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Premade Groups


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The last 2 days I have been trying to get my pvp 3 win daily done. I run against the same premade republic group on my server led by Ch***. I dont hate this guy but I know when I see him we are most likely going to lose. Now at the end of my 2nd day of pvp'ing for hours Im struggling to get a win. My damage is near the top. I do not have a premade group and I try hard to put one together. This 4 man group is single handily crushing its opposition and stopping many people from victories. I watch half the group quit out within minutes of the match. If we dont get cross server pvp soon there will be no one to pvp with. Edited by Simpull
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We have a few like that on my server but it's gotten to the point where we recognize them and work to counter them. Seperate/focus/etc.


though OP, you may want to edit out your post. The mods have a tendancy to delete anything with another player's name in it whether it's good or bad.

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If you don't have a premade group just watch your war zones for who is doing well and actually being a competent player then invite them. try to get 3 dps and a healer and run. I always suggest 1-2 melee with 1-2 ranged, maybe someone who can guard the heals, and have fun.
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I feel for ya - sometimes ill go 15 losses in a row in Adjunta ... but, you watch the good teams and players and learn from your losses. We have a pub team of companion and his companion *haha* (inside joke) who are well known ... ive gotten stun killed by them so fast, its amazing to see their deadly efficiency.


What i did do this recent WZ was to break them apart when they fought at the east node. Simple stuff, like force push the one that was healing off the node and occupy him 1v1 so he cant heal his companion. Slows, stuns, cover, taunt ... look at the little details that you can do to help your team out and improve.


Its never fun losing, but getting better at pvp and finding those who are like you will get you better groups to get more wins. I think I lose 10 to 15 to every 1 i win on Adjunta PUGs. Maybe I'll take the advice here and finally find a good group of pvprs.

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Giradda the HUTT


I know who you're talking about. He's the Sage who camps on top of the catwalk/pillar things on Voidstar. My guld <RED> doesn't have a lot of trouble with that premade. We usually just have our Juggernaut leap to him and push him down from wherever he his sitting and spamming pebbles. He does the same thing on Ald. He gets all the way to the top of mid and tosses sand and rocks at people.

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Yeah, Swtor will lose lot of people really fast if they dont get the cross-server warzones up and running quickly. If people get rolfstomped all day every day against the sames premades so they cant even complete their dailies people will find some other use of their time. Being on the both ends of the issue and its just not fun, and thats why were playing right?
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ye same on my server couple of rep guilds...due to theyr low numbers there is pretty much just pre-mades that we get to face when we face reps..and get beaten hard,it goes days before i feel like playing again..its getting rather boring.


but then again whats so much better about 8man team instead fully pre-made? lol..only good thing it ends faster...ive heard something along the lines that crossrealm will not be up at 1.2 but on a later point after patch, so thats not a 100% sure thing...until ive seen it be stated otherwise :p

Edited by Mightywombat
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Yeah, Swtor will lose lot of people really fast if they dont get the cross-server warzones up and running quickly. If people get rolfstomped all day every day against the sames premades so they cant even complete their dailies people will find some other use of their time. Being on the both ends of the issue and its just not fun, and thats why were playing right?


Isn't that how it ends anyways? Ranked WZs will be either Pre-made or Get the F out.


RIP World pvp.

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