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Legacy system great, world pvp disappears ??!!


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Let me see, the name of the game is " Star WARS ". So pvp is now only in a qued system of warfronts. The removal of Ilum world pvp quests pretty much destroyed the only in game world pvp you had.


Wasted planets I never visit since their is no pvp, I leveled and used your amazing planets maybe 4ish levels and have never ever returned?


I sit on the fleet and que for pvp ? A little boring........and the que times are long since we dont have battle groups. I feel as if my time may be running out with SWTOR, sad to say since I spent 167.00 bucks on a boxed collectors set.


I tried to raid hard modes, but when bosses bug out 5 times in a row......what can ya say to that ?

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Have to agree here....Ilum seems to have ~11 people at best now :(


The pvp zone in tatooine (which is really awesome IMO if it attracted people somehow) gets maybe one customer a day, and only to complete the quest to seek it out...


Open world pvp..... didnt really exist until i got into Voss. So lvl 40+.


Now with more upcoming restrictions (ie expertise) i cannot move between pvp and pve unless i want to spend even MORE time 'grinding' gear.


I don't know. I feel like everything is quickly going to ****, but i do have some faith.

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Illum as a world pvp sucked. I'm glad they shut it down to work on it.

Let's face it zerg vs zerg is not fun and never will be. The team with most ranged classes won and melee classes always stayed behind, because if they jump in they get lagged and focused down.


Fun PvP is all about objectives/simple deathmatches and fair chances in numbers(warzones gives us it).


World PvP area like Illum could work if it wasn't about "who has more numbers". Maybe BioWare will figure something out. Nothing to do, but to wait.

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Illum as a world pvp sucked. I'm glad they shut it down to work on it.

Let's face it zerg vs zerg is not fun and never will be. The team with most ranged classes won and melee classes always stayed behind, because if they jump in they get lagged and focused down.


Fun PvP is all about objectives/simple deathmatches and fair chances in numbers(warzones gives us it).


World PvP area like Illum could work if it wasn't about "who has more numbers". Maybe BioWare will figure something out. Nothing to do, but to wait.


World pvp has always been about zerging and lets face it only ninjas use swords nowadays real gangstas shoots people. Small scale stuff is bgs and wzs etc. world pvp is never small scale unless it´s failing.

And the reason why world pvp failed in this game that it wasn´t rewarding there was nothing to gain in Ilum exept valor in star wars it should be about controlling the planets.

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Illum as a world pvp sucked. I'm glad they shut it down to work on it.

Let's face it zerg vs zerg is not fun and never will be. The team with most ranged classes won and melee classes always stayed behind, because if they jump in they get lagged and focused down.


Fun PvP is all about objectives/simple deathmatches and fair chances in numbers(warzones gives us it).


World PvP area like Illum could work if it wasn't about "who has more numbers". Maybe BioWare will figure something out. Nothing to do, but to wait.


I don't understand postes like this. You want world pvp, but you don't want a numbers game. How exactly do you get both? The only way to prevent a numbers game is to limit the number of people participating in pvp... but then it isn't really world pvp anymore and it's instanced pvp.



Ilum was a lagfest due to the number of players in the zone and the game being poorly optimized to handle that many players at one time in one area. That is the same problem that Warhammer had. Add on top of that the fact that once again there were no population caps on factions and then you have empire out numbering republic across most the servers.... another problem that Warhammer faced. Then to even add to that you had people cap trading for quest credits at the begining because like Warhammer someone thought to tie rewards to holding things was a good idea...when in warhammer it was proven as a bad idea without a proper reward for defending it since all it does is encourage trading. Then you now have the current equavalent of flower picking for your PvP weekly quest in the form of armaments picking. So PvEing for your PvP quest isn't such a good idea. That was more proven with Rift.


So yea, Ilum had to be scraped. It's going to take some serious brain storming to turn it into something that will A) allow a large amount of players to participate in without lagging B) Have a reason to take objectives and more importantly have a reason to defend objectives C) some deal with population imbalances across servers so that one side doesn't have a constant clear numbers advantage over the other.



I am all for RvR but the days of PvPing for the sake of PvP are over. People need rewards, sad but true. I LOVED Warhammer until the game died and I am a huge RvR fan. So if they can figure this puzzle out then they could have some serious RvR players coming to the game.

Edited by DarkDruidSS
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After six years in development, I am amazed how quickly they dropped Ilum. I havent a clue who/where they tested that planet for it to fail in spectacular fashion.


Considering that this game is called Star Wars, Ilum was about as much to do with Star Wars as the sitcom Friends is to a documentary. It doesnt match!


Give all the huge battles spread across all 6 SW movies, I am amazed that they couldnt come up with anything better.

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Bring back DAoC pre TOA :(


But it seems most of the care bear PvP'ers of this modern MMO era wouldn't like that either, as you ground PvE to max your stats and went PvPing for realm levels/titles and mostly for fun.


