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Scheduled Maintenance March 23rd


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Theyre not going to care while youre still giving them your money. its companies like this that will push things as far as they can while you pay.


If they cared they would issue some comp time to the people they keep hurting with these "Oh btw 4 hour downtime" decisions. Since they wont do that it shows where their priorities are. Theyll learn when they have no subscribers.

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Although I live in the US and aren't therefore as effected by the downtime as our EU/AUS/ASN neighbors, I definitely understand the OPs frustration.


It's hard to remember sometimes that not everyone has a 9-5 or even a M-F work week. People who are trying to get sometime in to a game they enjoy only to have the server go down say 30 minutes in to gameplay or not play at all(again not as much of a deal because 12pm is hardly primetime for the WC) is pretty frustrating.


Do I as a player and subscriber understand the necessity of maintenance, absolutely, do I think that that downtime can be better managed, yes.

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Hummmm let me think about this... NEVER!


Do I win a prize? better at least get a cookie that was a hard question.


See the thing is, the game engine supports this, and good MMO's do this, for example. I played Guild Wars 1 since closed beta, about 8 years. Never once since I first downloaded the game client were the servers ever offline. Ever. They patched frequently, fixed tons of things, added tons of raid and end-game content, and never would servers go down. You simply received an in-game message stating a new patch was released and restart your client for it to take effect...


SWTOR's game engine supports this feature, and according to the dev's in early development was one of the main features they chose to work with this engine, yet they have never used this feature once.


Just one of the many bullet points on the SWTOR fail list.

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He doesn't have a valid point. Maintenance is what it is. Whining about it will change nothing.


ya, but still, digs at his personal life = not cool. I'm fairly ok with the downtime as it's 3 am for me. I can understand being a bit not so happy if it was prime time going down for 4 hours.. which.. if anyone remembers last week.. the mega giga post at the midnight est patch? ya. we're all the same.

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the truth of the matter is that Bioware does not even know what time it is in Australia, much less care that the patch is being applied at 6pm


the current system alert for the patch on the game client says that the servers will not be back up until 10am , so for the us and eu this patch is going to take 4 hours and for Australia 16 hours

aside from the obvious stuff up with time conversions how about a time like ..

utc 14:00:00 cet 8:00:00 aedt 1:00:00


this also has the advantage of being in normal working hours for the US and so you save on wages

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The thing that people keep on forgetting is that they CAN'T stagger maint on each of the regional servers, since they all share the SAME CLIENT. There isn't an EU Client and a US client like there is for WoW, for example, which has seperate maint times if i remember correctly.


The EU, US, and SEA servers are all on the same client, shown by the fact that you can choose to swap between the 3 at any time you want just by going to the server select screen. If they did maintenance on the servers at different times based on where the servers are located, they would run into massive issues with the servers being on different patches, since they ALL share the same launcher.


I agree it would be nice to have maintenance times based on the servers location, but it isnt feasible for swtor. And yes I'm affected by this downtime, as I'm located in australia, so it's during my prime time as well, but there isnt anything they can do without segregating the servers into their own clients and forcing you to limit yourself to one or the other.

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can they at least change up the time of day every other patch or something

i work the late shift and have come home 6 times in the last 20 days to find the service i pay for not available


all i'm asking for is rotate the time of day

would holding off the patch 3-4 more hours kill anyone every other patch

seeing as we seem to get so many

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Seriously...are there people paid by Bioware to sit in these forums and defend this crap? How can anyone who pays be happy about it...and then check the forums and post to defend it? I love the people that say, 'Oh I've known about it for 12 hours!' Get a job! If you purchased ANYTHING else that only worked 60% of the time you tried to use it, you'd get your money back. Aussies who have JOBS can't sit at the computer and play all day everyday, we have windows, this game often doesn't 'work' during those windows so I'll take my money back thanks EB. How do you reckon that'll go?


No and news flash this cuts into my play time... in AMERICA! why is it always a conspiracy theory between AUS EU AND THE US! there will never be a time that will make everyone happy. I work weird hours being in the IT industry so maybe that's why I understand maintenance more and don't throw a fit every time the game cuts into my play time.


And this whole I pay for this game nonsense have you ever bothered to read the ToS? ever? You are getting exactly what you paid for. In life its smarter to read the fine print before you sign on the dotted line.

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Bioware and thier on going primetime multi maintenances per week can take thier game and go f themselves.


I'll take my infraction/suspension/ban along with my sub.

