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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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I am excited about this change, mainly because of how I want to play some of my characters. My female IA I see as straight, (though if she could romance Kailyo she would because her only romance companion is vector) but willing to flirt with either male or female if she believes that will get her the information she requires.


In the same way she will steal, torture threaten kill to either protect or further the interests of the Empire.

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Yes. <may be a little bitter>


You can give Courtship gifts to the following males (reguardless of your gender and weather or not your in a 'relationship') (Not a full list, just off the top of my head):







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Yea I mean when my male Sith is talking to Quinn it just feels like there are flirting options missing, something is just missing on how they interact with one another. It feels like something 'should' be...that it could have been.




...and Corso can take courthing gits as well it seems.




Soon...soon I hope.



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Yea I mean when my male Sith is talking to Quinn it just feels like there are flirting options missing, something is just missing on how they interact with one another. It feels like something 'should' be...that it could have been.




...and Corso can take courthing gits as well it seems.




Soon...soon I hope.




I know right. They have to add some diolouge in it. Quinn seems too perfect for a srg.

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Found something interesting just before the final fight with Skavak. The interesting part of the convo starts when Corso mentions Hewie.



Skavak: "You're still carrying around that huge vibrosword? Trying to compensate for something, Corso?"


I chose the "Corso has nothing to prove" option and my toon (who is male) says: "Corso isn't compensating for anything!"


Then Skavak says: "Well, I didn't realize you two had grown so close." Possibility of Skavak being a homophobe there, or just trying to provoke a response?

Edited by Captain_Zone
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Found something interesting just before the final fight with Skavak. The interesting part of the convo starts when Corso mentions Hewie.



Skavak: "You're still carrying around that huge vibrosword? Trying to compensate for something, Corso?"


I chose the "Corso has nothing to prove" option and my toon (who is male) says: "Corso isn't compensating for anything!"


Then Skavak says: "Well, I didn't realize you two had grown so close." Possibility of Skavak being a homophobe there, or just trying to provoke a response?

I think Skavak was just trying to provoke a response - remember, Smugglers fight with wits as much as blasters, so it's no surprise Skavak would say something to try to put the Smuggler and Corso off-guard. Still a hilarious line, though; I said the same thing with my male Smuggler. :D


This has made me realize, though, that adding SGRs will hopefully mean adding a ton of little dialogue bits into pre-existing conversations. If Corso was in a relationship with the male Smuggler, I can totally see the Smuggler saying "Yeah, we are that close" to fire back at Skavak. I don't know how much the current relationships change in dialogue stuff - I only just started the Elara romance with my Trooper, I'm even less far along romancing Akaavi with my Smuggler, and I can't even tell if my SW is romancing Vette yet. At 8600+ affection. :eek:Anyway, this might be a factor in why it's taking a long time to get SGRs into the game, if they have to go over all the classes' dialogues and make adaptations to account for the new relationships.


All I ask is that you keep at it and don't delay, BioWare. I did my usual monthly "pick up mail sent from other alts" on my Bounty Hunter, and just hearing Mako's little quips about how to spend the credits and "We make a great team!" had me going DAMN IT WHY CAN'T MY BOUNTY HUNTER ROMANCE THIS BALL OF DIGITAL CUTENESS YET GRR ARG.


*ahem* Carry on, please, BioWare. Carry on at full speed.

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You can give Courtship gifts to the following males (reguardless of your gender and weather or not your in a 'relationship') (Not a full list, just off the top of my head):








...That's pretty funny. I tried giving Qyzen a courting gift once just to see what would happen, but he couldn't have cared less. He's super picky, though. :p


And yay new thread! I am stoked about the upcoming Legacy system. I wonder if it'll prevent characters who are already married to a companion from marrying another PC, or vice versa.

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I think Skavak was just trying to provoke a response - remember, Smugglers fight with wits as much as blasters, so it's no surprise Skavak would say something to try to put the Smuggler and Corso off-guard. Still a hilarious line, though; I said the same thing with my male Smuggler. :D


This has made me realize, though, that adding SGRs will hopefully mean adding a ton of little dialogue bits into pre-existing conversations. If Corso was in a relationship with the male Smuggler, I can totally see the Smuggler saying "Yeah, we are that close" to fire back at Skavak. I don't know how much the current relationships change in dialogue stuff - I only just started the Elara romance with my Trooper, I'm even less far along romancing Akaavi with my Smuggler, and I can't even tell if my SW is romancing Vette yet. At 8600+ affection. :eek:Anyway, this might be a factor in why it's taking a long time to get SGRs into the game, if they have to go over all the classes' dialogues and make adaptations to account for the new relationships.


