, but your release was ****. I'm not afraid to put my money where my mouth is. You do something this stupid again and I'm gone, no matter how much I like your game."



I loled at this guy. Go on then, actually put your money where your whinney mouth is and cancel. No loss to a single person but you

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Final wave has officially been sent as per the twitter account. they start up again tomorrow at 8am CST....remember people CST....not your time.... CST....


I live in the CST! That means I get first access at 8am!

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well this is awesome...put my early access code in on 8/17 no email today...but have seen multiple posts from people who ordered a month ago, and their playing...what happened to first come first serve? did they just get rid of that concept and not tell anyone? and i beta tested twice, spend SEVERAL hours filling out bug reports and so forth, got an email thanking me for my support and they couldnt have done it without us blah blah...if you want to thank me, give me access!!lol o well hopefully tomorrow will be better


You actually believe them?

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I dont realy care honestly (ill get in when I get in and this way will have higher level help available) However I am curious about the no more waves thing... Honestly I expected atleast everyone who orderd in July to get in today.


Just Curious as to the why of it not that its hapening

Edited by Randalthorpk
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Whats funny is this and I'm sure its been said a lot to day


Pre-launch was to start on the 15th ... So you could get up to 5 days early


Bioware/ea IS being nice and starting it two days early so to get more people funneled in


People crying and what not over not getting into the pre-launch yet needs to stop


Why? see above, Bioware/Ea didn't need to start early and could have started it on the 15th like they should have.. and make even more people butthurt.


So you all getting rid of your pre-orders and what not.. your just being stupid

Edited by joltmar
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why would you cancel now? lol your only one customer you must understand how little difference this will make to BW. you waited since august and now rage so hard that you cant wait an extra day or two? makes a ton of sense...lol


And thats why you wont do well in business.


One customer is important. We are all 1 customer, we all matter, if one person is on teh forums complaining, there are likely 10 out there not complaing but feeling the same way.


No company should ever get complacent about customers, no matter how many they have now.

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All you people need to stop crying like a bunch of baby's. The swtor website says even today you MAY get to play 5 days early. Its 7 days now so you got 2 more days to start your wine. Also the key word us "MAY" that means you will either get in 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1 day early. There was no promise by ea or bioware that everybody would get in 5 days early. So just give it a rest and chill.
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Why couldn't they just have given us our start dates last weekend or something. THis is pathetic. Each day i don't know if i'm going to get in. And we just have to wait on the crums you give us. We're not your slaves BIOWARE!!!!!!!


Correct: nobody is forcing you to buy the game, genius. It's all voluntary. :o

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