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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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Redeemed code 8/5 so I have some time before I have any hope of getting in. Just going to sit back relax and enjoy the real world until I shut myself in my room and ignore human life till sometime past New years. :D


Haters gonna hate.


Trollers gonna Troll


Fanboys gonna...fan?




Cheers to a good game.

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Think on all the poor people like me, who's body is entering a retrival cause of lack of gaming material :eek: it's not about going through first, is about the general fact of *Gaming* Must ! Play! SWtor! p.s. imagine you got -15 windy/snowy weather, your outside not dressed for it. Thats my shaking!!! gief milkshake!! Corruption and Agony be with us all, fuels us :3
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why the **** would you stop with waves? wouldn't it be logical to do more tonight, you know, when the people playing right now won't be playing anymore?? Not tomorrow when the people playing now will be logging in again, seriously its like you guys have your heads up your ***, why not just monitor the server populations and let waves in accordingly not waste everyones time and just decide, oh me so sleepy me send no more waves today, bunch of twunts.


To each their own but what is a twunt <-- singular.

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nom nom nom, more catering for the Americans. Guess we don't get to play day time tomorrow either in EU, have to wait to evening time again.


So it's what? 2PM in US? Yet the invites have stopped? Why? BioWare staff finish work at 2PM?

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You will get in! Relax... BW is aware that if they invite every freakin person who pre ordered on the same day not only will it crash the servers...but once you login after hour long ques...you got to wait even longer to lvl up because you can't tag a mob. You will get in and enjoy your game


quit raging

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I am upset i didn't get in i pre-ordered from play.com on the 21st and didn't hear about the early access linked to when you enter the code till 30th or so. Even still i didn't get my code from play till 10th of august which is when i entered it. So BOOOOOOO U BIOWARE. YOUR LAUNCH HAS JUST LEFT A BITTER TASTE IN MY MOUTH.


I will now become a serious critc of this game

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This is a game launch that is larger than any other MMO in existence. i would say that if they said. alrite everyong GO, you would still be waiting for your friends or they would be waiting for you because the servers would crash. again, your lack of technology knowledge is discerning.

They had server stress testing to prepare for this. No excuse. They have the technology; They have the money and the money we paid them; They have the ability. If they didn't bother to do the work we paid them to do then they are at fault.



Pretend this is a special one day christmas sale. your in line. the earlier you lined up the sooner you get in. works the same way as console releases and game launches. the spots availible per day are the same as the quantity availible on the first day of release.

The difference being one, regular retail business is not expected to have any kind of superior ethical capacity - in fact quite the opposite, they are expected to have little to know ethical consideration for their customers at all. The average Wally-world experience is "Thanks for your money, take what we deign to allow you, and go screw yourself." I expect better than that from Bioware and from Lucas. Through his stories Lucas has positioned himself as a moral compass in much the same way that a celebrity establishes a lack of privacy by stepping into the limelight. There is a reasonable expectation for Liberté, égalité, et fraternité. That means MAKING THE EFFORT to ensure everyone gets equal treatment, not punishing those who because of lower incomes, medical or other emergencies, etc. by treating them as worth less than other individuals. Contrary to the American rendition - we were not all created equal, BUT we were all created EQUALLY MORALLY LIABLE. This has failed that standard.

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Honestly this is Bull****, what BW should have done is granted EGA based on month, so if you pre-ordered within a month of being able to(i.e: July 21st-Aug 30th), you should get in Day 1, Sep 1st- Oct 1st, so on and so forth.


GG BW, I bet your gonna lose people over this whacked wave system you got going here, not me of course, I'm just QQing, but I'm sure some people will:rolleyes:

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