All I ask is that you keep at it and don't delay, BioWare. I did my usual monthly "pick up mail sent from other alts" on my Bounty Hunter, and just hearing Mako's little quips about how to spend the credits and "We make a great team!" had me going DAMN IT WHY CAN'T MY BOUNTY HUNTER ROMANCE THIS BALL OF DIGITAL CUTENESS YET GRR ARG.


*ahem* Carry on, please, BioWare. Carry on at full speed.


Sorta figured that, but it WOULD be funny to fire back at him with that one, even if it weren't true. Just to see the look on his face. :D


My guess would be Skavak saying "Whoa! Way more info than needed!" or something to that effect. lol

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Some snarky wise comment to shoot back at him. Yeah that would be great. I would love to see the expression on vettes face when my character would be in a SRG with Quinn. That will be so funny, and worth making a new SW.
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Some snarky wise comment to shoot back at him. Yeah that would be great. I would love to see the expression on vettes face when my character would be in a SRG with Quinn. That will be so funny, and worth making a new SW.


I <3 Vette. She's an awesome character and brings some much needed comic relief (along with Pierce) to the crew. Quinn is a limp fish, and so is Jaesa. Sorry to say, but Jaesa is BORING as LS. I'm almost tempted to reroll my Juggy or start a new one and get the ultrahot DS Jaesa. lol


And I can't stand Quinn for his *** kissing ways and complete devotion to Darth Tubby... err Baras.


Hell, I think Vowrawn had his way with both Quinn and Pierce on Corellia, though. They were both in their skivvies when I made the holocall, and then Vowrawn said how "capable" Quinn was... I just about **** myself laughing. :D

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was reading the romance letters on another thread, when i came across kaleiyo's:



before the next time we fly, i want the liquor cabinet restocked (with SOMETHING NEW this time), at least thirty new premium HoloNet feeds, unrestricted turret access and the right to bring three good-looking young people of my choice aboard.



i KNEW it!

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was reading the romance letters on another thread, when i came across kaleiyo's:



before the next time we fly, i want the liquor cabinet restocked (with SOMETHING NEW this time), at least thirty new premium HoloNet feeds, unrestricted turret access and the right to bring three good-looking young people of my choice aboard.



i KNEW it!


I had her spotted already for being bi. :D That just confirms what we already knew. lol

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same here, but as you said, confirmation :D

i still wouldnt touch her >.>


I thought that line of hers was ironic after I.. ahem... socialized with Ki Sazen after the fight. "Just because she's a Jedi doesn't mean you won't catch something." said the pot about the kettle. :p

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I both want and dread SGR. I dread it because I'll be rolling even more alts then, as if I didn't have enough already! I have my fingers crossed for Quinn, Vector, or Torian to be one of the current companions they're considering let swing both ways. As for the girls, I'm hoping for Kira, Elara, or Ashara. I've grown fairly attached to the current lineup of companions and hope they take this into consideration, because I know I can't be the only person who feels this way!
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I both want and dread SGR. I dread it because I'll be rolling even more alts then, as if I didn't have enough already! I have my fingers crossed for Quinn, Vector, or Torian to be one of the current companions they're considering let swing both ways. As for the girls, I'm hoping for Kira, Elara, or Ashara. I've grown fairly attached to the current lineup of companions and hope they take this into consideration, because I know I can't be the only person who feels this way!


Oh, you're not the only one. I am extremely attached to the current crop of companions and if none of them get SGRAs I will be sorely disappointed. I'm sure the new companions would be lovely, but you can't really undo a year of growing attached to those we have.

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I <3 Vette. She's an awesome character and brings some much needed comic relief (along with Pierce) to the crew. Quinn is a limp fish, and so is Jaesa. Sorry to say, but Jaesa is BORING as LS. I'm almost tempted to reroll my Juggy or start a new one and get the ultrahot DS Jaesa. lol


Fair warning: DS Jaesa is bat guano crazy. To give you an idea, her combat lines include, "I'll taste your blood!" and "This is so much fun." This is a spoiler for the DS Jaesa storyline, so enter at your own risk.



She sets on a personal crusade to wipe out all LS Sith in the galaxy. She does respectfully ask for your permission of course. I also about died laughing when she asked if she could more or less have a one stand stand because, "I was raised a Jedi and I am STARVING." Afterward, she states that she doesn't know if she killed the lover or not. It made me go :eek:


Ah well, you know what they say about crazy women and straightjackets. :cool:


And I can't stand Quinn for his *** kissing ways and complete devotion to Darth Tubby... err Baras.