But that was a PvP based end game system, most MMO's of this day and age are PVE based end game systems where open world RvR and PvP just doesn't work. I also think successful RvR has at least 3 factions.


Open world on TOR is dead, instanced PvP is about all you will get now. Bring on GW2

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Bring back DAoC pre TOA :(


But it seems most of the care bear PvP'ers of this modern MMO era wouldn't like that either, as you ground PvE to max your stats and went PvPing for realm levels/titles and mostly for fun.


But that was a PvP based end game system, most MMO's of this day and age are PVE based end game systems where open world RvR and PvP just doesn't work. I also think successful RvR has at least 3 factions.


Open world on TOR is dead, instanced PvP is about all you will get now. Bring on GW2


True, check out Dominus if you want 3 faction RvR. It's currently in closed beta which I am hoping to get a glimpse of soon enough. I have it on my radar.. just not extremely excited for it yet myself. Star Wars is easier to get into and BW did a great job with the PvE.. I just want to give them time to get the PvP going and rated is at least a step in the right direction. I will see what they do with Ilum and the new PvPvE WZ looks like it has promise too.

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The really sad thing is...


Open World PVP


Has never felt like open world pvp...

In other games there always feels like a point to killing someone or something minor

In this game, what's the point? Cus' they have red names.

No benefit, no valor, no commendations, no nothing little to no joy considering


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We need a place where we have to share quest objectives and areas with the opposing faction.....preferably for daily quests or something. Maybe then it would actually be fun to work on getting my PvE dailies done rather than the big snore fest that it is currently. The main reason I ever did my dailies in WoW was that it was extremely likely that I would run into some world PvP. I looked forward to it. In this game.....I just don't bother to do them because it's too freaking boring. Edited by belialle
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al they had to do was put pvp bases on other planets to thin out the fight. Ilum wouldnt have mattered then. Its just it was ilum or nothing so instead of bieng able to go to another pvp bases on other planets its just do warzones while we fix out amazing bleep pile. Best pvp team eh?
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The majority of Modern gamers require insentives to PVP.

Insentives create players that are rewarded for cheating and exploiting.

Exploiters and cheaters gain a huge advantage.

Everyone must follow suit and exploit and cheat to remain competitive.


Back in the day we didn't have these issues because at first there were

no insentives to pvp outside of enjoying it.

-(Period from Doom2 and Warcraft till TM/Soutshore).


For a short period of time when Wow first introduced Warzones the system of

insentives worked fine because a critical mass of cheaters/exploiters was

slow to be reached and for the most part no one really had the "rewards".

-(AO Notum wars - Alterec Valley Wow)


Once cheating and exploiting have become institutionalized (afk'ing in Wz, kill trading etc..)

the gaming industry has no options to "create" OPEN PVP which actually isn't OPEN PVP given the rules required to keep it "fair" and "unbroken". Real PVP is mostly asymetrical, it's called Warfare.


The ony way to recover is to remove or reduce the insentives to Pvp to below

what many would consider "reasonable" and thus only the folks that PVP for fun

would be left PVP'ing and the problem would resolve itself.


You the players can simply post in the server forums a challenge to other guilds to meet on any planet on a PVP server and enjoy a huge battle at any time. Game mechanics will not stop you and given that there are no rewards for the most part cheating will be trivialized.


Alternatively you and your guild or friends can go "LOWBIE GANKING" which if there are any other PVP'ers about will cause a high level skirmish to occur.


If you do not PVP for pure enjoyment, then honestly, you will never be happy with PVP anyway. These "earner" folks should simply go find some fun PVE to do with thier friends where progression is king.


The only other way to implement a reasonable open world Pvp situation is to allow for serious consequences to players participating. FULL LOOT PVP. This controls cheating somewhat through community imposed consequences and vigilanty justice having "teeth" if you will. (SWTOR isn't built for this currently)


In closing.. there's no reason you can't go to any world let alone Ilum and Pvp. What your really complaining about is there's no system to incentivise this. The reality is the players themselves caused this situation with kill trading and exploitation... there is currently NO MMO that does this well that does not have HUGE DEATH PENALTIES (Eve, Darkfall)

Edited by VoidJustice
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I understand SWTOR isin't built for some things......thats why im guessing half of their pvp servers population died completely as it did on my server. Ultima Online had true pvp, but the again their were no good side nor bad.


You pvp'ed to kill whomever approached you......games have went the way of the easy since wow gamers, if they don't go easy people cry. Ultima Online you could lose everything your armor,gold, anything in your backpack, even your mount ! If this were of today to many QQ'ers would stop playing MMO's.


I am not satisified is all I was saying on this thread, I joinned a pvp server to do what ?? Sit on the fleet and que for warfronts......LOL I don't think so. Spend 14.99 a month to sit in one spot and que for the same four games ? Hahaha right.


Tera is approaching and they seem to have some just of what world pvp may be, they even have a que system for dungeons ! SWTOR six years in the making and no que system ? C'mon ? really ? Tera in 4 years ? They have it and the graphics are far better.

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