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Lock High Population servers... No need for hundreds more rerolling on heavy servers.


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Some servers like The Fatman, The Harbinger, etc. have such a large existing popluation and yet there are still hundreds more people rerolling or newbies starting fresh on them everyday. These servers should be locked out from people from other servers rerolling there or people who just bought the game starting on those servers. This is pretty standard practice. If people do return to game once 1.2 goes live some of those heavy pop servers are going to be hurting with long queue times to log in again.
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QQ more, at least you have people to play with on your server. Dying is dying


I play on Rwookrorro, one of the lowest pop servers in the game. I want to lock them out so there is a chance noobs might roll here or atleast so many will stop leaving to reroll there.

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yeah, like that has ever happened in the past, present, future, and your imagination of MMOs


I have played a couple of MMO's that I went to pick a server and the high pop ones were locked out from creating a new character on them. Two of the biggest problems for an mmo to balance is having to many people on one server causing extreme lag and long queue times or having too low population causing frustration in the players on that server with no one to group with for group play.

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So if this were to go in effect, my main on a large server is the only one I can create there? When I choose to create an alt, I will have to go to a different server? No, no, and no. I left a smaller server two weeks ago to re-roll on a larger one.
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