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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Give us 1.2 as it is FAST !!! Too many players leaving the game !!!


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I'm done.


The wife is done.


I do NOT regret supporting any MMORPGs though. We paid about 200.00 total on the 2 accounts and 3 months of service. Accounts still active, but wont be renewed.


BIOWARE has zero clue about MMOs. They need to stick to single player games.


Thanks for the attempt, but swtor comes up incredibly short in so many areas its not worth going into all the detail.

Edited by Endowed
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Im not saying the game is done. But there are some games that I thought... "they look cool but I am happy where I am" and now Im thinking "Wow that game looks dope! I bet its a bit more polished then this one!" One of which is out in about 1 month and a few days lol... and that one is free to play.
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SWOR is not an MMO its a single player game with a big chat system.

i like the pve side and the story. but pvp is just a joke.

i am almoste lvl 50 and then ill see how long ill play mabe untill diablo 3 comes out.

was hoping 1.2 would give a load more content.. anyway ill just watch my mail untill they raise the lvl cap.

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Fact. Opinion of people saying SWTOR is dying and won't be around in few months(without even trying to be constructive) is worthless. Yes, go ahead, leave this game. You will do it anyway sooner or later because of your unreasonable requests(if there are any at all, not just "this game sucks") not being fulfiled. There is absolutly no reason at all for BW to listen to them, because you won't be around anyway by the time it's humanly possible to change anything.


Uncle, give to me all you candies, not to other kids, or I go away.

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:Dreal fans of star wars will stay and play its not jsut some game like wow star wars has a history behind it the best movie/ books of all time and the fan base grows even to this day just stay calme and more people will join.:D


No, my logically challenged friend. Star Wars fans have more sense than that. Star Wars Galaxies Pre-NGE was a successful and fun experience thanks to Star Wars fans. Once SOE decided to betray that trust, the community died, the game lost most of its subscribers and got shut down. In the MMO world, history has a tendency to repeat itself when similar patterns start showing up again.

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Fact. Opinion of people saying SWTOR is dying and won't be around in few months(without even trying to be constructive) is worthless. Yes, go ahead, leave this game. You will do it anyway sooner or later because of your unreasonable requests(if there are any at all, not just "this game sucks") not being fulfiled. There is absolutly no reason at all for BW to listen to them, because you won't be around anyway by the time it's humanly possible to change anything.


Uncle, give to me all you candies, not to other kids, or I go away.


Swtor is dying. Only from a Hardcore Player's perspective though. It will be here for sure in a few months, maybe even a year, but only for casuals or fanboys.

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Bioware vastly more subs than it needs to turn a profit, eventually all the players who are not happy with the game will leave and those that are happy with it will stay..


Last count was that it was 200million (some insiders still say closer to 300 then 200) to produce.

And 30% off the top of every dollar is going to Lucas films.


They stabilized at 1.7 million subscribers at start of march.


1.7 x 55 per account. + 93.5 million.

- the retailers 15%. 79.5 million

+ 3 months (and 1 free) at $45 total. + 76.5 million


156 million... - Lucas %.


And you currently sit at 110 million or so.



*this also does not consider the upkeep costs on its employees and servers.

Edited by Endowed
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um....you know that the creation of daylight saving time actually threw the whole Mayan calander thing out of whack?...


technically the date passed 9 months ago...and we're still alive ;)


You mean leap years, February 29th. Daylight savings time is 6 months on, 6 months off, so it cancels itself.


Arizona does not change for DST, and their calendar is right where it should be when it comes time for "Spring ahead".

Edited by Tyxx
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the 1.2?


where is this?



BANK GUILD!!!! WAHOU EXTRA NEWS ( oups all other MMO have already in release )




new BG!!!! ( civil war², with three )






for 11GB.





i test the 1.2 in PTR, its a joke?



FPS in pvp dont fix ( 10-30 fps in bg and 80-110 other land )



good bye bioware, *********** joke....

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Its honestly too late for most servers.


Most of the players remaining are either casual, not 50, or fanboys.


Had 36 people on in Imp Fleet yesterday.


oh no! 36 people how will i live :o try being on a server with you and two other people on the fleet most of the time.

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Im starting to think only haters post on the forums with any frequency as everyone who likes it is actually playing it, people who have said they are quiting from day one yet low and behold are still here. and i have no idea where peeps are getting these figures from, my fleet on peak has roughly 170 rep and 200 imperial and there just toodling about waiting for pvp q's and not the peeps playing in the open worlds.


So go figure, Its about time that the peeps who dont like swtor go away cos obviously your wasting your life hating on something that really doesnt require you to hate it as bioware know they could never please you. Leave SWTOR to the peeps that actually love the game.

