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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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Biggest issue this whole thing presents, is that players getting in earlier than others are going to be snatching up all the best names.


So once the final waves are in, the majority of good names will already be taken or reserved.


Also, it will be a huge benefit on PvP servers. Those that get in early will be able to level to a high level with relatively few "distractions", then as more people get added grief the newer members. This whole wave thing not a great idea, Bioware knew (or should have known) the # of preorders and built enough capacity to serve those that preordered.

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Knowing the amount of pre-orders they have, they should be able to know what the server load will be.


Obviously the way they do things now is a fantastic way, but they're moving much too slowly. With their estimates based on the pre-orders they should at least be able to accomodate for 50% of the customers, not the 10% (tops) they're handling now.


I'm still having some faith that "all beginnings go rough" and they will take it very easy now to go all out in the next couple of waves.


In any case, a rough estimate on when e.g. October people will be let in would be nice. Altho I'm pretty sure judging by their speed it won't be before Thursday/Friday.


Altho, I understand the frustration of many. All the pre-orders together might well be over 70% of the people who'll play the game. Out of all the people I'm sure roughly 30% wish to level fast and be amongst the fastest strongest few. It's not a given that those people also pre-ordered starting July, that would be silly.


Now other people gain levels and are playing and putting them at a setback to the overall population of the MMO, and why? Because they pre-ordered a couple of weeks earlier. In a sense, a lot of people are punished to play LATER than "release" rather than earlier.


I had figured they'd let in a LOT of us first day and make the people afraid they'd have to wait very happy they could play already. Now they made the people who thought they could play very sad/angry. It's bad business if you ask me.

Edited by Zolexus
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I seriously think that blizzard hires people to troll these forums and MMO's on release. I cannot believe all of the anti-bioware sentiment going on here. The funny part is, people are mad saying bioware sux, but they are still going to play the game.


Grow up, calm down, wait it out. Did you want to start playing all at once? IF that happened we could have easily crashed the servers making us ALL have to wait longer. They want people in waves for a reason, I for one trust bioware's judgement on this.

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My only problem is with people that keep saying that this was some sort of blessing or gift from Bioware. Wake up idiots, this was done for THEIR purposes, not because they were being heavenly towards customers. They offered it to garner more pre-orders and to have a free week in which they can mess stuff up and still claim it wasn't 'official launch'. Sheesh, take off the Bioware colored glasses.


Too much sugar ?

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any on elese get screwed by GAME STOP i ordered on 7-21 but didnt get my code till 7-26 and i had to call to get that one..... THANKS GAME STOP YOU SUCK AND YOU SCREWED ME!!


You're lucky I preordered on 7-21 and I didn't get my early access until last week!

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July 25th, 2011 pre-ordered and code entered. Collector's Edition, Amazon. Florida, USA(sad, I know). No invitation as of yet. IF they include EVERYONE from July it would seem very fair.


WHY they are inviting people from September-December is beyond me.


Seriously, before the naysayers and those with their thumbs up their asses speak, let me say that it truly is not fair... Priorities, people, priorities.


what?? September December people are getting in?

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Sounds like this has been botched already. People getting in that pre-ordered later than others first. This doesn't sound too good.


Just a thought BioWare, you guys better get ALL people in with at LEAST 3-4 days of early access thanks to your "bonus days" or people are going to come at you. You guys already screwed people over once with the "Grace Period", I wouldn't push your luck. You'll be losing a lot of mindshare, and a BBB ratings.

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They're all angry cause they can't be the first to lvl 50..


They all were eagerly awaiting to massively press their space bar to skip all story lines in the hope to make it to lvl 50 by tonight and thus win the game in a day.



Rawr.............tears of the whiners..................cry cry cry.....................

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