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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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Time to go have me a big bowl of ricemeal and watch a movie or play new vegas.


Fun thread though and many people that very very selfish and clueless.


seriously who gives a flying, **** what your gonna do, i'm sick of these self righteous forum replies, yes you are a zen master, waiting doesn't bother you, you are better than us, now go **** yourself.


this is just ********, they need way more servers or theres only gonna be like 1 wave let in tomorrow, do they really think that people from today arent gonna still play again tomorrow?? how do they expect to keep the pace?? and the 15th it will get even worse because that was the original EA day and people have booked it off, there no way they are gonna get everyone in in time without more servers, and if they end up adding more then they are just *********s for not adding more from the start, if pops got low on some then merge them.

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They did not finish july with wave 5 im july 28th and no acess....just finished off invites for today with wave 5


Where do you get your info ?


SWTORThe Old Republic

Another batch of emails has gone out. Good news, this one was a bonus wave, we still have one more to go today!

1 hour ago via TweetDeck

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You will get in! Relax... BW is aware that if they invite every freakin person who pre ordered on the same day not only will it crash the servers...but once you login after hour long ques...you got to wait even longer to lvl up because you can't tag a mob. You will get in and enjoy your game


quit raging


You mean like how the stress test apparently crashed the servers? Nope it didn't. I don't see the point of the stress test beta, in fact, this is proof to all the people who argued that the stress test was NOT a marketing ploy, because they're not using any of the stress testing for launch.

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Pre-order canceled.


Why have early access at all when some people are going to get the full duration of early access and others will have a few days. Everyone paid the same amount for the game and yet they get in a lot earlier.


So by the time i get it everyone has out leveled me and I'm way behind in levels etc etc then everyone else.


This isn't fair in my eyes.

Edited by Britzer
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Update: Wave 5 - the final wave for today - was sent at approx 1:30PM CST.


More invites will be sent tomorrow (Wednesday).


Sorry but I defended Bioware up to this point but stopping with the waves for a whole day just doesn't make any sense to me. I thought Bioware wanted to make sure that they don't have open too many servers and staggering helps with that but I do think you guys are pushing it in the way it is done.


During the main beta test weekend servers were holding up really well and about 750,000 people were able to play/test the game, so I don't see why the waves have to be this small this time around to only account for a few days in July. I think at this pace anyone who ordered after August can expect to get in on Sunday.

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9/8 purchase and actiuvation. If people that purchased in Oct and Nov are playing, why am I not?


And yes, I have checked my email 10-15 minutes, and reluanch the game browser.


Because they are not. And just making you wind up :)

So far only people in July have been granted access according to my information...

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LOL wow guys, I've been reading some of the threads and to be honest, I played in the betas, and my wife is online now playing and I'm still waiting for my turn to be able to log in. But OMG can you guys whine abit louder?


We've waited this long whats a couple days more if it's going to be a smoother login when you get your turn. Or are you ready to /emoragequit when someone kills your newbie area mob


Because if this is all you have then maybe you need to get some outside time and get some cover over the geektan you probly have.


Bioware is making sure that everyone has an enjoyable experience in the newbie area, and as you move into the higher levels. So what if someone is L50 by the end of the week, and ITS NOT YOU ... means they missed alot of content and did it for themselves, and they'll be the ones complaining in a couple of months that there's no content cause they didnt actually play their characters.


So far the game is smooth and there isn't alot of lag so Keep up the great work Bioware, and as for the community ( not as a whole but they know who they are ) guys relax, or when you get in and there's the slightest bit of lag you'll nerdrage and flame on the forums again.


Let it be, have a great day waiting for your turn to enter into this game and enjoy it when you do.



Edited by Karudin
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I was looking forward to play this game. Why can they keep letting more people in as the day progresses?


Lazy basically. Wouldn't wanna burn the midnight oil on a 100M dollar mmo launch. Excuse is because people are at work, but there's so many servers the load is almost zero.

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Exactly! The pre-order was geared for us who wanted to play at launch instead of waiting a month due to stores being Sold Out. I found a new game anyway. This Forum.


what about those that pre-ordered a digital copy? what bonus do they get? face it dude the only reason as many people pre-ordered was because of early access. its the sole reason i pre-ordered my copy..it certianly wasnt for the crappy looking yellow and black crystal.


dont get me wrong, im not one of these people who are raging over not getting an invite..im in a beta elsewhere so my time will be spent there untill i get an EGA invite here, but i do think its pretty stupid how there are people who pre-ordered this month and they are getting in over the people who pre-ordered day 1, i pre-ordered end of september so im only expecting around 2 days of EGA anyways *shrugs*

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