Edited by Spaj
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the truth of the matter is that Bioware does not even know what time it is in Australia, much less care that the patch is being applied at 6pm


the current system alert for the patch on the game client says that the servers will not be back up until 10am , so for the us and eu this patch is going to take 4 hours and for Australia 16 hours

aside from the obvious stuff up with time conversions how about a time like ..

utc 14:00:00 cet 8:00:00 aedt 1:00:00


this also has the advantage of being in normal working hours for the US and so you save on wages


It is NOT going to take 16 hours for aussies to get access to the game again. It is 4 hours for EVERYONE till they can access the game again, regardless of where they live.

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I love how they claim it is "scheduled maintenance" when there was absolutely no forewarning on this site or twitter. They need to get the word out sooner to players. I was in an instance when the message came up trying to get my daily hard mode done. We were only 1 boss in. We rushed through but were unable to finish before the shutdown...
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See the thing is, the game engine supports this, and good MMO's do this, for example. I played Guild Wars 1 since closed beta, about 8 years. Never once since I first downloaded the game client were the servers ever offline. Ever. They patched frequently, fixed tons of things, added tons of raid and end-game content, and never would servers go down. You simply received an in-game message stating a new patch was released and restart your client for it to take effect...


SWTOR's game engine supports this feature, and according to the dev's in early development was one of the main features they chose to work with this engine, yet they have never used this feature once.


Just one of the many bullet points on the SWTOR fail list.



Best post so far, if all thats true... Get that feature running dev's cant be too hard. Wouldnt mind a weeks downtime for that feature to be permanent xD

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See the thing is, the game engine supports this, and good MMO's do this, for example. I played Guild Wars 1 since closed beta, about 8 years. Never once since I first downloaded the game client were the servers ever offline. Ever. They patched frequently, fixed tons of things, added tons of raid and end-game content, and never would servers go down. You simply received an in-game message stating a new patch was released and restart your client for it to take effect...


SWTOR's game engine supports this feature, and according to the dev's in early development was one of the main features they chose to work with this engine, yet they have never used this feature once.


Just one of the many bullet points on the SWTOR fail list.


Holy smokes, you do bring up a good point. Do you know how awesome that would be if they went to that sort of updating like Guild Wars? I'd love it. And I'm in the USA where it is now 3:28AM and I was playing the game, nite time is usually the only time I get to play. Oh well, back to school work I go.

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I'm not going to complain about the servers going down, but does anyone not see the reason why they take all the servers down no matter the region. You can play either region no matter where you live. Look at it this way. Lets say the new 1.2 patches were being released, and they only took down the North American servers to do the update but left the other ones.

While the servers are down your launcher automatically updates to 1.2. So you long into the game, and see the North American realms are still down, so you try the Oceanic realms, which would, theoretically, still be up. You would have so many conflicts cause the server is 1.1.5c but your game files are 1.2. So you would have to wait any ways for the North American realms to come up anyways.

They aren't going to be able to take them down during a period that would please everyone, because like someone said, its prime time all day long, just for different people at different times. Also a Majority of the realms are North American so the majority of the prime time for those realms are during the day time for us.

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People have the right as customers to complain, just no one will hear your complaints except other players. I doubt any of the devs or people running the company even read the forums, just some outsourced cheap customer service to move and close thread. If its true that Bioware cant patch any of the clients/servers separately then its a bad design decision imo. Trying to cut costs while pissing off your player base is bad for business.


The game looks like its run on this kind of business model though everyone can see it clearly. Even if they lose player subscriptions at a massive rate, the questions they will ask are how can we improve things, by patching in friend trials and free weekends, improving the game or listening to the player base on what they want is not even part of the equation.

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anyone who plays an MMO should be aware of downtime, its a part of playing the game. The problem everyone is having is this is unscheduled maintenance that, if like the past 2 "patches", are for freeweekenders. So they are hurting their shrinking paying population to cater to people who may not even subscribe anyway.


To be fair, Free weekends are good for the community, but fix your base first, then pull in more people. Your best source is the people already paying. make them happy first.


take it from the resturant business: The best marketing is solid operations.


[edit} Grammar

Edited by Lucrothop
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O.K here's something else to gripe about apart from the second patch this week during Oceania prime time...its also a free trial weekend! you trying to impress free trials with the fact they can't play lol? doesn't it take long enough to download the client as it is, which can only be done at the start of the trial and when the game is actually working...why on earth would you have a free trial weekend and a patch at the same time? Edited by Thepainfairy
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It's not a patch really, just a game update to allow the "weekend" players to play for this coming weekend.


**** em ... let em play all the planets they want... thats all they are doing right? preventing them from seing the rest of this game... well im drunk and i still enjoy the lame after levels crap ... but i am also drunk ... so a lot of things seem more or less fun and like good ideas...still i say ... **** em ... let em play free cap their hours idk ... just let me send my peopls out of crafting missions...im so close to breaking 400 so i can make more usueless pretty purple wepons for my company i never use anymore :D:cool:

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