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Forum ignore poster button


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I am so very tired of the useless complaints on the forums. Please enable a function where I can select to never view a post by a selected person. Like an in game ignore, but to allow me to find constructive and useful content on the forums, instead of the 98% of sniveling trash.


btw, I really enjoy the game. Great job devs !!!


(how long til some posters come in here complaining about something?)

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I just hope you are aware that ignoring people doesnt make their opinions go away, it just makes you oblivious of their opinions.

Gandhi said eye for an eye will make the whole world blind, i guess same goes for ignore.

If we all ignore the opinions we dont agree with, where does that lead to?

Ignore is the ostritch way, stick your head in the sand and that way you dont see and dont hear anything you dont want to, awesome solution.

Edited by kaboro
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I just hope you are aware that ignoring people doesnt make their opinions go away, it just makes you oblivious of their opinions.

Gandhi said eye for an eye will make the whole world blind, i guess same goes for ignore.

If we all ignore the opinions we dont agree with, where does that lead to?

Ignore is the ostritch way, stick your head in the sand and that way you dont see and dont hear anything you dont want to, awesome solution.


It's not about ignoring opinions we don't agree with. Some people post the same anti-bioware stuff on every post, regardless if it applies to the subject. Actually, some people (EU server comes to mind) will just complain on any thread about something that bothers them about the game.


For example, a suggestion for a new race. Somebody from Australia posted a reply that they want to see nothing new at all until server down time is fixed. He then said the same thing on 9 other posts. That is not giving your opinion. That is also unrealistic.


So no, ignoring somebody does not take away their voice. But I also don't listen to a word that preacher from Westboro church (or whatever it's called...) says. I ignore any news story with him in it. Same theory applies here.

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There is also one poster on this forum who seem to think it's his job to enter everyone else's thread and tell them they're wrong - without any indication of why that's the case.


His rude remarks and snippy comments can be safely ignored without losing anything worth reading.

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