Edited by Shingara
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sure people are leaving but those waiting out for 1.2 because it's the supposed messiah will be disappointed. has it ever happened to a game that people all of a sudden started liking it just because of a few little things added by a single patch? it won't happen. this patch is by far and large for the people who enjoy this game, to keep them enjoying themselves for a long time.


rushing this patch will result in the same whining as what happened in december because the game was supposedly released 'too early'




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If 1.3 takes as long as 1.2 did, I won't be around to see it.


There is just nothing to do in game and 1 new FP and 1 new OP isn't going to hold my attention for long.


Don't even get me started on dailies, worst idea for a game ever.


They need to add a lot more stuff to do in game outside of FPs, OPs and WZs.


I loved getting my +10 stats, that was a great idea, more of that please, and it can just be vanity rewards.

Edited by Tekkoclarky
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Im starting to think only haters post on the forums with any frequency as everyone who likes it is actually playing it, people who have said they are quiting from day one yet low and behold are still here. and i have no idea where peeps are getting these figures from, my fleet on peak has roughly 170 rep and 200 imperial and there just toodling about waiting for pvp q's and not the peeps playing in the open worlds.


So go figure, Its about time that the peeps who dont like swtor go away cos obviously your wasting your life hating on something that really doesnt require you to hate it as bioware know they could never please you. Leave SWTOR to the peeps that actually love the game.


But youre here?

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Fact. Opinion of people saying SWTOR is dying and won't be around in few months(without even trying to be constructive) is worthless. Yes, go ahead, leave this game. You will do it anyway sooner or later because of your unreasonable requests(if there are any at all, not just "this game sucks") not being fulfiled. There is absolutly no reason at all for BW to listen to them, because you won't be around anyway by the time it's humanly possible to change anything.


Uncle, give to me all you candies, not to other kids, or I go away.


SWTOR IS dying...that's no opinion, that's a fact you can even see on the more populated servers. of course it will be around in a few months, simply as BW would be not very smart to pull the plug as long as they can make a bit money from it. but at this rate i wouldn't be shocked if it's f2p within the next 2 years.


i'm not saying it's a bad game but for an MMO it has nothing to offer that could keep me interested for a longer time. flashpoints and operations are just too easy and pvp is at best average, for those of us who love world pvp, it's only disappointing.


every week more and more members of the 2 guilds i joined go inactive or say they quit. update 1.2 won't change that, especially as half the features should have been in game since launch.


but well, go ahead and tell us SWTOR is not dying....

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I just want to say, i understand when you go on the forums you will see people's complaints everywhere or people bashing bioware/Swtor.


I have said my 2cents as well, But some people are going overboard with it. We must give the game a chance, it has only been out for a short period of time, and no mmo was perfect from the beginning. I feel the game or bioware has not lived up to its promise and that the game is lack luster atm, and that the content that should be there already is not there. I get just as annoyed as anyone else about the bugs/glitches that should not exist for the work bioware claims they put into this game.


Although In all fairness to bioware and swtor, Like i said before no game/MMO is perfect. I love starwars and i wont give up on the game already after this short period of time its been out. There are things about this game i love, and I'm sure other do as well. I'm also sure bioware understands that we expect 110% for this game, because we love the game. As I'm sure they do as well. Lets give it some time and support the game as a community. If it fails and server populations continue to dissolve, Then at least we can all say we gave them a shot.

Edited by Elderhound
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Perception is a funny thing.


I'm playing on Kellian Jaro, one of the servers that has always been lower population wise according to the Status Server page since pre-order phase.


And yet, I have never seen so many more players on level 50 planets (relatively to Kellian Jaro) this week than before.


So I don't know what others can feel about on their respective server, but I see a lot more people around, and I have gotten a lot more opportunity to be in a party.


It could just be that the main base of players have just reached level 50 with their characters, explaining the sudden demography explosion around me in high level areas. And it might be temporary. But I have no way to know.


In the end, only Bioware knows what really is going on with their own global internal server statistics. All the rest is just player assumption from a narrow self-centered point of view during a limited playing time (unless you are a robot and play 24h/day on every server at the same time being able to make your own global statistics :p)

Edited by Elysith
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We'll have to wait and see how it turns out. They'll probably wind up merging the servers like AoC did. The vast numbers of heroics that are available make the low server pop even more unbearable now. I'm sure they'll be able to keep a solid subscription base but, they won't ever be on the same level as WoW...even though they could have.
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Just because people leave doesn't mean they won't come back when new content does appear. I've unsubed and later returned to City of Heroes 4 times, and to WoW 3 times, and I plan to give WoW a fourth shot soon.


Those are exactly the type of customers that MMO's can't count on, and in no way the people they the developers should be trying to accommodate. They need solid content with LOTS OF STUFF TO DO! The current content is not enough to keep people playing, especially considering the fact that WoW exists, and Diablo 3 and Mists of Pandaria are both coming out this year.


I really think they're in over their heads on this one.

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