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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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Ok I was staying positive and think the stagger is a good idea as it will ease people into the game, personally I'd rather wait a day or 2 than jump in with a million other people and watch the servers crash over and over and then when you finally do get back on your fighting a thousand other lvl 3's for the same mobs... BUT...


1:30pm in the afternoon and their calling it a day? GOD I wish I could work 10am-1:30pm, what a great life that would be! In all seriousness I can not fathom a reason as to why they stopped doing waves? they are accomplishing what they set out to do by staggering the login process and giving people time to level and get out of the noob areas so new ones can come im, why do they have to stop?


I had assumed once the "waves" started the would finish when the last pre-orders were invited in... whats going to happen now over the next what, 20.5 hours? Nothing? Can anyone explain the thought process behind working this wave process for 3.5 hours then stopping for the rest of the day?


I know I'll prolly get flamed as just another whiner, and honestly, I'm not whining, I'm quite happy to wait my turn, it just seems like a massive gap between swells....


Not sure on the thought process behind this either. Stopping waves at 1:30pm is silly.

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If this is how you treat customers, then I am definitely re-thinking purchasing the game.


You need to keep sending out invites every few hours until your servers CRASH. The servers need to crash, it's the only way to tell when you have enough people.


Please don't just re-think it. If you've said it, just do it. I'll gladly take your spot in this queue. :)

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JULY 27th



July 27th is the farthest I've seen posted. Has anyone from the 28 - 31st gotten in? Did they finish up July with that last wave?



Can anyone from JULY 28th - 31st confirm if they are in?


redeemed code 07/28, not invited yet.

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Just want to thank the idiots who came up with this 'wave' system - most of the guys in the guild I joined in pre-launch are already on playing, my RL friend is on - how the f**k am I ever going to catch them up and play with them? Makes me re-think taking out a subscription with this pile of poop company - remember Bioware you aint the only fish in the sea !



LOL well considering the fact that on the SWTOR website they advertise that you tell your friends about swtor and tell others to play with, its poor to see they dont allow people to play and start with their friends to follow their own advertising.




1:30pm finish, what a load of bull, seriously, there are still 6 hours left in the day to continue send out waves of invites. Hell if you need ill fly over to the US, and continue the wave of invites for you so others can get in the game, and i can fix the server crashes if need be. Its no different then my current job anyways.

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Way to go BW. Great job on this first launch day of waves. They make no sense at all who got invited and why, You guys should be commended on a great job of SCREWING OVER YOUR CLIENTS ON DAY 1.


I'm sure there will be many more of the same over the months to come before this game gets totally crapped on and everyone is back giving there money to WoW or someone else. I hope you are proud of yourselves.



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I'm sad they're officially done with waves for today.... we preordered the first day but didn't get the codes in until 8/16 due to my own stupidity, which I will freely admit. And I think waves makes sense... but don't take away the hope we have that it might still come tonight! :(
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Pre-order canceled.


Why have early access at all when some people are going to get the full duration of early access and others will have a few days.


This isn't fair in my eyes.


you are aware you didnt pay for early game access right? the 5.00 was actually deducted from the retail price of the game. so essentially your going to be paying the same amount on the 20th as you had done already by pre-ordering. So by this logic you essentially just gave up your place in the EGA queue for absolutely no reason.

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THIS IS THE MOST ******** GAME LAUNCH EVER!!!!!!!! Why should some people start before others??? MMO's are about levels and its like a race! You wanna get that higher level before everyone else... if everyone is getting in before other people and exploring the game and lvling? How is that fair???? if you preordered game you should all get early access... if you didnt you should start the 20th... if your servers cant handle it??? WELL MAYBE you should plan to BE SUCCESSFUL and not a failure... cause right now EA and BIOWARE IS a failure! you dont say, OMG! We have 1 million preorders how will are servers handle it! you say... we got 1 million! but we built these servers for 12 million cause thats are target! so no problem everyone jump in and start having fun! but no!! instead you play with people!


DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE TOOK THE DAY OFF on the 15th??? now they have to change it... OH BUT NOW! They dont know what day to take off cause now youve screwed with them more than a few times!!!


Yes, release was the 15 for early game... I agree its awesome you decided to move it up 2 days... but now instead of being nice your screwing with peoples lives, jobs, families, that they are trying to plan for when they can start playing, its near the holidays, people are trying to properly plan and all your doing is screwing with them... seriously. if you want any chance to be succesful or any chance to beat wow... stop thinking small minded, and playing games with ur customers... or you will die just like AION in a few years I PROMISE YOU!


You're joking, right?

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seriously who gives a flying, **** what your gonna do, i'm sick of these self righteous forum replies, yes you are a zen master, waiting doesn't bother you, you are better than us, now go **** yourself.


this is just ********, they need way more servers or theres only gonna be like 1 wave let in tomorrow, do they really think that people from today arent gonna still play again tomorrow?? how do they expect to keep the pace?? and the 15th it will get even worse because that was the original EA day and people have booked it off, there no way they are gonna get everyone in in time without more servers, and if they end up adding more then they are just *********s for not adding more from the start, if pops got low on some then merge them.


Lol this guy is just ignorant. The info he needs are very much available but he choses not to find it :)

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