Hear hear! He really rubs me the wrong way, and I've thought about why. His devotion to Darth Slob and the results from that are part of it. Quinn has a very unhealthy way he dotes on my SW or anyone with enough power. I mean really unhealthy; you could do just about whatever you want to him and all he does is meekly reply, "Yes my Lord."



I wish I had taken the DS pts against him while I had the chance. I should have force choked him and made him PAY for betraying me :mad:



Other than Quinn's wonderbread personality, there seems to be some severe co-dependence issues. He isn't very well fleshed out imho and it reflects in way I roleplay my SW. Most people are tools to Kit and she doesn't care about the individual. Pierce, Vette, Broonmark, and Jaesa are all real to her. Quinn, on the other hand, she sees as nothing more than another useful tool she can use or dispose of as she pleases. My SW is more than just a little sociopathic. However, she can love and wants love. It's just not be found among her shipmates currently.


I don't think anything negative about those that wish to pursue Quinn. I just don't understand the appeal. I wouldn't argue with the people that like him, but could you give me some reasons as to why you would like that companion for SGRs? I'd like to get some perspective from other players. ;)


Hell, I think Vowrawn had his way with both Quinn and Pierce on Corellia, though. They were both in their skivvies when I made the holocall, and then Vowrawn said how "capable" Quinn was... I just about **** myself laughing. :D


I wish I had thought to strip Quinn before that scene. For whatever reason, even though Pierce was fully equipped, he still showed up in that scene in his undies. Ah, Pierce. :jawa_angel: My Tidus Pullo(sorry, reference to the TV show Rome), and the guy that seems tailor made for my DS SW.


As a roleplayer, if my bisexual SW doesn't have someone she likes,(and she doesn't see Quinn as even a remote choice) she'll probably start killing people at random. At this point she only kills who she feels she has to. Using D&D alignments as an example, my SW is Lawful Evil(Dark IV.) My(semi-retired) Sorc is completely nuts and is Chaotic Evil, making every DS choice for the Evilulz(no LS points at all.)



I prefered DS Jaesa and didn't think Quinn was a very good choice. I was thrilled when I got to have my alone time with Pierce. Then I was kinda sad that Pierce wasn't a LI option, especially after he hints at the end one of the conversations that he "likes his new duties."


Edit: I wanted to add that both my husband and myself felt like we missed a huge part of the story by rolling females. My husband's Imp character is a Dark V BH. He eventually pursued the romance arc with Torian to see that other side of the story. That and we both thought Torian was a total sweetie. :)

Edited by natashina
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Oh, you're not the only one. I am extremely attached to the current crop of companions and if none of them get SGRAs I will be sorely disappointed. I'm sure the new companions would be lovely, but you can't really undo a year of growing attached to those we have.


While I hope they expand on the current companions, I don't want to see ones just for SGR. It would be very nice if they gave all classes two love interests from the current companions and make them both bi. For example, I would love to romance DS Jaesa and Pierce as both my female SW and the eventual male SW I'd like to roll up. I'm very attached to most of my SW companions. Even Broonmark has found his way to Kit's black heart and earned her trust and affection, albeit in a platonic fashion. Kit also knows that DS Jaesa is up for trying any new experiences. ;)


On Khaz, I'm extremely close to Kira. She is my favorite LI for starters. I rolled a male just to romance her and after hitting the end of Chapter 1, she's become my favorite companion thus far in the game. Why not make Kira bisexual? Especially since:



She's from a Sith family and lived in the Academy until she was 10. Sith strike me as not giving a crap about whether or not someone loves another of their own gender. Plus, she was gusty enough to leave Korriban and her family behind, as well as try to fight off being possessed by the Emperor. I'd say she's open to whatever form love may come in. :)



Pierce, well...he puts off an old warrior's code for me. In many cultures, it was perfectly fine if not preferred to be with people of your gender. His attraction and passion for a person seems like it could be easily fostered throughout the battles in the story. Besides, I think Pierce would tell anyone that if they had a problem with him being married to his male SW boss, they can talk to the end of his gun. :p


Pierce is tied with Vette for my second favorite character in the game thus far. Can't you tell? :D I don't usually mention Vette when talking about OGR/SGR, since she's more of a little sister to my SW.

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Hear hear! He really rubs me the wrong way, and I've thought about why. His devotion to Darth Slob and the results from that are part of it. Quinn has a very unhealthy way he dotes on my SW or anyone with enough power. I mean really unhealthy; you could do just about whatever you want to him and all he does is meekly reply, "Yes my Lord."



