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@The Adults


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Anyone else ever just pause, sit back in your chair, and think... Daf*q am I doing?


Most the mmos being released today are infinitely better than their older siblings.. But they still leave you questioning the quality of the game, whether lacking in whatever area, or so grindy your eyes start to bleed.


I used to enjoy the grind, but something's changed, and that leads to discontent within a great game that probably could have been better, but meh. Maybe something's telling me to put the mouse down, if just for a while.

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us adults dont need to take a break, we dont care about eyecandy, this must be you being new to mmorpgs or rpgs in general.


mmorpg = grindhouse for gear. how you go about the grind is the trick. how you get entertained from your time. if your not entertained go play something else.


thats what adults do. the dont sit there and go "da***" we sit here and are entertained or we move on to something that does entertain.


pretty easy thing to do, you log off, download something else and play that. it may not be a mmorpg, it may be a fps or rts, but for sure, people whose only experience in mmorpgs is WoW have no clue or idea what a mmorpg is all about. its a grind period, plain and simple you grind to endgame, once there you dominate or not. its the journey and how you took it and the paths you made that makes it entertaining, it all is a grind though, pure and simple the base of any rpg.


if you dont njoy the grind, or you cant stand the way this game does it, you then have not much experience with this genre, as this game is a fun romp to play, compared to other mmorpgs with steep mid level exp dropoffs, or massive massive grinding for very little reward.


but i only offer opinion. if you fail to be entertained and fail to realize this isnt a console sit down in a weekend and beat game, then you are in the wrong game, and should look at other genres to entertain yourself.

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us adults dont need to take a break, we dont care about eyecandy, this must be you being new to mmorpgs or rpgs in general.


mmorpg = grindhouse for gear. how you go about the grind is the trick. how you get entertained from your time. if your not entertained go play something else.


thats what adults do. the dont sit there and go "da***" we sit here and are entertained or we move on to something that does entertain.


pretty easy thing to do, you log off, download something else and play that. it may not be a mmorpg, it may be a fps or rts, but for sure, people whose only experience in mmorpgs is WoW have no clue or idea what a mmorpg is all about. its a grind period, plain and simple you grind to endgame, once there you dominate or not. its the journey and how you took it and the paths you made that makes it entertaining, it all is a grind though, pure and simple the base of any rpg.


if you dont njoy the grind, or you cant stand the way this game does it, you then have not much experience with this genre, as this game is a fun romp to play, compared to other mmorpgs with steep mid level exp dropoffs, or massive massive grinding for very little reward.


but i only offer opinion. if you fail to be entertained and fail to realize this isnt a console sit down in a weekend and beat game, then you are in the wrong game, and should look at other genres to entertain yourself.


While I agree with you concerning the structure of an MMO being around grind, I'm certainly feeling that the grind has been made easier in TOR, maybe too easy for my tastes. I've not yet reached the end-game portion of it and will likely have little interest in raiding (Haven't seriously raided anything since sleeper's tomb), but along the way in TOR, it's just sort of simplistic.


Now it's good for others, I'm sure, and I'm not trying to offer up anything but my own opinion here, but I could definitely go for the difficulty being ramped up a bit and the penalties for failure becoming a touch more brutal.


I've never been one for instant gratification and always felt that something worthwhile should either require a lot of work, or a lot of patience.

Edited by Bluerodian
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I should have come here for my rant instead of making a new topic called "RANT!". Back in the day of EQ when you earned something you were proud of it. Epic wepon, killing a god and getting a drop from it, full suit of no drop planar armor. Now days its just pathetic. I agree with the not likely to raid much post as that is my outlook.
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I should have come here for my rant instead of making a new topic called "RANT!". Back in the day of EQ when you earned something you were proud of it. Epic wepon, killing a god and getting a drop from it, full suit of no drop planar armor. Now days its just pathetic. I agree with the not likely to raid much post as that is my outlook.


I know what you mean.


Getting my hands on the Spear of Fate actually felt epic. The purples that drop in games since just feel sort of "meh" in comparison.


And you know, that's another thing. Forgive me for launching in to a rant here. When did a minor convenience like color-coding the text color of an item turn people in to such raving morons?


Anymore it's to the point that people stop even so much as looking at the stats on an item and just fawn all over the text color, refusing accept that one item might have better itemization of stats simply because the item is blue and their shiny item is purple. >_< OK. I better stop before I develop an ulcer recounting the nonsense I would run in to from raid-tanking in WoW.

Edited by Bluerodian
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To me it's like the better the graphics get, the worse the community / gameplay gets.

The grind in old MMO's would make most Wow kiddies demand a salary. lol...

It took the average player over a year + to reach cap back in the day, now a 2 month grind for PVP gear makes people litterally implode.

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To me it's like the better the graphics get, the worse the community / gameplay gets.

The grind in old MMO's would make most Wow kiddies demand a salary. lol...

It took the average player over a year + to reach cap back in the day, now a 2 month grind for PVP gear makes people litterally implode.


I feel your pain and although I really do have much I would like to add as imput, I feel it would truly just be a rant, at least to those "kiddies". Where oh where has my community gone? :)

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If it's fun doing it it's easier, but when it's too long and too extended for what it is you're doing not fun. Also, having the CONTENT being mind-blowingly fun is great for about 2 or 3 days. After that fun comes from the community and having a chatty guild and meeting people who like fun. I really could go either way - easier gear but you max it out fast (to be able to handle as much of the content you can - that's already in the game...) or more grindy, take longer but every piece is something to be proud of at the end of it. I can't say I have a preference between the 2. But yep. Grinding years ago and the way I played MMO's all those years ago is something I'm glad I did but I don't think I'd like doing it again. If it comes down to a choice of grind for gear etc or actually play for it I'd choose the latter.
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Only in this MMRL thing called "Work".


Its not work which is the hard thing... oh no. you can go and have a grand ol' time doing work sitting in a nice cushy office job doing absolutely nothing or be on a golf course making conference calls while on your par 3. It's his evil Mexican twin manual labor which I don't really tend to like too much

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