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Technology failure


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Has anyone else noticed that we're the most technologically advanced class in the game... but for some reason, we can't escape from anyone? Two pistols apparently puts you over your jet pack's weight limit, and keeps you from using it. >_<


Jokes aside, our inability to extricate ourselves from the "****" is really annoying. We get a snare that procs that doesn't really seem to matter in pyro, mostly because even if we use it, we get charged/pulled/snared in return/stunned/teleported/fall through the world/or spontaneously catch fire because we overheated.


We get two knockbacks in Arsenal, but again, we generally end up getting <insert repeat of above> or the tankasin that's molesting us pops speed burst.


Healers... well.... you get lol'd. Used to be "I can't die!" Now it'll be "Oh ****, I'm at max heat and have been swarmed by marauders!" come 1.2! sux2bu


All I'm saying is that I obviously deserve the ability to fly all the time above the battlefield and rain destruction down on your from the safety of 100 feet in the air. Or something like interdiction, where I can jump the hell out of a **** storm and get a true escape mechanic. Maybe a speed boost. Something... help a guy out here.

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What about an escape power that uses the jet pack and works in a similar way to the jump pads in huttball... Or something along those lines in a more controlled manner? Not sure how good it would work and for an interrupt power a sonic grenade that last four seconds, both powers would keep in line with BH lore and help players out Edited by Apemantus
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Hey I also demand a jet boost ability like blink in WoW! and also can I have a shield that reduces more damage? Oh! And can I have more heals? Oh and now that we are at it can my Tracer missle hit for larger amounts?? I mean in the star wars movies no one can survive a direct hit from a missle!!!


And 5 sec stun/root/cc immunity + damage immunity would be awesome too!


Wait... did I just describe assassins :confused:?

Edited by Assaultrooper
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A force speed equivalent that utilizes our jet packs (and gives commandos rocket boots) would be nice. Ie. Take out rocket boost from the legacy and just give it to Mercenaries/Commandos.


I made a post about this in the suggestion forum section and if you think something like this would be useful you should comment on it. Get the thread some attention, post your opinions/your suggestions.



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Guys lets be honest here... the mercenary class is not a class on its own but balanced with other classes with pros and cons. The lack of mobility is intended for mercs, the lack of an interrupt is intended for mercs....




No, they don't they don't have heavy armor (Yes Heavy armor matters ALOT just try playing a sorc ull notice) They dont have an upgraded knockback OR a second knockback. They dont ANY defensive cd too




Yea the bubble that absorbs about 2k hp... While you get 15% hp healed while at the same time getting 25% damage reduction AND 40-ish% kinetic damage reduction...(Sorcs get 10% on this last category...


Hey Snipers don't have a escape mechanic either, nor do they have a range interrupt, NOR do they have defensive cooldowns that work with everything!


Are sorcs OP? I dont think so, it looks like it to you because u got spoiled by ur class maybe... (and no I do not play a sorc, I play a PT and have a merc alt.)

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Guys lets be honest here... the mercenary class is not a class on its own but balanced with other classes with pros and cons. The lack of mobility is intended for mercs, the lack of an interrupt is intended for mercs....




No, they don't they don't have heavy armor (Yes Heavy armor matters ALOT just try playing a sorc ull notice) They dont have an upgraded knockback OR a second knockback. They dont ANY defensive cd too




Yea the bubble that absorbs about 2k hp... While you get 15% hp healed while at the same time getting 25% damage reduction AND 40-ish% kinetic damage reduction...(Sorcs get 10% on this last category...


Hey Snipers don't have a escape mechanic either, nor do they have a range interrupt, NOR do they have defensive cooldowns that work with everything!


Are sorcs OP? I dont think so, it looks like it to you because u got spoiled by ur class maybe... (and no I do not play a sorc, I play a PT and have a merc alt.)




Isn't the only difference between the sets a slight increase in defense?

Also, the upgraded knockback and second knockback are only if you are an arsenal spec'd merc or hybrid. Even then, it's the third tier in the arsenal tree, so not all hybrids even go for that.


I agree with you on the bubble argument, because yes we do have a shield, which as a bodyguard is super powerful. Tho once it's gone we're vulnerable again, but that's all apart of the class and I think it's fine the way it is.


Currently my biggest issue with mercenary is when players with interrupts negate my abilities completely. Having an ability to gain some ground to either "flee" or be able to channel one or two moves before their back on top of me would be beneficial and alleviate this issue.



In regards to snipers I think their knockback needs to be vastly more powerful. From my experience playing one it seems like the weakest knockback in game... but we're not here to talk about sniper.

Edited by Ehlin
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