I wish I had taken the DS pts against him while I had the chance. I should have force choked him and made him PAY for betraying me :mad:



Other than Quinn's wonderbread personality, there seems to be some severe co-dependence issues. He isn't very well fleshed out imho and it reflects in way I roleplay my SW. Most people are tools to Kit and she doesn't care about the individual. Pierce, Vette, Broonmark, and Jaesa are all real to her. Quinn, on the other hand, she sees as nothing more than another useful tool she can use or dispose of as she pleases. My SW is more than just a little sociopathic. However, she can love and wants love. It's just not be found among her shipmates currently.


I don't think anything negative about those that wish to pursue Quinn. I just don't understand the appeal. I wouldn't argue with the people that like him, but could you give me some reasons as to why you would like that companion for SGRs? I'd like to get some perspective from other players. ;)


Personally i don't mind Quinn all that much. I find his unusual personalty kinda refreshing, and he comes off as being quite mysterious and almost a little dark.


Something is deeply wrong with Quinn, on some level, and I don't think that we've gotten the whole story just yet. It's that kind of thing that keep me hooked, and got me intrigued to begin with.


I can really see Quinn being a part of the SGR options because when I talk to him with my male Sith...it really feels like the 'flirt' options are missing. It really does. It feels like I only have half the dialogue that I should have with him....


Also with his kind of personality I can see a really interesting, and very dramatic, romance begin to take shape. I think Quinn and male Sith just seems to be a bit more of a natural fit....the dynamic seems to work better.


That's just my two copper though. :jawa_cool:

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Personally i don't mind Quinn all that much. I find his unusual personalty kinda refreshing, and he comes off as being quite mysterious and almost a little dark.


Something is deeply wrong with Quinn, on some level, and I don't think that we've gotten the whole story just yet. It's that kind of thing that keep me hooked, and got me intrigued to begin with.


I can really see Quinn being a part of the SGR options because when I talk to him with my male Sith...it really feels like the 'flirt' options are missing. It really does. It feels like I only have half the dialogue that I should have with him....


Also with his kind of personality I can see a really interesting, and very dramatic, romance begin to take shape. I think Quinn and male Sith just seems to be a bit more of a natural fit....the dynamic seems to work better.


That's just my two copper though. :jawa_cool:


What's odd is that I didn't get a lot of Flirts with Quinn either, even when I was still debating about romancing him. You do make an excellent point about how some lines of dialog were meant to be put in as flirts. He feels kinda unfinished, which may be why he seems so one dimensional to me. Is there anything specific in his personality that appeals to you or is it just the overall package?


Edit: If they did reveal what's wrong with Quinn at the core, I might find him more likeable. I cannot eliminate the possibility that character growth for Quinn could lead me to change my mind about him. If that happens, I might think about making my future male SW his love interest.

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What's odd is that I didn't get a lot of Flirts with Quinn either, even when I was still debating about romancing him. You do make an excellent point about how some lines of dialog were meant to be put in as flirts. He feels kinda unfinished, which may be why he seems so one dimensional to me. Is there anything specific in his personality that appeals to you or is it just the overall package?


Mostly it's the overall package. The guy comes off as damaged goods, and I don't think we've gotten to what the damage is, just yet. I hope we see more of his story in chapter 3 onward.


Also yea he really feels unfinished, especially if you play as a male. I can give him courting gifts, and when I talk to him it just...just...feels like there needs to be a flirt option in there somewhere.


In my head the romance is practically writing it'self. o_O

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Mostly it's the overall package. The guy comes off as damaged goods, and I don't think we've gotten to what the damage is, just yet. I hope we see more of his story in chapter 3 onward.


Also yea he really feels unfinished, especially if you play as a male. I can give him courting gifts, and when I talk to him it just...just...feels like there needs to be a flirt option in there somewhere.


In my head the romance is practically writing it'self. o_O


In that case, I really hope he becomes available to you. :) If that romance is writing itself, then it should be an option for you in the game. It doesn't affect me either way; I choose to ignore Quinn. It sucks that you can't romance Quinn yet, but I hope they change that soon. I may not care for him, but people should be allowed as much choice as the devs will allow. I also wouldn't be surprised if they make the love interests for both male and female characters both bi. For example, Doc turning out to like both genders, DS Jaesa liking both genders, Quinn being bi, ect.


Edit: All I can say is that you don't learn a lot more about Quinn after Chapter 3. I choose to ignore him, so I'm not 100% sure if this is the case if/when you romance him.

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